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S.O.U. L. Everlasting [OOC - Arc I Started - Not Accepting at this Time - PG-16]


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[In Character Thread can be found (here).]










[spoiler=Synopsis]"Gah.  It's been so bloody long since she left.  And what with the bigot of our century being beheaded, I've no entertainment!  How droll," he mused.  A two headed,  bloated horned frog hopped past him, as he sat on a rotting log.  "Ya know, Dream.  Ya could seek entertainment.  Play a game why don't cha?"


The man tipped his hat to the frog in greeting.  "I say, Winchester, you always pipe up with the right ideas.  But where will I g--ooooo!"  The log below him crumbled.  Down he tumbled into a well.  Hitting his head on a loose, mossy stone, he kicked at the murky water in disgust.  But that was when he saw something appealing.  "Why would something so shiny be sitting in this dreadful water?" he wondered aloud.


"It does not belong to you, Mad Man."  But Dream had already snatched it out of the water, before the man in the Anubis Mask could stop him.  "Do not meddle in things you do not understand!"


"But I understand lots, dog friend.  This seems to be of value to you," he said twisting the oddly bright, black crystal about.  "I'll take it!"  Squeezing it tightly, "Dream" vanished in a storm of lightning, before he was dropped in the middle of a world he'd never seen.  Surrounded by sand, camel, and a lust for treasure, he began to explore.  And with this crystal, he would unravel more secrets than he bargained for.


The man in the Anubis mask slammed his staff in rage, knowing he was just out of reach of the

[spoiler=Jykal Chalis]m9nfvr.png[/spoiler]


"I will not allow this.  Not again," said the Curator. "Jykal Chalis.  Shaper of Naught.  I will destroy you, and your wielder too." A sandstorm, out of pure thin air, engulfed him, and he had vanished as well.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=The Story. . .Well . . .Your Story at Least. . . ]

You stare into a black computer screen, and it suddenly flickers to life, illuminating the millions upon billions of dust particles surrounding you.  A sultry gentleman appearing to be in his early fifties appears before you, curling his black mustache.  He finally notices you, and his normally slender eyes explode with excitement, literally.  The blood tickles your face, and you watch in confusion as he wipes his face, to reveal his perfectly normal, but rather large, emerald eyes.


"Ah!  Good evening!" he announced.  "My name. . .well, for sake of time, my name is "Dream".  There is a last name, but we can become formally acquainted at a later date.  I trust the reason you're in these offices is because you're interested in playing with my family and I!  Rest assured, this will be a game for your history books, ladies and dogs.  Now then, allow me to get to the da-tails," he annunciates harshly.


The Antagonist, "Dream That", has spilled over from a fictional world created by someone. . .someone. . .on Earth.  Their location has been concealed and you have been chosen as formidable opponents to partake in "Dream's" game.  His goal:  to deliver unto this planet a spectacle that proves his magic is worthy of taking over your planet, and return to his home world and repeat.  But, to spare the lives of innocents--most of them anyway--"Dream" has given you a target location to reach, where he has prepared a stage fitting for the game.  A Shakespearian stage.  A stage where this world's secrets will be revealed, and "Dream" intends to use his magics to "heal" and "aid" this world's problems.  Of course, he couldn't just have you reach the final act without obstacles.  "Dream" has recruited, among his family, many 'Stage Hands' , who will be attempting to slow your progression, if not end it completely.  Just above the Stage Hands are (tba) Titans.  They are a cut above, and are hand picked by Dream himself.  Revealed at a later date.


"What you do is up to you.  Who you choose, could make you blue, and when you lose, so the world too!" he giggled, like a school girl.  "Well, don't just sit there!  Make your way to your first destination!  And you only have 24 hours.  Any later, and you'll be staring at spoiled and over cooked goods!"


Of course, every good team should have a leader.  And he should not remain in shadow.  Until it is time, his nature and name shall remain untold.  But you may refer to him as, "The Curator".  He will attempt to provide reconnaissance and information to you throughout your journey.  Some restrictions may apply.


A man covered in heavy green robes, wearing a Mask of Anubis approaches you from the shadows.  He slams a staff into the hollow office floor, and the building itself begins to crumble.  "Come," he speaks in a deep voice, ushering you past him.  "You will become the saviors of this world.  You will be, the Seraphs."


Elsewhere, "Dream" turns to his associates, a book in his right hand, a cup of tea in his left.  "Please don't stare.  It's rude.  Now, if you'll follow me, I'll have my darlings escort you to your destination."




They did not have a place to call home, those Seraphs.  Instead, The Curator led them to the center of the desert, where no eyes could pry for hundreds of miles.  Drawing out his staff, he began to speak.


"This mad man.  He has procured a crystal of immense power.  One of many.  This crystal, when used properly, possesses the ability to shape reality.  If you can think it, it can be done.  And in hands like his," The Curator trembled.  "Your entire world is at stake."  He waved his staff into the midnight air, and a cold breeze surrounded them, before lashing at the sands below. An array of stone platforms raised from the ground, forming an elaborate maze that burrowed deep under ground.  Their presence was suddenly muffled by a sandstorm, as the Curator led them inside.  "We have much to do," he murmured.



Things were simple before all of this.  You were just an ordinary human.  You possessed your own unique traits, sure, but super powers were a thing of fantasy and comics.   Then, a crazy man comes out of seemingly nowhere, claiming to take control of your world?  How dare he!?  It wasn't until you were reached by the Curator or "Dream" that you were blessed with your abilities, and these abilities you will use to either corrupt or save your world.


Dream possesses the ability to reshape everything you know and hold dear, but the Curator means to do different.  Will you be a part of the chaos that ensues?  Or will you seek world order?




[spoiler=Da Rules]



--All standard YCM Rules apply.  Don't forget your Four lines in IC posts.


--Be creative in your character creation!  Borrowing ideas and abilities is fine of course, but I look forward to seeing what you have buried in those skulls of yours.


--Current Character Limit is:  4.  If, at a later date, we all agree to raise or lower the limit, it will be adjusted!


--No godmodding or powerplaying, please.  Your characters are not invincible!  Neither are my own!  Let's play fair.


--Enjoy yourself!  But please respect those you are playing with.[/spoiler]






Character Name:  (Please include first and last.)

Character Image:  (Pictures are fine!  If not, please use a brief paragraph to describe them.  Height, weight, etc.)

Character Age:  (Do I really need to clarify?  You're human, so you probably aren't ancient!  But hey, you can be a senior if you choose.  Try not to exceed age 90 though, okay?)

Character Background:  (Up to recent history, if you please.  If you choose to apply under "Dream's" allegiance, a.k,a. 'Stage Hand', please state why your character chose to join Dream.  Be sure to include when your character was blessed.)

Character Personality:  (What type of person is your hero?  Abrasive?  Abusive?  Hyper-intelligent?

Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment:  (Kunai?  Shotguns?  Magical Barriers that hold portals to the underworld? (Okay, that's a bit much >.>)  Get creative!  But note, if your character is deemed too strong, you risk being turned down.  Also, please be descriptive.  Don't just tell me the names of your powers.  Be sure to describe their limits and what they can do!)

Character Occupation:  (Only if applicable.  You could be a cop taken off duty to deal with this s***, or you could be a high schooler who got swept up into the mess.  Get creative.)

Allegiance:  (Which side are you on?  Seraph or Titan)[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Additional Information]


For those who may want to know:


Your starting location, depending on your allegiance will be either Uganda (Titans) or Ros Well, New Mexico (Seraphs).  Both teams will meet their leader almost immediately, and will be given instructions on where to go and how to get there.  Don't worry!  I'll be very specific!  I will reveal all crucial Act information at the appropriate time, though it will usually be at the start of the Act (unless I state otherwise).


Each Act will be unique, but will only subtly tie in to previous / upcoming Acts in the sense of the real world.  New comers may wish to review previous Acts to see what they missed, or just to get an up to date synopsis.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Act 1]



No information is currently available.  The database is corrupted.[/spoiler]


I'd like to take this time to thank each and every one of you for showing interest here, and I hope to see us reach the end of this journey, together.  Have fun.  But do your characters a favor, and don't fall asleep.


"The impossible may be possible, if you believe it to be true."  -- "Dream That"


[spoiler=My Characters]


[spoiler=The Curator]

Username:  Hi I'm Dad

Character Name:  The Curator

Character Image:  Standing at six feet and seven inches, the Curator is a massive being.  His face has not yet been revealed, but he wears a golden Mask of Anubis to cover his face.  His head appears to be covered in a thick brown and yellow hair, barely visible under his heavy green robes.  His robes reach his feet, and drag behind him.  On his wrists are two stone bracelets, with magical golden seals around them, and an ancient Egyptian engraved on either side.  He wears dark black pants, striped with red magical seals near the end of the pants leg, close to his ankle.  His ear lobes are visible despite his robe, and each one holds a long, diamond earring in the shape of an hourglass, but two dimensional.  Despite these clocks being two dimensional, sand can be seen running through them.

Character Age:  Currently unknown.  In appearance, the Curator seems to be at least 60.

Character Background:  He finds most comfort being in Egypt, as it is similar to his native land.  Until recently, the Curator was a peacekeeper, holding off the wicked by force, or defending the weak as a wall.  He has only a fragment of his family that still lives, but he has not seen his brother since they betrayed each other some time ago.  Upon learning of Dream and his discovery of the Jykal Chalis, the Curator sprang into action in an attempt to keep the Chalis out of Dream's hands.  He was too late, however, and Dream escaped narrowly.  Now he has gathered an army of followers, called Seraphs, in which he hopes will aid him in the retake of a deadly weapon that could potentially over throw even time itself.  The Curator has recently lead the Seraphs into a stone labyrinth, and is preparing them for their journey. 

Character Personality:  The Curator is extremely intelligent.  He often speaks of time periods that he should not know or understand, and often speaks of the future as if he can already read it.  He is very blunt, and often will tell the harsh truth, even to the Seraphs.  Though a peacekeeper, he is not hesitant, and will use force when necessary.

Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment:  [spoiler=Combat Informative]

The Curator wields a curved halberd, with a blunt end instead of a blade.  He believes, "it teaches better lessons".  The halberd is magical, and made of an unbreakable magic oak.

All of the Curator's abilities are powered by his halberd.


Death by Judgment:  The Curator empowers his staff with the souls of the lost.  He swings it down with two hands, burdening whomever is hit with the souls of the lost, and sapping them of their strength for a short period.  Deals moderate damage.


Holy Living Flame:  The Curator stabs at the ground with the longer end of his halberd, releasing a shockwave and 3 cracks towards his target.  Upon reaching his target(s), the cracks explode in a small radius, and the ground that they covered becomes radiated, leaking a purple and blue flame that whispers to his enemies.   The voices are dark, and often drive victims insane if they are not mentally strong.


Never Ending Tomb of Punishment:  The Curator uses his free hand to manipulate the air and moisture around a target, turning it into a thick sludge.  The target's movement is slowed greatly, and they suffer poisoning over (2) posts.


Enraged God, Holy Judgment, the Living Death Guardian:  The Curator surrounds himself in the Elements of the earth and stars, absorbing them and growing in size (to about twenty feet tall, and he'll weight about 4 tons).  A pulsating blue cloud of a magical sotrm surrounds him, dealing damage to foes who stand in it.  His movement is increased, but he is much, much easier to hit.  During this state, he can temporarily absorb elemental damages, and turn them against his foes.[/spoiler]


Character Occupation:  Peacekeeper.

Allegiance:  Seraph Leader[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Dream, Mad Man of Eternity]


Name:  Dream That

Image:  Dream stands at six feet tall exactly.  He's an elderly man, about 54, balding in the middle of his head, but surprisingly well endowed with hair on the left and right sides of his head.  His hair, though he is elderly, is not white in color.  Instead, it is a deep purple and matches the blotches in his mangy, puke colored green suit.  He wears a top hat, who's purple band is peeling from age.  He wears tight silk white bottoms, and black buckle shoes, with golden buckles.  He's often smiling, his teeth rotten with decay, and he usually smells of cotton balls.  

Age: 54

Background:  Hailing from the land of Wunderbar, Dream is literally out of a fantasy.  After stumbling upon a powerful magic crystal, he squeezed it tightly, wondering what would come of his new found toy.  It took him out of his story land, and smack dab onto planet Earth.  For some brief time he was dumbfounded at the various technologies that whizzed past him, nearly ending his life.  Cars.  Busses.  Trains and planes.  He'd never seen something so. . .odd.  And yet, each time he came close to death, he would tighten his eyes and his grip on the crystal.  Miraculously, he would be fine.  The others involved?  Not so much.  It was only after several days of toying with the crystal that he understood what he was doing.  Squeezing the crystal caused it to react to it's wielder's thoughts, and those thoughts suddenly became reality.  He soon dreamed himself up a family, squeezing the crystal tightly as he slept in back alleys and on sidewalks.  Overnight, he was a father of four full grown children; two daughters and two sons.  And they showed him a path that he couldn't imagine.


"Papa.  You could do much more with that stone."


"I agree, papa.  You should think bigger."


"You mean, like a castle?"


"Bigger, papa."


"A country?"


"No, papa."  "A world," they said in unison.


Dream laughed.  It was then he had started his new conquest.  A world conquest.  But first, a little game. . . .


Personality:  Dream is rather deranged.  He may not seem it, but constantly having a smile on his face to hide the horrors of his past and mentality was truly disturbing.  Fortunately, he took just enough joy in his family that he refrained from directly harming others.  He's also very bold, and won't hesitate to say what's on his mind.  In their brief lifetime together, he has never been sassed by his children, as they seem to understand a world of pain awaits them if they do.

Weapons, Powers, and Abilities:  With the Jykal Chalis in his hands, Dream's power is almost limitless.  If he becomes paranoid for even a moment, he could dream up a weapon to erase mankind, or even the galaxy.  He is limited only by his imagination.  Though he is not immortal, he can dream up a younger body and transfer his consciousness to it, restoring his strength.  With a strange, but fluent stretch of hand to hand combat, and a powerful rapier at his side, Dream is not one to tango.

Occupation:  Before these events, Dream was but a loyal servant to a dastardly leader.  Her ways corrupt and her heart black, he had no choice but to follow her or be killed.  Now, he is but a dreamer.

Allegiance:  His own, of course.[/spoiler]








[spoiler=Accepted Applications]


Arisu--"I'll turn your 'Dreams' into nightmares."--Arisu when she learns of Dream's intentions.

Our Father--"By his hands, you shall atone for your sins."--Our Father upon Dream's declaration of war.

Maxwell Troy--"No words can describe the detriment you bring."--Maxwell, after learning who Dream is, and what he's after.

Archibald Solomon Markise--"Only those of royalty should seek out the kingdom."--Archie, declaring war.

Breanna Jackson--"Roll for crit!  No?  Well fuck you then!"--Breanna, as she takes someone's life with her bare hands because, y'know, she can do that.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Stage Hands]

Jin Marcowsi--"I'll feed you to my fire  gullet!!" --Jin, upon contact with Dream.

Alexandra Morte--"A game?  A game of death?  You've got my attention!"--Alexandra after speaking with Dream.

Rosso Blacklash "The Scarlet Devourer"-"Allow me to show you the beauty of a rose, and the fear of it's thorns." --Rosso, offering his services to Dream.

Ryouta Kozuki-"They say a man's best friend is a dog.  Not mine.  It's this blade."--Ryouta, simply being Ryouta.

Altria Dubhine--"I've no need to conceal my presence.  Your ignorance will do that for me."[/spoiler][/spoiler]

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Very mysterious set-up, I appreciate the mysterious!


[spoiler=Jin Marcowsi]


Username: Final Fantasy Revolution


Character Name: Jin Marcowsi

[spoiler=Character Image]

Standing at an impressive six feet and and one inch, and a well sized two hundred and thrity pounds, Jin Marcowsi has a muscular frame and a powerful body.




Character Age: 27


[spoiler=Character Background:  WARNING: Not a pretty bio.]


To understand the mind that has now possessed the body of Jin Marcowsi, we must first go back to where things had gone wrong for him; where certain aspects started to...grow, for lack of a better term. When he was only a boy, there had been a fire within his home while his family had been asleep. Young Jin, who had needed to use the bathroom during, was the only one to awake soon enough to escape the fire. However, Jin had tried to save his parents and younger sister, but was too late; he saw their charred bodies through the flames that their limbs were black and their faces, oh god their faces. He had almost rooted to the spot and died with them, but something made him survive. He thrust himself out of his bedroom window and ran as far as he could go for two straight hours.


Eventually, officers had found Jin and he was placed with a foster family and given counseling provided by the city. Things seemed fine for Jin until his High School days, when a routine fire drill had taken place. It wasn't a drill for him, however, his mind imagined real flames were created throughout the school halls. Jin broke the glass to fhe fire extinguiser box and started to spray down the imaginary flames and some studnts and teachers he believed were actually on fire. Once again, Jin was calmed down by officers and official as well as his adoptive parents, and given counseling provided by the city. For years it stuck now: Jin was out of college, had a decent paying job, and a lovely girlfriend he was set to marry. Jin, however, thought there had been something missing, something that didn't feel right in his life. It was the next day that Jin had joined the volunteer fire department; to ensure that no one went through the same hardships that he had endured.


Jin had been on many calls and had been a firefighter for five months and was loving the fact that he was helping people. However, one call in particular would change all that for him. His team had gotten into the house and were now searching for anyone left inside while the blaze roared on. Jin heard the sound of crying from a bedroom and picked up a child from her crib, a young girl, and had turned to save her from the house. "Why hadn't you saved me the first time..." A faint voice said to Jin, he looked at the baby and her smuged face was now replaced with the melted face of his own sister. The bedsheets ruffled behind and, in Jin's mind, his own paren'ts bodies were sitting up and looking at him with melted faces. Jin dropped the baby and had lost his mind to the visions of the past. He took the fire axe and chopped the bodies to bits, when the other firefighters came he also attacked them, their faces being replaced with the melted faces of his family.


Officers subdued Jin with tazers and physical force after he kills twelve people, always making sure the face of the victim is unrecognizeable. After months of trials and hearings, it was agreed that Jin was unstable and a threat to human life; he was made into a High Profile Case and contained in a sanity ward. However, just as fire had destroyed him it would now release him, a fire broke out within the building and quickly spread; all the patients had to be evacuated. With the panic he had made his escape, but not to any destination officers could comprehend; he was with Dream now.




Character Personality: Jin's mental state has effected his personality over the years and has altered it dramatically. While over the years he has been able to supress his episodes, when one begins there is no telling what he might do. Jin has become schizophranic to the point where the boundry between real and make believe has been blurred. Dream had come to Jin just after his escape, but Jin had originally attacked Dream, believing that he was actually an Insanity Ward Doctor coming to give him medicine and tests. Dream, while dodging punches from Jin, explained how he was the exact opposite of a doctor; Jin stopped his attack when Dream mentioned that Jin would be helping him and not the other way around. Dream filled Jin's mind about him being a most important part of his goals and how he could change the world with Jin's help. Jin joined dream and has been serving him since, honestly believing that he was making a good descision.


[spoiler=Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment: ]

Fireaxe: A two handed weapon meant for dealing heavy mele damage.


Standard Firefighter Rescue Knife



Gas Mask: A gas mask covers Jin's face, this allows him to go through smoke screens and poison gas while being unaffected by its negative effects. In addition, the lenses within the gas mask will make it so Jin's sight is not impaired while entering a smoke screen or other such cloud based attack.


Fire Resistant Suit: A suit made of special material that resists flames, the material is also tougher than regular clothing, allowing Jin to take a bigger punch.


Smoke Grenades: Grenades that produce a large smoke cloud very quickly.




Above Average Strength


Proficient in Close Quarters Combat


Overwhelming Aura: Jin's body produces an aura of intense heat that will affect any engulfed within its radius. The victims will feel as if they are caught in a house fire and are being lashed with intense heat. Within a few minutes of being within the aura, the victim will start to have burns form on their skin and their overall fighting performance will become sluggish. Victims will die if they are exposed to the aura for long periods of time. (Effective Radius: 20 Meters)


Fire Enhancement: Jin can coat his axe blade in fire and attack with it for increased damage, the targets having a chance to be set a blaze if hit.


Flint Drop: Jin will swing his axe down mercifully at his opponent, with the blade's edge glinting; if the attack were to connect with anything, a large explosion would erupt damaging himself as well as his enemy.


Adamantine Blast: Jin can launch a moderately sized sphere of intense flame at his opponent that, if connected with anything, will spread into a large area of flames to engulf his opponent.


Magma Spliter: Jin slams his axe on the ground causing the ground to split and crack towards his opponent; the cracks will then release gushing magma towards the opponent in waves.




Character Occupation:

Fire Fighter>Insanity Ward High Profile Case>Dream Team


Allegiance:  The Dream Team




[spoiler=Our Father]






Username: Final Fantasy Revolution


Character Name:  Our Father


[spoiler=Character Image:]

The figure stands at a height of five feet and ten inches with a weight of two hundred and ten pounds. What it stands for is known, what it is, well, that is uncertain.




Character Age:  Somewhere between forty and sixty, exact age is no longer determinable.


Character Background:  In the times before Our Father existed, there was a holy person basking in the light of the higher powers. This holy person went through their life doing nice deeds and helping out the community. There was no wedding, no significant other, as the world and all its people and living things were the only muse for this person. However, in the night, the darkest hours of the moon's rotation, the mind wondered if there wasn't something more that could be done to help humanity and their world. It was then that the Curator happened to find our holy person and explain all the goings on of the war that was about to begin.


The priest dropped to their knees and begged, pleaded with the masked man, wanting to be a force of divinity and righteousness for the rest of their days. At first, The Curator was hesitant, but after the holy person explained that they would give anything to become a force that could aid humanity for all its days, he agreed. Striping away any signs of the former priest's identity including useless things like age, gender, and sense of self as well as personal history, the priest became a figure known as Our Father. The name had been adopted by the figure itself and The Curator had been doubting what he had actually done…


Character Personality:  Our Father's sense of self has been stripped from his being, and therefore has no true personality. When asked questions or spoken to, he will reply in a balanced even-toned voice that gives no hint of emotion. However, this does not imply that Our Father can't be taken by surprise, nor does it mean that he won't reply when taken by surprise or when injured. It simply means that his words will absent of the damage he has taken and of the surprise he has experienced. Out Father is incapable of reading emotions or being sympathetic to emotional causes; his sense of right and wrong are written in black and white.

[spoiler=Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment:]


~Our Father carries no known weapons.


~The Medallion of Higher Power: A symbol of holy power and divinity drapes from Our Father’s neck. It cannot be removed, it cannot be destroyed, and its will can not be overcome. The medallion will whisper dark thoughts into the ears of Our Father’s opponents and cause them to take actions that they might not normally take. I.E.: Jack Ofalltrades attempts to throw a spear at Our Father, but the medallion suggests that Jack toss a smoke grenade instead, Jack tosses the smoke grenade instead of throwing the spear. However, the medallion doesn’t always whisper, and after it makes its whisper it will stay quiet for a length of time-assuming the spirit within has better things to do than whisper.

~Holy Talismans: The talismans that Our Father wields can be thrown or cast on the ground for a character to become entrapped within. If thrown, the holy power unleashes in the form of an energy ball that tracks the opponent until it connects with something-ideally the opponent. If a character steps near a grounded talisman within the range of fifteen meters, that character will be rooted in place for several seconds.



~Prayer Based Technique :: Bigby’s Crushing Hand:

Flatten thine enemies with great force,

Crush all heathen’s bones into Hell,

By thine knuckle might judgement pass,

and thy higher power be pleased with thee.

After saying the necessary prayer, Our Father slams his fist into the ground, summoning a huge fist of divine power from the sky to crush any target Our Father deems appropriate.

~Prayer Based Technique :: Bigby’s Forceful Palm:

Push thy pursuers away with grace,

Force all who oppose your will away from thee,

By thine hand might truth shine through,

and might thy higher power stay well.

After saying the necessary prayer, Our Father thrusts his palm toward his target, summoning a huge open palm of divine power from his own to force any enemy away.

~Dimensional Lock:

A shimmering barrier of emerald energy is created around you and the opponent, nulling all forms extra-dimensional travel. However, attacks utilizing extra-dimensional travel are still useable.

Our Father can bless ground and weapons to have areas and items gain certain effects. Any area affected by Consecration inflicts damage to anyone other than Our Father and any blade blessed with Consecration will inflict additional holy damage to an opponent; if chosen, the blessed weapon can also heal the wielder at the cost of ending Consecration.

~Divine Blades:
Our Father can utilize blades created by divine energy to attack his opponents with. He may only have four active at any given time.

After sprouting wings of divine power, Our Father may fly for a limited number of posts.


Character Occupation:  In the before time, Our Father was a humble holy person, a priest. He has no recollection of this now, however.


Allegiance:  Seraphs


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I have not done an RP in forever, so I may be a bit rusty. If this doesn't work for ya, I'll fix it.

[spoiler= App]

Username: Hellspawn Sage 

Character Name:  Archibald Solomon Markise (Goes by Archie)

Character Image: Archie is Caucasian male, With Blondish-Brown Fauxhawk that fades the lower it goes. He has unusually Violet Eyes. There's a scar from when he hit his head way back when that looks like he miscut his eye brow. There's slight stubble on his face. He stands at 5'11, and refuses to grow any higher. He has a build of a track star. He wears a Grey Suit, with a black shirt, and wing-tips.

Character Age:  32

Character Background:  Archie was a former track-star, but lost his body and mind to Casinos. But he could back it up. He made riches in Vegas, and lived a life few men dare to dream. It took his pals knocking him out with his own briefcase to get him out of Vegas and back to his *FICTIONAL* hometown of Wesley, MI. Instead of enjoying his spoils, he does what every foolish over confident man does: he goes to Atlantic City, the Vegas of the east. It was there his life changed. While on his way to Revel Casino, half of his life-savings in his hands, his mind was attacked. It was unclear who the attacker was, but Solomon grabbed his head in agonizing pain. It took only a minute for him to faint, but it took drugs, hopes, prayers, and a little over ten years to wake him up. He came back calm and collected. Not angry, as most would be in his condition, but renewed. He had no desire for the money he lost that day, nor any to gain in the future. It was in his mind that he was blessed by The Curator, and chose to join the Seraphs. In his mind, his sacred, earth saving abilities were revealed. He went to his old apartment in Wesley, finding nothing but a bed. On this mattress, his items were aligned. He had a Black overcoat, in it a Grey Suit. Aligned adjacent to the coat in a neatly fashion was a Deck of Cards, Dice, and Platinum Coin. They shimmered, glowing a purple color. He refused to put the coat on, saying 'It wasn't his style' but everything else was. As he touched the the deck of cards, his hand was burnt. It was a sharp pain to feel, but it left the insignia of sorcerer tattooed on to his hands. The cards floated and circled him suddenly, as if happy to see him. They all collided at once and shot up his jacket sleeve. He looked to see where they went, but they were missing. He grabbed the coin. It was a double sided coin of the same insignia, ensuring a victory. The Dice was different as well. Instead of numbers, it had multiple drawings on it. Skulls, the Insignia, Flame, what looked to be a rock, a water droplet, and a blank side on each. He spent hours trying to figure them out, until his anger channeled it out. He raised his fist at what was to be his bed, and half through punching the mattress, an Ace flies out of his wrist. The card's drawing comes to life, as a brigade of small planes flew out of the cards surface, destroying his room wall. His face lie in shock to the power of an Ace. "Imagine the king" he told himself. I wanna finish this off but I don't know how to, what should I put..

Character Personality:  Archibald is over confident, thus being impulsive with decisions. He doesn't know this, but it's the reason he refuses to lead anything. His "revival" has made him extremely comical and will add a joke in in the most serious of times. 

Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment:  Archibald uses an Enchanted Deck of Cards, Dice, and Coins, combined with his Magic Hand, engraved with a symbol of Magic to power the said items. 

Character Occupation:  Track Coach at a high school.

Allegiance: Seraphs


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[spoiler=Arisu Itakura]

Username:  Imaizumi Kagerou

Character Name:  Arisu Itakura

Character Image:  Arisu is around 162 centimeters tall, and her build was pretty similar to the usual teenagers. She has short, silver-ish blue hair with long sideburns and bright, red eyes. She usually wears a buttoned white shirt and blue shorts. She always wears gloves and mountain boots everywhere, but she casts the gloves off whenever she’s reading.


Character Age:  19


Character Background:  Arisu was a normal university student with a quite unique interest, ancient alchemy and arcane magic. Unlike most people that only shown some interest to it and looked up about it for a bit in the internet or books, especially with the the science of Chemistry being already filling its spot as a more ‘rational’ approach to alchemy, Arisu still believed that the alchemy like how people in the past imagined it was right, and determined to learn more and more about it, to try creating the fabled item called Philosopher’s Stone.


Safe to say she failed, because well, the ‘alchemy’ that she tried was definitely not scientifically correct. She became a recluse after realizing that his pursuit was fruitless, up until Dream visited her and told her about everything.


Personally, she had no drive to save the world, but a chance to live up to her fantasies was something that didn’t come all day. So she decided to be a Seraph, and from that day onwards, the new chapter of Arisu’s story unfolded.


Character Personality:  Best way to describe Arisu is that she’s an egocentric jerk that will not stop at any cost to pursue her goals, no matter who or what is in her way. She always believes that her ideas are the best solution for any problem. This made her really unpopular with other people, even if she usually means well. After some time, she caught up with this, and tried to put up a childish, whimsical persona as a front, to make her be able to get close with others. This made others think that she’s unreliable and underestimate her though, in the end.


Arisu is a scholar at heart, a pursuer of knowledge. But despite of that, she believed that true knowledge could not be found only in books, but in experiments and nature itself, so she travelled a lot to study. But that doesn’t make her hate books. In fact, she loves reading. Reading and analyzing others too, and in combat, this ability is pretty important.


Arisu is also heavily deluded, having difficulties in separating facts from fiction, reality from illusion. But she doesn’t care, and believes that her “Illusion” is actually her “Reality”. This was why she continue pursuing about magic despite everything in her world said that it’s impossible because it’s not real.

Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment:

Philosopher’s Stone: The pinnacle of Arisu’s entire dream. A blood-red stone made of solidified souls, including her own soul. Arisu could transmutate it into any melee weapons she could remember, but it will only have the properties of the standard weapon, durability aside. She could also use it to reform her body when it was destroyed, using any materials that she could get around her. It is also able to be used as a way to channel energies from leylines or magical power sources, and mainly she used this ability to form more weapons using it. This is also her weakness, as she used this to store her own soul. She was trying to replicate this using the knowledge of alchemy that she had, so she could safely hide the one with her soul tucked inside it. She cannot use living things as material for her new body.


Illusion Magic: As her entire life was all but her being deluded by the fantasy of the old, this manifested as this ability to create illusionary constructs to fool the opponents. These illusions does not work by playing around with the senses of the target, but it was also not actual phantom-like constructs. Illusion, in its purest form. How her power works is simple, yet potent. She projects her personal dream world, her stage, into the surrounding area, and she could manipulate the realm to show anything that her imagination could conjure, but she couldn’t actually affect her foe directly due to her power only working to the bounded field of hers, and she couldn’t conjure a complex scenario.


Magic Drain: How her ego and selfishness manifested in this world. She believes that she was the only one deserving to use magic, and with that, she will take back what’s rightfully hers. Though, it wasn’t simple. First, she needed to find the magical energy channel in her opponent’s body, though mainly those were placed in someone’s hands or arms so it was not the hard part. Then, physical contact is needed to link herself with the channel. And then, she must make sure that there’s an opening for her to start draining the magic, as an attempt of resistance on this stage could end up with her being the one that getting drained. After she started draining though, the link will be somewhat permanent as long as the target was around her.


Elemental Magic: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning. Pretty basic magic spells that she could conjure, but with her ability to use external power sources, they could be quite a force.

[spoiler=List of Skills]


Fantasy of the Caged Soul: The Sphere World of Non-Perception: Arisu conjures her personal dream world to envelop the area around her in a bounded field of illusion. The area of effect is 30 meters in diameter, but this only means that she could not conjure illusions/figments of her fantasies outside of the area, people outside of the area will still see her illusion. None of her illusions can harm the opponent physically. This skill’s activation is not blatant and can easily be disguised as something else, the bounded field existing is not apparent, and people can freely leave the bounded field or come into it.


The Hero’s Eternal Story: Repetitive Phantasmagoria: Arisu has the capability of fooling people into thinking that she had died after an attack using her illusions. And if she was reduced to merely a stone, she could still conjure a death scene that should convince people that she had died, only to ‘revive’ on the next minute.


The Ego that Devours All: Dance of the Withering World: Would only be available if she was able to read the traces of magic of everything around her after an analysis. Linking the sources of magic that she had read using strings and needles conjured from her philosopher’s stone, and starts draining their magic using those as siphons, while she conjures more and more strings and needles using the drained magic to drain the magic further and to defeat her opponent, while moving around like she’s dancing.


Infinite Weapon Creation: Phantasmal Dance of Unlimited Blades: Or an illusion of one, to be more exact. Arisu attacks her opponent using thousands upon thousands of weapons conjured from thin air. While it was all illusions, she could analyze the opponent’s capabilities more using this, and strike them when they’re too focused by the infinite weapons that attacked them. But, unlike her other illusions, except the last one, she could use magic to actually make some of the weapons physical enough to harm her opponent. It doesn’t even need to be the same power as an actual sword, as a 1/10th of it would still be overkill if it came wave after waves to assault her opponent. Not to mention, making swords that could barely hurt her opponent would be more efficient in the end. She could utilize outside power sources or leylines to materialize even more weapons.


Magnificent Wonderland of Arisu: The Final Dream of a Young Woman: The last episode of Alice’s tale. A dreamworld that is the pinnacle of Alice’s merging perception of reality and fantasy. Forcefully pushing enough part of her soul into her body to keep it alive, she scattered her Philosopher’s stone into the air, and have it merge with her illusion, while draining all non-sentient magic sources around her to turn her illusion world into a “Wonderland”, the place where Alice intended to finish her story, the place where her fantasies and dream ran wild. The area of her bounded field increased several times, and there were now visible indications about the bounded field.

But Alice does not care about people knowing her power now. The time for illusions is over. The philosopher stone fragments and the huge magic pool she used could turn most of her illusions into reality when this is active. Create and erase, to shape or destroy, it is in her hand now. The hero has transcended over the illusion called “reality”, and reached his own truth. The ultimate attack.

It has a major drawback though. As soon as she ran out of magic, or has too little of it to regather the Stone Fragments, she will die after using this skill. Even if she lives, the strain will require her to rest for a while unless she wants to continue fighting with a huge handicap in her parameters.

This could change though, if she manage to create another Stone….



Character Occupation: University Student

Allegiance:  Seraph



If you want to ask about how the hell the power works, hit me on skype.

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I have not done an RP in forever, so I may be a bit rusty. If this doesn't work for ya, I'll fix it.

[spoiler= App]

Username: Hellspawn Sage 

Character Name:  Archibald Solomon Markise (Goes by Archie)

Character Image: Archie is Caucasian male, With Blondish-Brown Fauxhawk that fades the lower it goes. He has unusually Violet Eyes. There's a scar from when he hit his head way back when that looks like he miscut his eye brow. There's slight stubble on his face. He stands at 5'11, and refuses to grow any higher. He has a build of a track star. He wears a Grey Suit, with a black shirt, and wing-tips.

Character Age:  32

Character Background:  Archie was a former track-star, but lost his body and mind to Casinos. But he could back it up. He made riches in Vegas, and lived a life few men dare to dream. It took his pals knocking him out with his own briefcase to get him out of Vegas and back to his *FICTIONAL* hometown of Wesley, MI. Instead of enjoying his spoils, he does what every foolish over confident man does: he goes to Atlantic City, the Vegas of the east. It was there his life changed. While on his way to Revel Casino, half of his life-savings in his hands, his mind was attacked. It was unclear who the attacker was, but Solomon grabbed his head in agonizing pain. It took only a minute for him to faint, but it took drugs, hopes, prayers, and a little over ten years to wake him up. He came back calm and collected. Not angry, as most would be in his condition, but renewed. He had no desire for the money he lost that day, nor any to gain in the future. It was in his mind that he was blessed by The Curator, and chose to join the Seraphs. In his mind, his sacred, earth saving abilities were revealed. He went to his old apartment in Wesley, finding nothing but a bed. On this mattress, his items were aligned. He had a Black overcoat, in it a Grey Suit. Aligned adjacent to the coat in a neatly fashion was a Deck of Cards, Dice, and Platinum Coin. They shimmered, glowing a purple color. He refused to put the coat on, saying 'It wasn't his style' but everything else was. As he touched the the deck of cards, his hand was burnt. It was a sharp pain to feel, but it left the insignia of sorcerer tattooed on to his hands. The cards floated and circled him suddenly, as if happy to see him. They all collided at once and shot up his jacket sleeve. He looked to see where they went, but they were missing. He grabbed the coin. It was a double sided coin of the same insignia, ensuring a victory. The Dice was different as well. Instead of numbers, it had multiple drawings on it. Skulls, the Insignia, Flame, what looked to be a rock, a water droplet, and a blank side on each. He spent hours trying to figure them out, until his anger channeled it out. He raised his fist at what was to be his bed, and half through punching the mattress, an Ace flies out of his wrist. The card's drawing comes to life, as a brigade of small planes flew out of the cards surface, destroying his room wall. His face lie in shock to the power of an Ace. "Imagine the king" he told himself. I wanna finish this off but I don't know how to, what should I put..

Character Personality:  Archibald is over confident, thus being impulsive with decisions. He doesn't know this, but it's the reason he refuses to lead anything. His "revival" has made him extremely comical and will add a joke in in the most serious of times. 

Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment:  Archibald uses an Enchanted Deck of Cards, Dice, and Coins, combined with his Magic Hand, engraved with a symbol of Magic to power the said items. 

Character Occupation:  Track Coach at a high school.

Allegiance: Seraphs



  • For your background, I like what you've done.  You could honestly just wrap it up with what Archibald thinks of the current predicament with Dream, or what he tells his friends as he suddenly has to up and leave.
  • Your power list is a bit vague.  While interesting, I need to know what limits your powers have.  Your enchantments could be nukes for all I know.  If you would cover the indivdual card numbers abilities, dice side effects, and coin flips, you'd be good to go.  Don't forget to describe what your Magical Hand is capable of.
  • Other than that your app looks good.


Username:  Imaizumi Kagerou

Character Name:  Arisu Itakura

Character Image:  Arisu is around 162 centimeters tall, and her build was pretty similar to the usual teenagers. She has short, silver-ish blue hair with long sideburns and bright, red eyes. She usually wears a buttoned white shirt and blue shorts. She always wears gloves and mountain boots everywhere, but she casts the gloves off whenever she’s reading.

Character Age:  19

Character Background:  Arisu was a normal university student with a quite unique interest, ancient alchemy and arcane magic. Unlike most people that only shown some interest to it and looked up about it for a bit in the internet or books, especially with the the science of Chemistry being already filling its spot as a more ‘rational’ approach to alchemy, Arisu still believed that the alchemy like how people in the past imagined it was right, and determined to learn more and more about it, to try creating the fabled item called Philosopher’s Stone.

Safe to say she failed, because well, the ‘alchemy’ that she tried was definitely not scientifically correct. She became a recluse after realizing that his pursuit was fruitless, up until Dream visited her and told her about everything.

Personally, she had no drive to save the world, but a chance to live up to her fantasies was something that didn’t come all day. So she decided to be a Seraph, and from that day onwards, the new chapter of Arisu’s story unfolded.

Character Personality:  Best way to describe Arisu is that she’s an egocentric jerk that will not stop at any cost to pursue her goals, no matter who or what is in her way. She always believes that her ideas are the best solution for any problem. This made her really unpopular with other people, even if she usually means well. After some time, she caught up with this, and tried to put up a childish, whimsical persona as a front, to make her be able to get close with others. This made others think that she’s unreliable and underestimate her though, in the end.

            Arisu is a scholar at heart, a pursuer of knowledge. But despite of that, she believed that true knowledge could not be found only in books, but in experiments and nature itself, so she travelled a lot to study. But that doesn’t make her hate books. In fact, she loves reading.

Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment:

Philosopher’s Stone: The pinnacle of Arisu’s entire dream. A blood-red stone made of solidified souls, including her own soul. Arisu could transmutate it into any melee weapons she could remember, but it will only have the properties of the standard weapon, durability aside. She could also use it to reform her body when it was destroyed, using any materials that she could get around her. It is also able to be used as a way to channel energies from leylines or magical power sources, and mainly she used this ability to form more weapons using it. This is also her weakness, as she used this to store her own soul. She was trying to replicate this using the knowledge of alchemy that she had, so she could safely hide the one with her soul tucked inside it.

Illusion Magic: As her entire life was all but her being deluded by the fantasy of the old, this manifested as this ability to create illusionary constructs to fool the opponents. These illusions does not work by playing around with the senses of the target, but it was also not actual phantom-like constructs. Illusion, in its purest form. She projected her fantasy world to the area around her, where she could stage many kind of trickeries to help her defeat her opponents. She could not manifest complex scenarios or illusions using this power.

Magic Drain: How her ego and selfishness manifested in this world. She believes that she was the only one deserving to use magic, and with that, she will take back what’s rightfully hers. Though, it wasn’t simple. First, she needed to find the magical energy channel in her opponent’s body, though mainly those were placed in someone’s hands or arms so it was not the hard part. Then, physical contact is needed to link herself with the channel. And then, she must make sure that there’s an opening for her to start draining the magic, as an attempt of resistance on this stage could end up with her being the one that getting drained. After she started draining though, the link will be somewhat permanent as long as the target was around her.

Elemental Magic: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning. Pretty basic magic spells that she could conjure, but with her ability to use external power sources, they could be quite a force.

Character Occupation: University Student

Allegiance:  Seraph



If you want to ask about how the hell the power works, hit me on skype.


  • We already talked.  Accepted!
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Very mysterious set-up, I appreciate the mysterious!


~This post is a reservation post, this post will be edited with an application on a later date.~


[spoiler=Jin Marcowsi]


Username: Final Fantasy Revolution


Character Name: Jin Marcowsi

[spoiler=Character Image]

Standing at an impressive six feet and and one inch, and a well sized two hundred and thrity pounds, Jin Marcowsi has a muscular frame and a powerful body.




Character Age: 27


[spoiler=Character Background:  WARNING: Not a pretty bio.]


To understand the mind that has now possessed the body of Jin Marcowsi, we must first go back to where things had gone wrong for him; where certain aspects started to...grow, for lack of a better term. When he was only a boy, there had been a fire within his home while his family had been asleep. Young Jin, who had needed to use the bathroom during, was the only one to awake soon enough to escape the fire. However, Jin had tried to save his parents and younger sister, but was too late; he saw their charred bodies through the flames that their limbs were black and their faces, oh god their faces. He had almost rooted to the spot and died with them, but something made him survive. He thrust himself out of his bedroom window and ran as far as he could go for two straight hours.


Eventually, officers had found Jin and he was placed with a foster family and given counseling provided by the city. Things seemed fine for Jin until his High School days, when a routine fire drill had taken place. It wasn't a drill for him, however, his mind imagined real flames were created throughout the school halls. Jin broke the glass to fhe fire extinguiser box and started to spray down the imaginary flames and some studnts and teachers he believed were actually on fire. Once again, Jin was calmed down by officers and official as well as his adoptive parents, and given counseling provided by the city. For years it stuck now: Jin was out of college, had a decent paying job, and a lovely girlfriend he was set to marry. Jin, however, thought there had been something missing, something that didn't feel right in his life. It was the next day that Jin had joined the volunteer fire department; to ensure that no one went through the same hardships that he had endured.


Jin had been on many calls and had been a firefighter for five months and was loving the fact that he was helping people. However, one call in particular would change all that for him. His team had gotten into the house and were now searching for anyone left inside while the blaze roared on. Jin heard the sound of crying from a bedroom and picked up a child from her crib, a young girl, and had turned to save her from the house. "Why hadn't you saved me the first time..." A faint voice said to Jin, he looked at the baby and her smuged face was now replaced with the melted face of his own sister. The bedsheets ruffled behind and, in Jin's mind, his own paren'ts bodies were sitting up and looking at him with melted faces. Jin dropped the baby and had lost his mind to the visions of the past. He took the fire axe and chopped the bodies to bits, when the other firefighters came he also attacked them, their faces being replaced with the melted faces of his family.


Officers subdued Jin with tazers and physical force after he kills twelve people, always making sure the face of the victim is unrecognizeable. After months of trials and hearings, it was agreed that Jin was unstable and a threat to human life; he was made into a High Profile Case and contained in a sanity ward. However, just as fire had destroyed him it would now release him, a fire broke out within the building and quickly spread; all the patients had to be evacuated. With the panic he had made his escape, but not to any destination officers could comprehend; he was with Dream now.




Character Personality: Jin's mental state has effected his personality over the years and has altered it dramatically. While over the years he has been able to supress his episodes, when one begins there is no telling what he might do. Jin has become schizophranic to the point where the boundry between real and make believe has been blurred. Dream had come to Jin just after his escape, but Jin had originally attacked Dream, believing that he was actually an Insanity Ward Doctor coming to give him medicine and tests. Dream, while dodging punches from Jin, explained how he was the exact opposite of a doctor; Jin stopped his attack when Dream mentioned that Jin would be helping him and not the other way around. Dream filled Jin's mind about him being a most important part of his goals and how he could change the world with Jin's help. Jin joined dream and has been serving him since, honestly believing that he was making a good descision.


[spoiler=Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment: ]

Fireaxe: A two handed weapon meant for dealing heavy mele damage.


Standard Firefighter Rescue Knife



Gas Mask: A gas mask covers Jin's face, this allows him to go through smoke screens and poison gas while being unaffected by its negative effects. In addition, the lenses within the gas mask will make it so Jin's sight is not impaired while entering a smoke screen or other such cloud based attack.


Fire Resistant Suit: A suit made of special material that resists flames, the material is also tougher than regular clothing, allowing Jin to take a bigger punch.


Smoke Grenades: Grenades that produce a large smoke cloud very quickly.




Above Average Strength


Proficient in Close Quarters Combat


Overwhelming Aura: Jin's body produces an aura of intense heat that will affect any engulfed within its radius. The victims will feel as if they are caught in a house fire and are being lashed with intense heat. Within a few minutes of being within the aura, the victim will start to have burns form on their skin and their overall fighting performance will become sluggish. Victims will die if they are exposed to the aura for long periods of time. (Effective Radius: 20 Meters)


Fire Enhancement: Jin can coat his axe blade in fire and attack with it for increased damage, the targets having a chance to be set a blaze if hit.


Flint Drop: Jin will swing his axe down mercifully at his opponent, with the blade's edge glinting; if the attack were to connect with anything, a large explosion would erupt damaging himself as well as his enemy.


Adamantine Blast: Jin can launch a moderately sized sphere of intense flame at his opponent that, if connected with anything, will spread into a large area of flames to engulf his opponent.


Magma Spliter: Jin slams his axe on the ground causing the ground to split and crack towards his opponent; the cracks will then release gushing magma towards the opponent in waves.




Character Occupation:

Fire Fighter>Insanity Ward High Profile Case>Dream Team


Allegiance:  The Dream Team




Accepted!  Super hyped about Jin.

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Alright, FFR asked me to join, so I shall!


I know there is someone trying to make a character with a magical deck. But is it okay if I make one who's abilities are based off of DnD dice? It would actually be similar to a DnD character I did once. xD


That sounds interesting, I think I would like to see that application.

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For sure I will be using the 20 sided die and the percent die. Basically, the 20 sided die will have two results for each number. One good, one bad. If the percent die is 51 or higher, then the good result happens. If the percent die is 50 or lower, the bad result happens.


I may include other dice. I haven't decided yet.

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For sure I will be using the 20 sided die and the percent die. Basically, the 20 sided die will have two results for each number. One good, one bad. If the percent die is 51 or higher, then the good result happens. If the percent die is 50 or lower, the bad result happens.


I may include other dice. I haven't decided yet.


Must have four sided or not accepted, haha.

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A few announcements:  My co-host will be FFR.  This is final.  Next, DK, happy to have you on board!  I think it would be acceptable to have your character based on your dice.  Just, though you know this already, to name individual abilities per roll.  Looking forward to your app brother.

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I've revised some of my Parts so here we are:


[spoiler= App]

Username: Hellspawn Sage 

Character Name:  Archibald Solomon Markise (Goes by Archie)

Character Image: Archie is Caucasian male, With Blondish-Brown Fauxhawk that fades the lower it goes. He has unusually Violet Eyes. There's a scar from when he hit his head way back when that looks like he miscut his eye brow. There's slight stubble on his face. He stands at 5'11, and refuses to grow any higher. He has a build of a track star. He wears a Grey Suit, with a black shirt, and wing-tips.

Character Age:  32

Character Background:  Archie was a former track-star, but lost his body and mind to Casinos. But he could back it up. He made riches in Vegas, and lived a life few men dare to dream. It took his pals knocking him out with his own briefcase to get him out of Vegas and back to his *FICTIONAL* hometown of Wesley, MI. Instead of enjoying his spoils, he does what every foolish over confident man does: he goes to Atlantic City, the Vegas of the east. It was there his life changed. While on his way to Revel Casino, half of his life-savings in his hands, his mind was attacked. It was unclear who the attacker was, but Solomon grabbed his head in agonizing pain. It took only a minute for him to faint, but it took drugs, hopes, prayers, and a little over ten years to wake him up. He came back calm and collected. Not angry, as most would be in his condition, but renewed. He had no desire for the money he lost that day, nor any to gain in the future. It was in his mind that he was blessed by The Curator, and chose to join the Seraphs. In his mind, his sacred, earth saving abilities were revealed. He went to his old apartment in Wesley, finding nothing but a bed. On this mattress, his items were aligned. He had a Black overcoat, in it a Grey Suit. Aligned adjacent to the coat in a neatly fashion was a Deck of Cards, Dice, and Platinum Coin. They shimmered, glowing a purple color. He refused to put the coat on, saying 'It wasn't his style' but everything else was. As he touched the the deck of cards, his hand was burnt. It was a sharp pain to feel, but it left the insignia of sorcerer tattooed on to his hands. The cards floated and circled him suddenly, as if happy to see him. They all collided at once and shot up his jacket sleeve. He looked to see where they went, but they were missing. He grabbed the coin. It was a double sided coin of the same insignia, ensuring a victory. The Dice was different as well. Instead of numbers, it had multiple drawings on it. Skulls, the Insignia, Flame, what looked to be a rock, a water droplet, and a blank side on each. He spent hours trying to figure them out, until his anger channeled it out. He raised his fist at what was to be his bed, and half through punching the mattress, an Ace flies out of his wrist. The card's drawing comes to life, as a brigade of small planes flew out of the cards surface, destroying his room wall. His face lie in shock to the power of an Ace. "Imagine the king" he told himself. Instead of exploring his magic, he wanted to call someone, tell him what he was now capable of. His mother was going to be proud, and that's who he decided to call. Her number was disconnected. He called his sister Martha. She was disconnected too. He decided to go to their home, only to find it was for sale, and it was having an open house. The real-estate agent hosting it said the original owners have passed, losing both their lives to cancer. He held the tears in. They were gnawing at his eyelids, trying to escape, but he was stronger than that. There was nothing left for him here, nor in Wesley. Before leaving, he was told where they were buried. He paid them one last visit, and then he gathered his dice and coin, deck hidden in his jacket, and left to deal with the situation at hand.

Character Personality:  Archibald is over confident, thus being impulsive with decisions. He doesn't know this, but it's the reason he refuses to lead anything. His "revival" has made him extremely comical and will add a joke in in the most serious of times. 

Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment:  Archibald uses an Enchanted Deck of Cards, Dice, and Coins, combined with his Magic Hand, engraved with a symbol of Magic to power the said items.

[spoiler= Details Needed]

Dice: The Dice have powerful enhancers on them, depending on what I roll with them. Imagine the Ace, and I roll, say, Double Flame (It's gotta be a double or else the card would play normally.) Napalm brigade upon my enemies. If I rolled Double Magic Insignia, the amount of Pilots flying out of the card would double, going from a brigade of Ace fliers to A swarm of them. Double Blank, and nothing changes. Double Rock, I get one pilot, but he drops massive boulders from his plane. Double Water, and (mainly for taunting XD) It rains hail stones.However They are very limited, and take 1 Pint of Blood from Archie for one use. 

[spoiler= Deck Ace-12]

Ace - Pilots

2 - Two Cyclop Giants (SKYRIM SIZE)

3 - Three Knights

4 - Four Bandits

5 - Five Thieves

6 - 6 Bandits

7 - Throw 2 More Cards

8 - Three Gladiators

9 - Cyclops Giant

10 - Repeat the Last Two Cards Thrown

Jack - Jack's Knight - The Best Knight of the Sorcerer's Army

Queen - The Queen - Once She Battles Alongside Archie, No Blood Should Be Spent in the use of Dice.

King - Summon The Sorcerer of the Insignia. Only, If you flip a coin while the card is thrown, call it right, and if you do, he comes to the battle field. Any Enhancer I choose, No Blood Shall be taken, the enhancers just activate.



Character Occupation:  Track Coach at a high school.

Allegiance: Seraphs



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I've revised some of my Parts so here we are:


[spoiler= App]

Username: Hellspawn Sage 

Character Name:  Archibald Solomon Markise (Goes by Archie)

Character Image: Archie is Caucasian male, With Blondish-Brown Fauxhawk that fades the lower it goes. He has unusually Violet Eyes. There's a scar from when he hit his head way back when that looks like he miscut his eye brow. There's slight stubble on his face. He stands at 5'11, and refuses to grow any higher. He has a build of a track star. He wears a Grey Suit, with a black shirt, and wing-tips.

Character Age:  32

Character Background:  Archie was a former track-star, but lost his body and mind to Casinos. But he could back it up. He made riches in Vegas, and lived a life few men dare to dream. It took his pals knocking him out with his own briefcase to get him out of Vegas and back to his *FICTIONAL* hometown of Wesley, MI. Instead of enjoying his spoils, he does what every foolish over confident man does: he goes to Atlantic City, the Vegas of the east. It was there his life changed. While on his way to Revel Casino, half of his life-savings in his hands, his mind was attacked. It was unclear who the attacker was, but Solomon grabbed his head in agonizing pain. It took only a minute for him to faint, but it took drugs, hopes, prayers, and a little over ten years to wake him up. He came back calm and collected. Not angry, as most would be in his condition, but renewed. He had no desire for the money he lost that day, nor any to gain in the future. It was in his mind that he was blessed by The Curator, and chose to join the Seraphs. In his mind, his sacred, earth saving abilities were revealed. He went to his old apartment in Wesley, finding nothing but a bed. On this mattress, his items were aligned. He had a Black overcoat, in it a Grey Suit. Aligned adjacent to the coat in a neatly fashion was a Deck of Cards, Dice, and Platinum Coin. They shimmered, glowing a purple color. He refused to put the coat on, saying 'It wasn't his style' but everything else was. As he touched the the deck of cards, his hand was burnt. It was a sharp pain to feel, but it left the insignia of sorcerer tattooed on to his hands. The cards floated and circled him suddenly, as if happy to see him. They all collided at once and shot up his jacket sleeve. He looked to see where they went, but they were missing. He grabbed the coin. It was a double sided coin of the same insignia, ensuring a victory. The Dice was different as well. Instead of numbers, it had multiple drawings on it. Skulls, the Insignia, Flame, what looked to be a rock, a water droplet, and a blank side on each. He spent hours trying to figure them out, until his anger channeled it out. He raised his fist at what was to be his bed, and half through punching the mattress, an Ace flies out of his wrist. The card's drawing comes to life, as a brigade of small planes flew out of the cards surface, destroying his room wall. His face lie in shock to the power of an Ace. "Imagine the king" he told himself. Instead of exploring his magic, he wanted to call someone, tell him what he was now capable of. His mother was going to be proud, and that's who he decided to call. Her number was disconnected. He called his sister Martha. She was disconnected too. He decided to go to their home, only to find it was for sale, and it was having an open house. The real-estate agent hosting it said the original owners have passed, losing both their lives to cancer. He held the tears in. They were gnawing at his eyelids, trying to escape, but he was stronger than that. There was nothing left for him here, nor in Wesley. Before leaving, he was told where they were buried. He paid them one last visit, and then he gathered his dice and coin, deck hidden in his jacket, and left to deal with the situation at hand.

Character Personality:  Archibald is over confident, thus being impulsive with decisions. He doesn't know this, but it's the reason he refuses to lead anything. His "revival" has made him extremely comical and will add a joke in in the most serious of times. 

Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment:  Archibald uses an Enchanted Deck of Cards, Dice, and Coins, combined with his Magic Hand, engraved with a symbol of Magic to power the said items.

[spoiler= Details Needed]

Dice: The Dice have powerful enhancers on them, depending on what I roll with them. Imagine the Ace, and I roll, say, Double Flame (It's gotta be a double or else the card would play normally.) Napalm brigade upon my enemies. If I rolled Double Magic Insignia, the amount of Pilots flying out of the card would double, going from a brigade of Ace fliers to A swarm of them. Double Blank, and nothing changes. Double Rock, I get one pilot, but he drops massive boulders from his plane. Double Water, and (mainly for taunting XD) It rains hail stones.However They are very limited, and take 1 Pint of Blood from Archie for one use. 

[spoiler= Deck Ace-12]

Ace - Pilots

2 - Two Cyclop Giants (SKYRIM SIZE)

3 - Three Knights

4 - Four Bandits

5 - Five Thieves

6 - 6 Bandits

7 - Throw 2 More Cards

8 - Three Gladiators

9 - Cyclops Giant

10 - Repeat the Last Two Cards Thrown

Jack - Jack's Knight - The Best Knight of the Sorcerer's Army

Queen - The Queen - Once She Battles Alongside Archie, No Blood Should Be Spent in the use of Dice.  How long does she persist?  Could be potentially overpowered.

King - Summon The Sorcerer of the Insignia. Only, If you flip a coin while the card is thrown, call it right, and if you do, he comes to the battle field. Any Enhancer I choose, No Blood Shall be taken, the enhancers just activate.  Again, how long does this persist?  How long is the King active for?  And if summoned along side the queen, do they cancel out or do you just gain a bunch of free bonuses?



Character Occupation:  Track Coach at a high school.

Allegiance: Seraphs




You're almost done dude.  Just touch up on those few things and you're good to go.  

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I've revised some of my Parts so here we are:


[spoiler= App]

Username: Hellspawn Sage 

Character Name:  Archibald Solomon Markise (Goes by Archie)

Character Image: Archie is Caucasian male, With Blondish-Brown Fauxhawk that fades the lower it goes. He has unusually Violet Eyes. There's a scar from when he hit his head way back when that looks like he miscut his eye brow. There's slight stubble on his face. He stands at 5'11, and refuses to grow any higher. He has a build of a track star. He wears a Grey Suit, with a black shirt, and wing-tips.

Character Age:  32

Character Background:  Archie was a former track-star, but lost his body and mind to Casinos. But he could back it up. He made riches in Vegas, and lived a life few men dare to dream. It took his pals knocking him out with his own briefcase to get him out of Vegas and back to his *FICTIONAL* hometown of Wesley, MI. Instead of enjoying his spoils, he does what every foolish over confident man does: he goes to Atlantic City, the Vegas of the east. It was there his life changed. While on his way to Revel Casino, half of his life-savings in his hands, his mind was attacked. It was unclear who the attacker was, but Solomon grabbed his head in agonizing pain. It took only a minute for him to faint, but it took drugs, hopes, prayers, and a little over ten years to wake him up. He came back calm and collected. Not angry, as most would be in his condition, but renewed. He had no desire for the money he lost that day, nor any to gain in the future. It was in his mind that he was blessed by The Curator, and chose to join the Seraphs. In his mind, his sacred, earth saving abilities were revealed. He went to his old apartment in Wesley, finding nothing but a bed. On this mattress, his items were aligned. He had a Black overcoat, in it a Grey Suit. Aligned adjacent to the coat in a neatly fashion was a Deck of Cards, Dice, and Platinum Coin. They shimmered, glowing a purple color. He refused to put the coat on, saying 'It wasn't his style' but everything else was. As he touched the the deck of cards, his hand was burnt. It was a sharp pain to feel, but it left the insignia of sorcerer tattooed on to his hands. The cards floated and circled him suddenly, as if happy to see him. They all collided at once and shot up his jacket sleeve. He looked to see where they went, but they were missing. He grabbed the coin. It was a double sided coin of the same insignia, ensuring a victory. The Dice was different as well. Instead of numbers, it had multiple drawings on it. Skulls, the Insignia, Flame, what looked to be a rock, a water droplet, and a blank side on each. He spent hours trying to figure them out, until his anger channeled it out. He raised his fist at what was to be his bed, and half through punching the mattress, an Ace flies out of his wrist. The card's drawing comes to life, as a brigade of small planes flew out of the cards surface, destroying his room wall. His face lie in shock to the power of an Ace. "Imagine the king" he told himself. Instead of exploring his magic, he wanted to call someone, tell him what he was now capable of. His mother was going to be proud, and that's who he decided to call. Her number was disconnected. He called his sister Martha. She was disconnected too. He decided to go to their home, only to find it was for sale, and it was having an open house. The real-estate agent hosting it said the original owners have passed, losing both their lives to cancer. He held the tears in. They were gnawing at his eyelids, trying to escape, but he was stronger than that. There was nothing left for him here, nor in Wesley. Before leaving, he was told where they were buried. He paid them one last visit, and then he gathered his dice and coin, deck hidden in his jacket, and left to deal with the situation at hand.

Character Personality:  Archibald is over confident, thus being impulsive with decisions. He doesn't know this, but it's the reason he refuses to lead anything. His "revival" has made him extremely comical and will add a joke in in the most serious of times. 

Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment:  Archibald uses an Enchanted Deck of Cards, Dice, and Coins, combined with his Magic Hand, engraved with a symbol of Magic to power the said items.

[spoiler= Details Needed]

Dice: The Dice have powerful enhancers on them, depending on what I roll with them. Imagine the Ace, and I roll, say, Double Flame (It's gotta be a double or else the card would play normally.) Napalm brigade upon my enemies. If I rolled Double Magic Insignia, the amount of Pilots flying out of the card would double, going from a brigade of Ace fliers to A swarm of them. Double Blank, and nothing changes. Double Rock, I get one pilot, but he drops massive boulders from his plane. Double Water, and (mainly for taunting XD) It rains hail stones.However They are very limited, and take 1 Pint of Blood from Archie for one use. 

[spoiler= Deck Ace-12]

Ace - Pilots

2 - Two Cyclop Giants (SKYRIM SIZE)

3 - Three Knights

4 - Four Bandits

5 - Five Thieves

6 - 6 Bandits

7 - Throw 2 More Cards

8 - Three Gladiators

9 - Cyclops Giant

10 - Repeat the Last Two Cards Thrown

Jack - Jack's Knight - The Best Knight of the Sorcerer's Army

Queen - The Queen - Once She Battles Alongside Archie, No Blood Should Be Spent in the use of Dice.

King - Summon The Sorcerer of the Insignia. Only, If you flip a coin while the card is thrown, call it right, and if you do, he comes to the battle field. Any Enhancer I choose, No Blood Shall be taken, the enhancers just activate.



Character Occupation:  Track Coach at a high school.

Allegiance: Seraphs




I say the dice are allowable, seeing as he can't attack more than four times before passing out from blood loss. The king and queen should be limited to a certain post count. Queen should be something like three posts, and maybe king could be two.

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WIP!!! Doing the powers and such for right now.
[spoiler=WIP]Username: Dwarven King

Character Name: Breanna Jackson

Character Image: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/f2/39/8b/f2398b5dd6404342c1a5cdfdb407482b.jpg

Character Age: 19

Character Background: Contrary to her appearance, Breanna is actually a major nerd. Especially table top games, with Dungeons and Dragons her all time favorite. When she first expressed her interest in joining a group, the other players scoffed. After discussing it, they eventually decided to let her join thinking her to be nothing more than eye candy. After the first session, they were proven wrong. Making a broke character from scratch, and allowed to start out at level 5, she practically did the quest by herself, taking out half the enemies before the others even engaged. Now, she meets for a session once a week. It was actually when she was creating a new character by herself and doing practice rolls that she was "blessed". Now, it's like she's playing DnD...for real.

Character Personality: Breanna is a joyful girl. Always wanting to start conversations and even flirt a little. Though she gets a bit nervous and shy around other women, much like how a guy would. Other than that, she's quite outspoken. Especially when engaged in a topic she deeply cares about.

Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment: A set of DnD dice. All Dice magically form in his hand when wishing to roll them. Dice can not be re-rolled for at least ONE post. The function of each die is listed below.
Percent Dice (Rolls two dice, both ten sides. One is listed 1, 2, 3, etc. The other is listed 10, 20, 30, etc.) - When rolling the 20 sided die, these dice are rolled as well. If the percent dice land on 51 or higher, the good function of the 20 sided die happens. Should the percent dice land on 50 or lower, the bad function of the 20 sided die happens.
Twenty Sided Die - The results of the number the die lands on depends on the percent dice. Each results stays until it is either willed away by the user, or the die is rolled again. The list for the good and bad functions are as follows.
1: Summons Impenetrable Armor
2: Summons Unbreakable Sword
3: Ability to breathe underwater
4: Ability to levitate up to twenty feet off the ground
5: Ability to see in the dark
6: Surrounds enemies in poisonous gas that does not affect allies or user
7: Makes footsteps silent
8: Doubles speed
9: Increases strength to the ability of lifting 1,000 pounds
10: Summon a pistol with one bullet that can NOT miss
11: Ability to speak to animals
12: Ability to persuade anyone ONCE
13: Summons an ancient, Spartan Warrior to fight for the user
14: Summons a wolf
15: Heats up a 30 foot radius around the user
16: Ability to climb walls
17: Ability to heal any wounds
18: Ability to tell when someone is lying
19: Summons a hawk
20: Gains the fighting skill of Bruce Lee
1: Any armor currently worn is shattered
2: Summons a tree limb
3: Can no longer breathe oxygen properly
4: Feet can not lift off of the ground
5: Goes blind
6: Blankets the area with butterflies
7: Footsteps sound like a marching band
8: Slowed to a snail's pace
9: Barely has the strength to snap a twig
10: Summons a water gun pistol that looks like a real pistol
11: Becomes mute
12: Anyone the user speaks to becomes angry with the user
13: Summons a Pied Piper
14: Summons a house cat
15: Drops the temperature in the user's 30 foot radius to freezing
16: Looses the ability to walk
17: Suffers a random wound
18: Can not tell the truth
19: Summons a parrot
20: Gains the fighting skill of a wimpy kid
Four Sided Die - In the event the user must answer a question asked by a female, or make a decision about something pertaining to a female that could be answered with a yes or a no, the user must roll a four sided die. The results are as follows.
1: Yes
2: No
3: Kiss her
4: Slap her

Character Occupation: Job irrelevant. Lives alone.

Allegiance: Seraph[/spoiler]

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Very mysterious set-up, I appreciate the mysterious!


[spoiler=Jin Marcowsi]


Username: Final Fantasy Revolution


Character Name: Jin Marcowsi

[spoiler=Character Image]

Standing at an impressive six feet and and one inch, and a well sized two hundred and thrity pounds, Jin Marcowsi has a muscular frame and a powerful body.




Character Age: 27


[spoiler=Character Background:  WARNING: Not a pretty bio.]


To understand the mind that has now possessed the body of Jin Marcowsi, we must first go back to where things had gone wrong for him; where certain aspects started to...grow, for lack of a better term. When he was only a boy, there had been a fire within his home while his family had been asleep. Young Jin, who had needed to use the bathroom during, was the only one to awake soon enough to escape the fire. However, Jin had tried to save his parents and younger sister, but was too late; he saw their charred bodies through the flames that their limbs were black and their faces, oh god their faces. He had almost rooted to the spot and died with them, but something made him survive. He thrust himself out of his bedroom window and ran as far as he could go for two straight hours.


Eventually, officers had found Jin and he was placed with a foster family and given counseling provided by the city. Things seemed fine for Jin until his High School days, when a routine fire drill had taken place. It wasn't a drill for him, however, his mind imagined real flames were created throughout the school halls. Jin broke the glass to fhe fire extinguiser box and started to spray down the imaginary flames and some studnts and teachers he believed were actually on fire. Once again, Jin was calmed down by officers and official as well as his adoptive parents, and given counseling provided by the city. For years it stuck now: Jin was out of college, had a decent paying job, and a lovely girlfriend he was set to marry. Jin, however, thought there had been something missing, something that didn't feel right in his life. It was the next day that Jin had joined the volunteer fire department; to ensure that no one went through the same hardships that he had endured.


Jin had been on many calls and had been a firefighter for five months and was loving the fact that he was helping people. However, one call in particular would change all that for him. His team had gotten into the house and were now searching for anyone left inside while the blaze roared on. Jin heard the sound of crying from a bedroom and picked up a child from her crib, a young girl, and had turned to save her from the house. "Why hadn't you saved me the first time..." A faint voice said to Jin, he looked at the baby and her smuged face was now replaced with the melted face of his own sister. The bedsheets ruffled behind and, in Jin's mind, his own paren'ts bodies were sitting up and looking at him with melted faces. Jin dropped the baby and had lost his mind to the visions of the past. He took the fire axe and chopped the bodies to bits, when the other firefighters came he also attacked them, their faces being replaced with the melted faces of his family.


Officers subdued Jin with tazers and physical force after he kills twelve people, always making sure the face of the victim is unrecognizeable. After months of trials and hearings, it was agreed that Jin was unstable and a threat to human life; he was made into a High Profile Case and contained in a sanity ward. However, just as fire had destroyed him it would now release him, a fire broke out within the building and quickly spread; all the patients had to be evacuated. With the panic he had made his escape, but not to any destination officers could comprehend; he was with Dream now.




Character Personality: Jin's mental state has effected his personality over the years and has altered it dramatically. While over the years he has been able to supress his episodes, when one begins there is no telling what he might do. Jin has become schizophranic to the point where the boundry between real and make believe has been blurred. Dream had come to Jin just after his escape, but Jin had originally attacked Dream, believing that he was actually an Insanity Ward Doctor coming to give him medicine and tests. Dream, while dodging punches from Jin, explained how he was the exact opposite of a doctor; Jin stopped his attack when Dream mentioned that Jin would be helping him and not the other way around. Dream filled Jin's mind about him being a most important part of his goals and how he could change the world with Jin's help. Jin joined dream and has been serving him since, honestly believing that he was making a good descision.


[spoiler=Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment: ]

Fireaxe: A two handed weapon meant for dealing heavy mele damage.


Standard Firefighter Rescue Knife



Gas Mask: A gas mask covers Jin's face, this allows him to go through smoke screens and poison gas while being unaffected by its negative effects. In addition, the lenses within the gas mask will make it so Jin's sight is not impaired while entering a smoke screen or other such cloud based attack.


Fire Resistant Suit: A suit made of special material that resists flames, the material is also tougher than regular clothing, allowing Jin to take a bigger punch.


Smoke Grenades: Grenades that produce a large smoke cloud very quickly.




Above Average Strength


Proficient in Close Quarters Combat


Overwhelming Aura: Jin's body produces an aura of intense heat that will affect any engulfed within its radius. The victims will feel as if they are caught in a house fire and are being lashed with intense heat. Within a few minutes of being within the aura, the victim will start to have burns form on their skin and their overall fighting performance will become sluggish. Victims will die if they are exposed to the aura for long periods of time. (Effective Radius: 20 Meters)


Fire Enhancement: Jin can coat his axe blade in fire and attack with it for increased damage, the targets having a chance to be set a blaze if hit.


Flint Drop: Jin will swing his axe down mercifully at his opponent, with the blade's edge glinting; if the attack were to connect with anything, a large explosion would erupt damaging himself as well as his enemy.


Adamantine Blast: Jin can launch a moderately sized sphere of intense flame at his opponent that, if connected with anything, will spread into a large area of flames to engulf his opponent.


Magma Spliter: Jin slams his axe on the ground causing the ground to split and crack towards his opponent; the cracks will then release gushing magma towards the opponent in waves.




Character Occupation:

Fire Fighter>Insanity Ward High Profile Case>Dream Team


Allegiance:  The Dream Team




[spoiler=Our Father]




Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gxjl1NSiSQ


Username: Final Fantasy Revolution


Character Name:  Our Father


[spoiler=Character Image:]

The figure stands at a height of five feet and ten inches with a weight of two hundred and ten pounds. What he stands for is known, what he is, well, that is uncertain.




Character Age:  Somewhere between forty and sixty, exact age is no longer determinable.


Character Background:  In the times before Our Father existed, there was a priest, a holy person basking in the light of the higher powers. This holy person went through their life doing nice deeds and helping out his community. There was no wedding, no significant other, as the world and all its people and living things were the only muse for this person. However, in the night, the darkest hours of the moon's rotation, the mind wondered if there wasn't something more that could be done to help humanity and his world. It was then that the Curator happened to find our holy person and explain all the goings on of the war that was about to begin.

The priest dropped to their knees and begged, pleaded with the masked man, wanting to be a force of divinity and righteousness for the rest of his days. At first, The Curator was hesitant, but after the priest explained that they would give anything to become a force that could aid humanity for all its days, he agreed. Striping away any signs of the former priest's identity including useless things like age, gender, and sense of self as well as personal history, the priest became a figure known as Our Father. The name had been adopted by the figure itself and The Curator had been doubting what he had actually done…

Character Personality:  Our Father's sense of self has been stripped from his being, and therefore has no true personality. When asked questions or spoken to, he will reply in a balanced even-toned voice that gives no hint of emotion. However, this does not imply that Our Father can't be taken by surprise, nor does it mean that he want reply when taken by surprise or when injured. It simply means that his words will absent of the damage he has taken and of the surprise he has experienced. Out Father is incapable of reading emotions or being sympathetic to emotional causes; his sense of right and wrong are written in black and white.

[spoiler=Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment:]


~Our Father carries no known weapons.


~The Medallion of Higher Power: A symbol of holy power and divinity drapes from Our Father’s neck. It cannot be removed, it cannot be destroyed, and its will can not be overcome. The medallion will whisper dark thoughts into the ears of Our Father’s opponents and cause them to take actions that might not normally take. I.E.: Jack Ofalltrades attempts to throw a spear at Our Father, but the medallion suggests that Jack toss a smoke grenade instead, Jack tosses the smoke grenade instead of throwing the spear. However, the medallion doesn’t always whisper, and after it makes it whisper it will stay quiet for a length of time-assuming the spirit within has better things to do than whisper.

~Holy Talismans: The talismans that Our Father wields can be thrown or cast on the ground for a character to become entrapped within. If thrown, the holy power unleashes in the form of an energy ball that tracks the opponent until it connects with something-ideally the opponent. If a character steps near a grounded talisman within the range of fifteen meter, that character will be rooted in place for several seconds.


~Prayer Based Technique :: Bigby’s Crushing Hand:

Flatten thine enemies with great force,

Crush all heathen’s bones into Hell,

By thine knuckle might judgement pass,

and thy higher power be pleased with thee.

After saying the necessary prayer, Our Father slams his fist into the ground, summoning a huge fist of divine power from the sky to crush any target Our Father deems appropriate.

~Prayer Based Technique :: Bigby’s Forceful Palm:

Push thy pursuers away with grace,

Force all who oppose your will away from thee,

By thine hand might truth shine through,

and might thy higher power stay well.

After saying the necessary prayer, Our Father thrusts his palm toward his target, summoning a huge open palm of divine power from his own to force any enemy away.

~Dimensional Lock:

A shimmering barrier of emerald energy is created around you and the opponent, nulling all forms extra-dimensional travel. However, attacks utilizing extra-dimensional travel are still useable.

Our Father can bless ground and weapons to have areas and items gain certain effects. Any area affected by Consecration inflicts damage to anyone other than Our Father and any blade blessed with Consecration will inflict additional holy damage to an opponent; if chosen, the blessed weapon can also heal the wielder at the cost of ending Consecration.

~Divine Blades:
Our Father can blades created by divine energy to attack his opponents with. He may only have four active at any given time.

After sprouting wings of divine power, Our Father may fly for a limited number of posts.


Character Occupation:  In the before time, Our Father was a humble holy person, a priest. He has no recollection of this now, however.

Allegiance:  Seraphs



I uh. . . I actually can't find anything wrong with "Our Father" other than his name.  I'm accepting it.  o.o

WIP!!! Doing the powers and such for right now.


[spoiler=WIP]Username: Dwarven King

Character Name: (Please include first and last.)

Character Image: (Pictures are fine! If not, please use a brief paragraph to describe them. Height, weight, etc.)

Character Age: (Do I really need to clarify? You're human, so you probably aren't ancient! But hey, you can be a senior if you choose. Try not to exceed age 90 though, okay?)

Character Background: (Up to recent history, if you please. If you choose to apply under "Dream's" allegiance, a.k,a. 'Stage Hand', please state why your character chose to join Dream. Be sure to include when your character was blessed.)

Character Personality: (What type of person is your hero? Abrasive? Abusive? Hyper-intelligent?

Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment: A set of DnD dice. All Dice magically form in his hand when wishing to roll them. Dice can not be re-rolled for at least ONE post. The function of each die is listed below.


Percent Dice (Rolls two dice, both ten sides. One is listed 1, 2, 3, etc. The other is listed 10, 20, 30, etc.) - When rolling the 20 sided die, these dice are rolled as well. If the percent dice land on 51 or higher, the good function of the 20 sided die happens. Should the percent dice land on 50 or lower, the bad function of the 20 sided die happens.


Twenty Sided Die - The results of the number the die lands on depends on the percent dice. Each results stays until it is either willed away by the user, or the die is rolled again. The list for the good and bad functions are as follows.



1: Summons Impenetrable Armor

2: Summons Unbreakable Sword

3: Ability to breathe underwater

4: Ability to levitate up to twenty feet off the ground

5: Ability to see in the dark

6: Surrounds enemies in poisonous gas that does not affect allies or user

7: Makes footsteps silent

8: Doubles speed

9: Increases strength to the ability of lifting 1,000 pounds

10: Summon a pistol with one bullet that can NOT miss

11: Ability to speak to animals

12: Ability to persuade anyone ONCE

13: Summons an ancient, Spartan Warrior to fight for the user

14: Summons a wolf

15: Heats up a 30 foot radius around the user

16: Ability to climb walls

17: Ability to heal any wounds

18: Ability to tell when someone is lying

19: Summons a hawk

20: Gains the fighting skill of Bruce Lee



1: Any armor currently worn is shattered

2: Summons a tree limb

3: Can no longer breathe oxygen properly

4: Feet can not lift off of the ground

5: Goes blind

6: Blankets the area with butterflies

7: Footsteps sound like a marching band

8: Slowed to a snail's pace

9: Barely has the strength to snap a twig

10: Summons a water gun pistol that looks like a real pistol

11: Becomes mute

12: Anyone the user speaks to becomes angry with the user

13: Summons a Pied Piper

14: Summons a house cat

15: Drops the temperature in the user's 30 foot radius to freezing

16: Looses the ability to walk

17: Suffers a random wound

18: Can not tell the truth

19: Summons a parrot

20: Gains the fighting skill of a wimpy kid


Four Sided Die - In the event the user must answer a question asked by a female, or make a decision about something pertaining to a female that could be answered with a yes or a no, the user must roll a four sided die. The results are as follows.


1: Yes

2: No

3: Kiss her

4: Slap her

Character Occupation: (Only if applicable. You could be a cop taken off duty to deal with this s***, or you could be a high schooler who got swept up into the mess. Get creative.)

Allegiance: (Which side are you on? Seraph or Titan)[/spoiler]


I just. . .this is my favorite app so far.  DK I fucking love you.  Can't wait until you finish it.

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[spoiler=The Curator]


Username:  Hi I'm Dad

Character Name:  The Curator

Character Image:  Standing at six feet and seven inches, the Curator is a massive being.  His face has not yet been revealed, but he wears a golden Mask of Anubis to cover his face.  His head appears to be covered in a thick brown and yellow hair, barely visible under his heavy green robes.  His robes reach his feet, and drag behind him.  On his wrists are two stone bracelets, with magical golden seals around them, and an ancient Egyptian engraved on either side.  He wears dark black pants, striped with red magical seals near the end of the pants leg, close to his ankle.  His ear lobes are visible despite his robe, and each one holds a long, diamond earring in the shape of an hourglass, but two dimensional.  Despite these clocks being two dimensional, sand can be seen running through them.

Character Age:  Currently unknown.  In appearance, the Curator seems to be at least 60.

Character Background:  He finds most comfort being in Egypt, as it is similar to his native land.  Until recently, the Curator was a peacekeeper, holding off the wicked by force, or defending the weak as a wall.  He has only a fragment of his family that still lives, but he has not seen his brother since they betrayed each other some time ago.  Upon learning of Dream and his discovery of the Jykal Chalis, the Curator sprang into action in an attempt to keep the Chalis out of Dream's hands.  He was too late, however, and Dream escaped narrowly.  Now he has gathered an army of followers, called Seraphs, in which he hopes will aid him in the retake of a deadly weapon that could potentially over throw even time itself.  The Curator has recently lead the Seraphs into a stone labyrinth, and is preparing them for their journey. 

Character Personality:  The Curator is extremely intelligent.  He often speaks of time periods that he should not know or understand, and often speaks of the future as if he can already read it.  He is very blunt, and often will tell the harsh truth, even to the Seraphs.  Though a peacekeeper, he is not hesitant, and will use force when necessary.

Character's Weapons, Powers, and Equipment:  [spoiler=Combat Informative]

The Curator wields a curved halberd, with a blunt end instead of a blade.  He believes, "it teaches better lessons".  The halberd is magical, and made of an unbreakable magic oak.

All of the Curator's abilities are powered by his halberd.


Death by Judgment:  The Curator empowers his staff with the souls of the lost.  He swings it down with two hands, burdening whomever is hit with the souls of the lost, and sapping them of their strength for a short period.  Deals moderate damage.


Holy Living Flame:  The Curator stabs at the ground with the longer end of his halberd, releasing a shockwave and 3 cracks towards his target.  Upon reaching his target(s), the cracks explode in a small radius, and the ground that they covered becomes radiated, leaking a purple and blue flame that whispers to his enemies.   The voices are dark, and often drive victims insane if they are not mentally strong.


Never Ending Tomb of Punishment:  The Curator uses his free hand to manipulate the air and moisture around a target, turning it into a thick sludge.  The target's movement is slowed greatly, and they suffer poisoning over (2) posts.


Enraged God, Holy Judgment, the Living Death Guardian:  The Curator surrounds himself in the Elements of the earth and stars, absorbing them and growing in size (to about twenty feet tall, and he'll weight about 4 tons).  A pulsating blue cloud of a magical sotrm surrounds him, dealing damage to foes who stand in it.  His movement is increased, but he is much, much easier to hit.  During this state, he can temporarily absorb elemental damages, and turn them against his foes.[/spoiler]


Character Occupation:  Peacekeeper.

Allegiance:  Seraph Leader[/spoiler]

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