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Appoint Someone As Mod game


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So the name of the game is as follows. Let's say you have the power to make someone become "Mod" as well as telling them what section they need to regulate, but with a catch. Here are examples to making someone a Mod:

"You can become Mod, if..."
"You can be Mod, but you must.."
"You can be Mod, but only when you.."
"You can ben Mod, but you have to.."

And so on and so forth. These are applied to the poster above you.

*For those already Mods, the rules are you tell them they can remain a Mod, but with a catch/gimmick. This applies to those actually replying to real Mods. Example are as follows:

"You can remain Mod, but.."
"You can stay as Mod, only if.."


Game is pretty straightforward, and should be really interesting to hear the responses.

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