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[TCG] Shaddoll


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3 Shaddoll Falcon
3 Shaddoll Hedgehog
3 Shaddoll Squamata
2 Shaddoll Dragon
2 Shaddoll Beast
2 Mathematician
1 Felis, Lightsworn Archer
1 Majesty's Ruler

3 Shaddoll Fusion
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Foolish Burial
1 Soul Charge

3 Sinister Shadow Games
3 Shaddoll Core
2 Dimensional Prison
2 Fiendish Chain
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Solemn Warning
1 Time-Space Trap Hole
1 Vanity's Emptiness

I've been playing this as my deck of choice for deck post-DUEA. I really hate what a lot of people in the TCG have started doing with the deck, turning it into a toolbox with the mini Chaos Dragons when it doesn't really add much to the deck than level 4s that don't honestly do a lot for them. For this reason, I like to play the deck as a more controlling variant so that I can outgrind mirrors faster without having to rely on blowout cards like Super Poly, which is the main reason that I'm playing stuff like Dimensional Prison and Time-Space Trap Hole. 2 LIGHTs has proved to be more than enough for me to be running due to Core taking up the majority of my fusions for Construct anyway, especially since fusing with Core allows me to recycle Fusion without using Construct's effect for that.

2 Effect Veiler
2 Maxx "C"
2 Tragoedia
1 Caius, the Shadow Monarch
2 Super Polymerization
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Debunk
2 Wiretap
1 Typhoon

Effect Veiler and Maxx "C" are just there so I don't completely shat on by decks that can go first and I don't get left behind by stuff that just sets up that fast. Tragoedia is an incredible mirror card that a lot of people haven't really realized yet, since you can drop Trag off of something like an Artifact or Midrash swing and then steal them by pitching Beast. He also modulates his level so that you can synchro with Falcon or Felis easily. Super Polymerization should be an obvious one for this deck. Mystical Space Typhoon is just in case you play against stuff like Sylvans who just maindeck the hell out of Vanity's Emptiness. Same goes for Typhoon. Debunk helps to get rid of some really stupid stuff and stops stuff like Fusions or Cores from floating. Wiretap is just a card that stops me from getting destroyed by backrow heavy decks that are playing stuff like Dimension Prison.

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I feel like 2 Lizard (Squatama) and 1 Dragon is enough.

BRS over Fiendish.

Needs Dweller in ED.

Needle Ceiling as a Side Deck card?

Could do

-1 Squatama
-1 Dragon

+1 BoM
+1 Torrential

-1 Cons
+1 Dweller

I don't feel comfortable cutting down on either of the suggested Shaddolls right now. If we had Hound, I wouldn't mind as much on cutting down on Lizard. Dragon will probably never be going down to any less than 2 due to it being absolutely vital in wiping out immediate threats and clearing problematic backrow without having to devote MST. BoM and Torrential don't do enough right now tbh, they don't really do enough to me to warrant playing. Dweller's a consideration, however I'm never actually making R4s too be passive but to rather make proactive plays that will accel me back into the game. I'll contemplate taking out a Construct for another Rank 4 though, that's definitely something I should think about tbh
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Why not Beast at 3 nor Lances?


Not really sure of Allure in Shaddolls. Yes, it thins the deck but at the cost of a combo piece, and from my experience Shaddolls rarely end up dead so it's not like Allure will help with fixing dead cards or anything.

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Why not Beast at 3 nor Lances?
Not really sure of Allure in Shaddolls. Yes, it thins the deck but at the cost of a combo piece, and from my experience Shaddolls rarely end up dead so it's not like Allure will help with fixing dead cards or anything.

Beast is a card that clogs and I've fallen out of love with Lance because it doesn't stop the main card that matters right now which is Vanity.

Allure stops you from bricking with stupid non-action hands and helps you to find more backrow and card that actually do things.

I think Beast is at 2 because it can clog, I guess?

How would Exodius and/or Sephylon work in here as techs, or would they be too unusable?

There's also Druid Dru and Masked Chameleon for Dragon, don't know how that would work out, though.

Sephylon and Exodius are both good techs at 1, but I'm trying to keep this very control oriented and just change what backrow I'm playing in comparison to everyone else so that I can have a much stronger control game than the explodier variants.
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Well, it has been a while since I played Yugioh and I don't know much about the metagame except for the theory (to put it simply, I know what the top decks do, but not how they do it), which is why I asked in the first place, but now that I think about it, no: My first thought was HATs, where a dead Fiendish would make Ice Hand live, but I don't know if it is a good match-up for Shaddolls anyways considering they are not affected that much by effect destruction, or if HATs won't be as relevant after Shaddolls and Stellaknights arrive to the TCG.


Still, Fiendish has that downside of being pseudo-"negated" by chained MSTs, but apparently it is not that much of a issue.

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Wouldn't Kuribandit be a good shout? Mill monster effects, grab most important spell/trap you mill. 

Not good in the TCG.


It expends way too many resources while having the potential to hit multiple names at the same time, and it doesn't pinpoint like Arma Knight or Math.


You can run Exodius, of course, but it's not good enough for more than 1-of, and if you mill it with Bandit, unlike Pot of Avarice, it can't be caught.

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Changes that I'll correct in the opening post as soon as DN is back up:

-1 Shaddoll Core
+1 Dimensional Prison

Core proved to be a dead draw too much, but is still a pretty essential card to allowing you maximum recycling capabilities. 3 was too much and, as of right now, Dimensional Prison has been a massive MVP card against the current format since it gets rid of it without triggering anything.

-1 Time-Space Trap Hole
+1 Vanity's Emptiness

Time-Space Trap Hole isn't good until Qliphort become a good deck from my testing (unfortunately) while Vanity's Emptiness is proving to be one of the format defining traps the more I'm playing it, especially with a Winda or Construct already on board.

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