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YCM Member Brawl V


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I didn't say you were wrong. I said you're not in place of saying that about me when you didn't do anything either.


That earlier place may not be describing it fully.

I can say whatever I like that does not break any rules about anybody that I like. That's how it is. If you couldn't accuse somebody of something you were hypocritical of by some arbitrary, meaningless and self-serving moral, you would never say anything about anybody.

I'm not going to reply again in this topic, because this is not the place for that, if it has to do with this difference.
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You really think Rodrigo is going to win?

It'll be funny if he gets curbstomped by Black or Armz, both of who are members leagues above what he's ever been on the site as a whole. I'd love to see Black versus Armz at the end because they're the only ones who even deserve it at this point.


It's funny how you keep going on about what I haven't done for the site. It's true, I haven't done a lot for the site itself.


But what have you done? I never saw any expressive contribution from your part, aside talking to people on Skype. And I do that too, with more people than you.


You're not in place of badmouthing me in any way.


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Well this was unpleasant. If you want to say ANYONE out of this group hasn't done much for the site, it's me. Not being humble or whatever, it's true. I haven't been here long, and haven't done much of anything.


This is essentially a popularity contest, whoever wins deserves to win, because they got the votes. It's really just that simple. If they're voted for, people like them, and that's that.


That being said. 10 votes? Against Rod? What are you guys thinking?

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Doing good things for the site doesn't mean squat when its all about the personality of said member.


Someone could do a whole ton of stuff and turn out to be a Douchey Prick. Or someone could do a hell of a lot for the site and turn out to be the best member ever. So get that out of your heads right now....


Let's just have fun, all right guys? I lost all 3 of my matches but it was fun. I will be cheering from the sidelines for the eventual winner.. 

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