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[MtG] Modern Returning to the Pro Tour

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It's great news, at least they can listen to their fans and go back on some of their decisions (Reserved List when ;w;)


Sadly, that is one of the things they won't change even though I think its safe to say most of the people there think its a mistake. They made a promise and plan to hold to it. Might not be the best thing in the world, but you can respect them for that.


As for the change back to modern, not sure how I feel. Modern doesn't change that much, so unless they ban/unban something around that time the format won't be much different than what people are already use to. Not to mention Wizards wants to have the Pro Tour showcase their new sets, its why they are now called by the set and not the location, and modern really doesn't let them do that.

On the other hand, Modern is a pretty stable format making it the easiest time, imo, for grinders to get a good finish. I mean, having to figure out a whole new meta with the set release by yourself is really hard vs. the known quantity that is Modern. 

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