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Light Normal Monsters deck

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Well, this is my Light Normal Monsters deck

  • Alexendrire Dragon x3
  • Dunames Dark Witch x3
  • Shiny Abyss x3
  • Dark Valkyria x3
  • Aquarian Alessa X3
  • Effect Veiler x1
  • Maxx "C"x1


  • White Elephant's Gift x2
  • Dark Hole x1
  • Dark Factory of Mass Production x2
  • Gemini Spark x2
  • Mystical Space Typhoon x2
  • Non-Spellcasting area x1
  • Amulet of Ambition x1


  • Divine Wrath X2
  • Solemn Warning x1
  • Justi-Break x2
  • Skill Drain x2
  • Cry Havoc! x1
  • Secrets of the gallant x1
  • Tyrant's temper x1
  • Bottomless Trap Hole x3
  • Mirror Force x1


  • Dark Rebeillion XYZ Dragon x1
  • Ragna Zero x1
  • EvilSwarm Excition Knight x2
  • BLackShip of Corn x1
  • Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent Knight x1
  • Evigishki Merrowgeist x1
  • Photon Papilloperative x1
  • Fairy Cheer Girl x2
  • Silent Honor ARK x 2
  • Daigusto Emeral x1
  • Diamond Crab King
  • Princess Cologne x1


  • Water Girl x1
  • Rescue Rabbit x1
  • Dimensional Prison x2
  • Dark Factory of Mass Production x1
  • Cry Havoc! x1
  • Royal Decree x1


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Kind of an odd deck, but let's get it more competitive:
-3 Shiny Abyss
-1 Alessa
+3 Noble Knight Artorigus
+1 Honest
And now for Spells and Traps:
-2 Gift
-2 Factory
-1 Area
-1 Amulet
-2 Wrath (Skill Drain and Breakthrough Skill do this better)
-2 Justi-Break (Just run 3 Mirror Force)
-1 Havoc
-1 Gallant
-1 Tyrant (Forbidden Lance is better)
And I assume the 3 Bottomless is a typo, as you only have 1 in the deck.
That's -13 cards, So let's add:
+3 Pot of Duality
+3 Forbidden Lance
+2 Dimensional Prison (From Side)
+2 Common Charity
+1 Torrential Tribute
+1 Solemn Warning
+1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
Duality and Charity add more consistency, and the rest of the Traps are pretty much staples these days.
And here's my own version of the deck if you want to experiment:
[spoiler='LIGHT Normal Deck']
Monsters: 16
3 Alexandrite Dragon
3 Noble Knight Artorigus
3 Dunames Dark Witch
3 Mystical Elf
1 Rescue Rabbit
1 Honest
2 Maxx "C"
Spells: 12
3 Pot of Duality
3 Forbidden Lance
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Mind Control
1 Dark Hole
1 Book of Moon
Traps: 12
2 Common Charity
2 Skill Drain
2 Dimensonal Prison
2 Wiretap
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Solemn Warning
Extra Deck: 15
2 Excition
2 #101
1 #50
1 Maestroke
1 Emeral
1 Pearl
1 Dire Wolf
1 Steelswarm Roach
1 #82
1 #103
1 Abyss Dweller
1 Papilloperative
1 Gagaga Cowboy
Honestly, though, the deck itself is rather bad and won't really do well in the competitive scene right now.
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I don't like the following cards, and here's why:

Wiretap: It may negate, but it returns that trap into deck, so it can be reused.

Compulsory Evacuation Device, :i hate it when it used against me, especially in a situation i can't sp, besides, it doesn't destroy

Torrential Tribute: too conditional, besides, my opponent can mst it or special summon other monsters

Pot of Duality :i can't sp summon

Noble Knight Artorigus :i hate noble knights

Forbidden Lance: Seriously? only for one turn.

Gagaga Cowboy: Never been fan of Gagas, also it's a burn card.

Dire Wolf: No, it costs too much to destroy 1 card

Maestroke:never been fan of Djinns

#82: Seriously? and it's 2000 ATk

Abyss Dweller: Big no no, wrong timing, and it can be defeated easily

Book of Moon: it can Trigger Shaddols.



I don't know why the hate of Divine Wrath, it's very good card despite the cost.

I'm also sick of abusing Mirror force, especially it is no longer semi-limited, that's why i keep Justi-break

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I don't like the following cards, and here's why:

Wiretap: It may negate, but it returns that trap into deck, so it can be reused.

Compulsory Evacuation Device, :i hate it when it used against me, especially in a situation i can't sp, besides, it doesn't destroy

Torrential Tribute: too conditional, besides, my opponent can mst it or special summon other monsters

Pot of Duality :i can't sp summon

Noble Knight Artorigus :i hate noble knights

Forbidden Lance: Seriously? only for one turn.

Gagaga Cowboy: Never been fan of Gagas, also it's a burn card.

Dire Wolf: No, it costs too much to destroy 1 card

Maestroke:never been fan of Djinns

#82: Seriously? and it's 2000 ATk

Abyss Dweller: Big no no, wrong timing, and it can be defeated easily

Book of Moon: it can Trigger Shaddols.



I don't know why the hate of Divine Wrath, it's very good card despite the cost.



...sigh.  Let me tell you why those cards are GOOD for your deck:

Wiretap: Today's game is so fast paced that you should win before they can reuse the negated card; if you really don't like it: Seven Tools works.


Compulsory: Can disrupt your opponent's plays, and can be chained in response to things like Ice Hand and MST.


Torrential: Decks can consistently summon 2+ monsters a turn these days, so it can stop them from swarming.


Pot of Duality: The No-Special Summons cost shouldn't hurt your deck too much.  Yeah, you can Xyz, but Duality let's you set up for those Xyz plays. You don't HAVE to use Duality if you need to Xyz, just wait.  It's also a good first turn card.


Artorigus: It's not for the Noble Knights.  It's a LIGHT Normal monster, which helps the deck's theme.


Forbidden Lance: It may be only one turn, but that's all you need.  Most decks only run traps whose effects only go off once in a turn (Bottomless, Torrential, D-Prison, ect), so you only need Lance once.  And unlike Tyrant's Temper, it doesn't tribute monsters for cost, which is terrible in today's game.  Lance can also lower an opponent's monster's ATK, which can make your monster stronger when they attack.


Cowboy:  Say you have 2-3 monsters out.  You just attacked and your opponent has less than 800 left.  In Main Phase 2, you can go into Cowboy and burn for game.


Maestroke: It's a Book of Moon.  And it can stall if you need it.  It's just a generic Rank 4.


#82 bypasses stronger monsters with direct attacks,which can help you win late in the game.


Dweller negates Graveyard effects, which a lot of decks use these days.


Book of Moon: Shaddols aren't even a thing in the TCG right now.  And not everyone is playing Shaddols, either.


As far as why Divine Wrath is bad: Breakthrough Skill does the EXACT SAME THING and doesn't require a discard.  Fiendish Chain and Skill Drain are continuous negaters, even though they are vulnerable to MST.  Plus, Fiendish negates attacks as well.

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That's exactly why i don't run those cards 

*is very confused*


I gave you reasons why those cards are GOOD to use, and you say the good reasons are why you don't run them???  I really don't get it...


Divine Wrath Can negate even from your oppoenent's hand.


Yeah, but outside of hand traps like Maxx "C"/Veiler and the Dragon Rulers, decks don't run enough of those effects to warrent running Wrath.

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*is very confused*
I gave you reasons why those cards are GOOD to use, and you say the good reasons are why you don't run them???  I really don't get it...
Yeah, but outside of hand traps like Maxx "C"/Veiler/Dragon Rulers, decks don't run enough of those effects to warrent running Wrath.

I'm trying to say i don't run these cards because they never helped me, or they have been used against me many times, no matter how good or bad they are.
I used to hate Black Rose Dragon and Breakthrough Skill, but i changed my mind after trying them..
Also i hate lot of cards.

Archetypes i hate:
Fire Information and King avatar
Dark World
Ancient Gear
GaGaga, Dododo...
Hireatic Beasts
Time Lords
Hazy Flame
Cards i hate
Dark Magician Girl
Red Eyes b Dragon
Diamond dire wolf
Evacuation device
Creature Swap
Lighting Chidori
Fire King Avatar
Upstart Goblin
Dark Bribe
Chainsaw Insect
Shooting Quasar Dragon
Lyla Lightsworm sorcerer
Lava Golem
Necro face
Hope Dragun

I can't honesty run them just because they are good or easy to use, or other people like it, it's not i'm not willing to make my deck better or something, but i expected something better :/
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I'm trying to say i don't run these cards because they never helped me, or they have been used against me many times, no matter how good or bad they are.
I used to hate Black Rose Dragon and Breakthrough Skill, but i changed my mind after trying them..
Also i hate lot of cards.

Archetypes i hate:
Fire Information and King avatar
Dark World
Ancient Gear
GaGaga, Dododo...
Hireatic Beasts
Time Lords
Hazy Flame
Cards i hate
Dark Magician Girl
Red Eyes b Dragon
Diamond dire wolf
Evacuation device
Creature Swap
Lighting Chidori
Fire King Avatar
Upstart Goblin
Dark Bribe
Chainsaw Insect
Shooting Quasar Dragon
Lyla Lightsworm sorcerer
Lava Golem
Necro face
Hope Dragun

I can't honesty run them just because they are good or easy to use, or other people like it, it's not i'm not willing to make my deck better or something, but i expected something better :/

What. wait, let me get you this straight, you CANT say no to some of the best staples today just because you don't like the fact somebody ran over you with them.

  • Lance is amazingly versatile. let's say you just got your fav monster on the field, the one you spit blood to get out, and it gets bottomless trap hole'd, you use lance, and it's protected.

or, the opp is going to kick your monster in battle because he wants and can, and you use it on his monster, it loses 800 ATK, gets killed. whoah, great card, two uses.

  • Compulsory is the best, period. there are cards who benefit from destruction, you don't want that. that are cards that can't be destroyed, there are cards to which bouncing is the best. it's my fav problem solver btw.

more so, if your opponent pulls an Xyz, Synchro or Fusion, you use compulsory and it returns them to the Extra Deck, best solution. Compulsory is a great card.

  • Pot of Duality: your decision more than anything, I say run. it adds consistency, your deck needs it.
  • You hate noble knights so you won't run artorigus? wat. jabber is trying to help you, let the silly excuses go.
  • Torrential: "my opponent can mst it or special summon other monsters" if your opponent special summons other monsters, and you can predict that - you keep your torrential to the moment he finishes. and the mst part is ridiculus. Your opponent can destroy your monsters aswell, so why run monsters?
  • "Never been a fan of gagagas / djinns / etc", that's not a reason, you might aswell say you don't like old men so solemn warning is off the table. that's not being serious.
  • Wire tap is awesome, you're right about the reusing but you shouldn't worry about it, worry about winning before they can draw it again.


also, about this long list of archetypes and cards you hate, that's ridiculous, you hate them because in your current state they kicked your ass multiple times and made you probably ragequit,

you might aswell put in Glad Beasts, Qliphoths, Ghostricks, Six Samurai, Sylvan, Prophecy, Constellar, Satellaknights infernity and lightsworns because they will run over this deck without blinking.

if that's how you choose the cards you play, then start loving them, otherwise your hate list is going to grow forever.


Long story short, you can't expect getting better if you argue with every staple we suggest.

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What. wait, let me get you this straight, you CANT say no to some of the best staples today just because you don't like the fact somebody ran over you with them.

  • Lance is amazingly versatile. let's say you just got your fav monster on the field, the one you spit blood to get out, and it gets bottomless trap hole'd, you use lance, and it's protected.

or, the opp is going to kick your monster in battle because he wants and can, and you use it on his monster, it loses 800 ATK, gets killed. whoah, great card, two uses.

  • Compulsory is the best, period. there are cards who benefit from destruction, you don't want that. that are cards that can't be destroyed, there are cards to which bouncing is the best. it's my fav problem solver btw.

more so, if your opponent pulls an Xyz, Synchro or Fusion, you use compulsory and it returns them to the Extra Deck, best solution. Compulsory is a great card.

  • Pot of Duality: your decision more than anything, I say run. it adds consistency, your deck needs it.
  • You hate noble knights so you won't run artorigus? wat. jabber is trying to help you, let the silly excuses go.
  • Torrential: "my opponent can mst it or special summon other monsters" if your opponent special summons other monsters, and you can predict that - you keep your torrential to the moment he finishes. and the mst part is ridiculus. Your opponent can destroy your monsters aswell, so why run monsters?
  • "Never been a fan of gagagas / djinns / etc", that's not a reason, you might aswell say you don't like old men so solemn warning is off the table. that's not being serious.
  • Wire tap is awesome, you're right about the reusing but you shouldn't worry about it, worry about winning before they can draw it again.
also, about this long list of archetypes and cards you hate, that's ridiculous, you hate them because in your current state they kicked your ass multiple times and made you probably ragequit,
you might aswell put in Glad Beasts, Qliphoths, Ghostricks, Six Samurai, Sylvan, Prophecy, Constellar, Satellaknights infernity and lightsworns because they will run over this deck without blinking.
if that's how you choose the cards you play, then start loving them, otherwise your hate list is going to grow forever.
Long story short, you can't expect getting better if you argue with every staple we suggest.

Woah Woah! dude, i'm not argueing here, and  I never said i don't like cards for their artworks or what's inside them, you may have points, but don't get the wrong idea, but i didn't want to go far from using favorite cards i like,  it might look silly, but we all hate and love cards (correct me if i'm wrong), i mean come on, i never said i hate Solemn warning because i hate old men or it has the god- like figure, i never hated that card for any reason, but i'm trying to say that some of suggested card never helped me, i've used some in tags, and some were used against me, and i didn''t say i hate infernity either, what's the point of running Mind Control if i'm going to take over a monster until the end phase and somehow i can't get rid of it, and it may not meet the requirements for XYz summon? let's say i've taken over Beelze and we all know it can't be destroyed, where it is not possible to get rid of by luring the opponent to use dimensional prison or tribute it or not having Rank 8 Monster to sp? in that case, i'd rather run enemy control or Change of heart. as for Torrential Tribute, you say it can destroy all monsters your opponent controls, but say, what if opponent summons Jinzo, Naturia Bakuron, or uses Royal decree, or using any card that won't let you activate set cards?

Forbidden Lance, it is true it has double functionalities, and it's true i love Quick-play Spell cards, but it targets one Monster, decreases its ATK by 800 until the end phase, what would you do for Hazy Flames? God cards? The only reason that i'm running Tyrant's Temper and Non-spellcasting area is mass protection (regardless of cost). if i ever wanted the best staples, i'd run cards those destroy or banish, retrning Monsters to owner's hand is nothing  good about it except your opponent resuses that monster in the same turn/ or next turn.

"Never been a fan of gagagas / djinns / etc", that's not a reason, you might aswell say you don't like old men so solemn warning is off the table. that's not being serious.

It may, however, Gagaga cowboy is a brun card, i don't like burn cards, whether you finish your oppoenent quickly or not, especially lot of Burn decks are hated, i could simply tribute 2 opponent's  monsters for Lava Golem and spellbinding circle it not to attack me and keeps reducing their life points by 1000, but i don't want that.

The suggested card's effect is not that bad, but dude, your opponent can negate your attack and flip summon it within his/her next turn, if it was a Shaddol, you make it worse to yourself, opponent may banish that Monster, or return it to your hand, who knows?

Fiendish Cain MAY paralyze the monster, but only on field,  a continuous effect, plus it target and doesn't destroy , Divine Wrath negates Monster effects even from hand despite of discarding cost (i'm sick of Discarding problem) it's not like you're discarding your entire deck, that's why i Choose Divine Wrath instead.

Skill Drain + Tyrant's Temper is a good combo, you paralyze your opponent's monsters on the field w/o hurting your own, (also trbuting as a cost problem can be solved.)

Why -1 Havoc? The more summons you do, the more tributes for Temper you get, the more xyz you summon.

Why -2 Mass production? you can retake 2 Normal monsters.

Why -2 Gift? it lets me draw.

Why i hate Dire Wolf? first it's 2000 ATK, second for a rank 4, it costs too much, Detach 1 XYz Material, destroy 1 or the desired types monsters you control to destroy a card? i'd rather Lightsworn hunter instead and mill 3 cards.

Number 82: Detach 1 xyz material to attack directly, but other monsters cant...i'd rather run 1 Watt at least and get more advantages.

i can read effects before judging, here are my main reasons for not running the suggested cards, sorry for the waste of time, as i mentioned it is not like i dont want to improve decks, but i could run different things.

By the way i forgot to say that this deck is preserved for My favorite female Light normal Monster decks (including Geminis).

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Why has no one said NK Gawayn yet? Judging from the monster lineup, he'll never be a dead draw, an Xyz engine all on his own. Also, he's f**king gorgeous.

Op doesnt like NK so he wont use them. Might as well add HEROs to that list...really he has neglected help thus far because of his whole INOLIKCOMPTIVEYGO argument.
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Woah Woah! dude, i'm not argueing here, and  I never said i don't like cards for their artworks or what's inside them, you may have points, but don't get the wrong idea, but i didn't want to go far from using favorite cards i like,  it might look silly, but we all hate and love cards (correct me if i'm wrong), i mean come on, i never said i hate Solemn warning because i hate old men or it has the god- like figure, i never hated that card for any reason, but i'm trying to say that some of suggested card never helped me, i've used some in tags, and some were used against me, and i didn''t say i hate infernity either, what's the point of running Mind Control if i'm going to take over a monster until the end phase and somehow i can't get rid of it, and it may not meet the requirements for XYz summon? let's say i've taken over Beelze and we all know it can't be destroyed, where it is not possible to get rid of by luring the opponent to use dimensional prison or tribute it or not having Rank 8 Monster to sp? in that case, i'd rather run enemy control or Change of heart. as for Torrential Tribute, you say it can destroy all monsters your opponent controls, but say, what if opponent summons Jinzo, Naturia Bakuron, or uses Royal decree, or using any card that won't let you activate set cards?

Forbidden Lance, it is true it has double functionalities, and it's true i love Quick-play Spell cards, but it targets one Monster, decreases its ATK by 800 until the end phase, what would you do for Hazy Flames? God cards? The only reason that i'm running Tyrant's Temper and Non-spellcasting area is mass protection (regardless of cost). if i ever wanted the best staples, i'd run cards those destroy or banish, retrning Monsters to owner's hand is nothing  good about it except your opponent resuses that monster in the same turn/ or next turn.

Your what ifs are ridiculous, I can invent a what if scenario for anything.

  • "what's the point of running Mind Control if i'm going to take over a monster until the end phase and somehow i can't get rid of it, and it may not meet the requirements for XYz summon?" - omg, what. First, it may meet the xyz reqs but that's not why you run it. change of heart is banned, and you wouldn't use Mind Control on beelze unless getting rid of beelze for one turn lets you win. the question is stupid, it's like saying "why would I mirror force if the opp can get Apoqliphoth Killer to the field?", you obviously use every card to the case it fits in.


  • "Torrential Tribute, you say it can destroy all monsters your opponent controls, but say, what if opponent summons Jinzo, Naturia Bakuron, or uses Royal decree, or using any card that won't let you activate set cards?" so don't run Trap Cards, problem solved. take out all of your mirror force, D.Prisons, bottomless, solemns and all because of the chance your opp will use Royal Decree. /sacrasm. do you see the flaw in your thinking?


  • "Forbidden Lance, it is true it has double functionalities, and it's true i love Quick-play Spell cards, but it targets one Monster, decreases its ATK by 800 until the end phase, what would you do for Hazy Flames? God cards?" and again.. I'm getting tired of replying to this ridiculous argument. look, what if your opponent pulls out apoqliphoth? your whole deck is fucked. what if they pull of a monster summon-lock? your deck is fucked, what if they pull Heavy Storm+Decree? your backrow "protection" is fucked. flawed argument is flawed. 


  • "if i ever wanted the best staples, i'd run cards those destroy or banish, retrning Monsters to owner's hand is nothing  good about it except your opponent resuses that monster in the same turn/ or next turn." you don't value compuslory enough, you will value it once you play more.


  • "Woah Woah! dude, i'm not argueing here" - confused0071.gif u 100% right u dont

I'm getting tired, and it's only after going through half of that post. if you didn't get it by now, you wouldn't get it anyway. please try.

good luck.

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I expected this reply, and yet, you're getting the wrong idea, and yet, you proceeded to use words like flaws, ridiculous...OK, they may have flaws, they may be ridiculous, however, i'm aware that chances are changing from time to an other, and if you ever think that i think this way, please think again,i just gave you some "ridiculous ifs" and you did not respond to any of them, except with words of sarcasm, everyone can invent what if Scenario if you seriously see it this way, hating certain cards is not sinful, it's a matter of thought, and the way you faced it, true that some of the cards  i hated because the reasons above, but running cards you don't want to, won't work it out, except for tags, if i got Lava golem from my partner to use it and i hate Lava Golem, i will use it for the sake of the team, other than that, it's pretty useless to even put on deck, you still keep thinking that i hate those cards because i have never tried them, think again, i have tried most of those cards, and since the effect didn't satisfy me enough, i shall look for another card.

"you don't value compuslory enough, you will value it once you play more." lol, i had this card in real life and used it lot , until i got sick of it, added to that by the abuse of it, i hated it more than ever.



""what's the point of running Mind Control if i'm going to take over a monster until the end phase and somehow i can't get rid of it, and it may not meet the requirements for XYz summon?" - omg, what. First, it may meet the xyz reqs but that's not why you run it. change of heart is banned, and you wouldn't use Mind Control on beelze unless getting rid of beelze for one turn lets you win. the question is stupid, it's like saying "why would I mirror force if the opp can get Apoqliphoth Killer to the field?", you obviously use every card to the case it fits in." i would simply use Honest versus Apoqliphoth Killer, or i use another monster in which has a higher ATK than that Monster it's not like i'm worried about 3000 ATK.


""Torrential Tribute, you say it can destroy all monsters your opponent controls, but say, what if opponent summons Jinzo, Naturia Bakuron, or uses Royal decree, or using any card that won't let you activate set cards?" so don't run Trap Cards, problem solved. take out all of your mirror force, D.Prisons, bottomless, solemns and all because of the chance your opp will use Royal Decree. /sacrasm. do you see the flaw in your thinking?"
lol no, i'd rather use Dark Hole instead, because it is instant, if that doesn't work let it to Dimensional prison.


""Forbidden Lance, it is true it has double functionalities, and it's true i love Quick-play Spell cards, but it targets one Monster, decreases its ATK by 800 until the end phase, what would you do for Hazy Flames? God cards?" and again.. I'm getting tired of replying to this ridiculous argument. look, what if your opponent pulls out apoqliphoth? your whole deck is f***ed. what if they pull of a monster summon-lock? your deck is f***ed, what if they pull Heavy Storm+Decree? your backrow "protection" is f***ed. flawed argument is flawed."

That doesn't meet your statement, even i make my monster invincible against apoqliphoth's effect, the battle still takes an action, whereas that card is unaffected by Spell, trap, or Monster, i would simply kill apoqliphoth by beelze, or i use Honest against it, lol and i don't need my backrow protection that bad, there are other options you know.


I'm getting sick of repeating myself.

Minor additions:vEkRyWO.png

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I'm not refusing criticisms or suggestions, i was just trying to justify myself.

You're using back-assward logic and refusing to use cards suggested because you don't like them. It's immature and it makes the existence of this thread a literal waste of space.

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You're using back-assward logic and refusing to use cards suggested because you don't like them. It's immature and it makes the existence of this thread a literal waste of space.

Well, there could have been better cards., plus what's wrong with hating cards? i mean just you have faced cards and messed up your combos, don't you feel the hate? also why would i "suck up not to look bad" it has nothing to do with being mature or not :/, if you want to the believe the otherwise, then there's nothing else i can do.

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Wait, so you're refusing to play Pot of Duality because it restricts Special Summons? Dude, the deck hardly has any Special Summon capabilities, outside of Rabbit, which is @1, so good luck topping that at the worst possible moment. And no, just because you can Xyz Summon with the normal monsters doesn't change anything when you can't get the monsters onto the board fast enough to actually Xyz Summon.


And yes, you are bad because you're running sub-optimal cards over the better ones (ie divine wrath over fiendish chain / breakthrough skill).

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Wait, so you're refusing to play Pot of Duality because it restricts Special Summons? Dude, the deck hardly has any Special Summon capabilities, outside of Rabbit, which is @1, so good luck topping that at the worst possible moment. And no, just because you can Xyz Summon with the normal monsters doesn't change anything when you can't get the monsters onto the board fast enough to actually Xyz Summon.


And yes, you are bad because you're running sub-optimal cards over the better ones (ie divine wrath over fiendish chain / breakthrough skill).

Good, and what's wrong with running sub-optimal cards? and i didn't say a thing about breakthrough skill

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Is this trying to be a troll topic, or is it doing it by accident?


Decks posted in this section are rate and fix topics, and are open to criticism and suggestions. You were given several suggestions and solid reasons for them, and you're disregarding those cards on the basis that...they're really good, but you hate them. Because they're really good. (My favorite is dislike for Compulsory because it's screwed you over so many times you can't bear to use it and inflict similar pain to your opponents, paraphrased but accurate).


Um...okay. I normally say that people do have the right to disagree with advice, and can have their own little quirks and preferences, so long as they can justify their point of view in a rational manner. 


But you're disputing SO MANY good options on such flimsy justifications, and your list of "cards I hate" is enormous (and many of them have nothing to do with this Deck).


I don't even understand the justification against some staples. If this was a RL Deck, you could immediately point to a budget problem. But you're using this Deck on Devpro...which is free, and has pretty much all the cards in existence.


So I'm really wondering...why did you post this Deck at all? You seem to hate every card that could improve it.



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