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Welcome to YCM, ROVA.

Before posting your cards in Custom Cards, please take the time to read the rules and any guides in the section. Also remember to post your cards in the proper sections. 


With that said, make sure you don't flame/troll other members, post in spambot threads and so forth.


If you need help, ask one of the moderators/a senior member.

Anything specific to Custom Cards, see me or one of the other CC mods. 



Enjoy your stay :D

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Welcome fellow user! Not entirely sure what "PDX" era is or was, or even what it means, but welcome nonetheless.

As Sakura Haruno has stated (one of our most reliable Mods in terms of the CC section and rules) be sure to look over the Rules/Guidelines before posting your Card concepts, generally be a well-rounded person here on the Forum.


Most importantly, do not be a coolspy (inside joke)


Enjoy the Forum.

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