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Summon Chants:
Levia - "Lord of the Oceans, you who lead water dragons! Cast your waters on this disgusting world!! Synchro Summon!! Levia of the Diabolic Dragons!"
Lucife - "Lord of the Stars, you who lead light dragons! Cast your sunshine on this disgusting world!! Synchro Summon!! Lucife of the Diabolic Dragons!"
Ibli - "Lord of the Underworld, you who lead fire dragon! Cast your heat on this disgusting world!! Synchro Summon!! Ibli of the Diabolic Dragons!"
Amia - "Lord of the Beasts, you who lead earth dragons! Cast your nutrients on this disgusting world!! Synchro Summon!! Amia of the Diabolic Dragons!"
Belph - "Lord of the Souls, you who lead wind dragons! Cast a breeze on this disgusting world!! Synchro Summon!! Belph of the Diabolic Dragons!"
Beelze - "Lord of the Flies, you who lead dark dragons! Cast your shadow on this disgusting world!! Synchro Summon!! Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons!"


Summon with Super Polymerization, Chain Material, Dragon's Mirror or Miracle Synchro Fusion.
Summon Chant:
"Lord of the Flies, you who lead diabolic dragons! Cast your power on this disgusting world!! Synchro Summon!! Sata of the Diabolic Dragons!"
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To be honest, all of these cards are completely broken. If they existed every deck would aim to get even one of these out (Wouldn't need to fusion Sata) and it'd be GG most of the time. Not being able to be destroyed by battle or by effects is game breaking and with them being so easy to get on the field (Flamvell deck and Synchro 3 Ibli with Rekindling in one turn) it's a auto win, which is never good. 


To fix them, start with the effect. Tone them down, discarding a card or paying a set amount of LP would make them much more balanced (Still very OP'd concidering they're so easy to summon) Something like:


[i]1 EARTH-Dragon Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters


If this card would be destroyed by a card effect: Pay 1000 Lifepoints; Negate the activation of that card and destroy it. If you take damage from your opponents card effect: Draw a card for each 500 damage you took[/i]


Or something like that. Even with this fix, they would still be overpowered but a step in the right direction.  

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To be honest, all of these cards are completely broken. If they existed every deck would aim to get even one of these out (Wouldn't need to fusion Sata) and it'd be GG most of the time. Not being able to be destroyed by battle or by effects is game breaking and with them being so easy to get on the field (Flamvell deck and Synchro 3 Ibli with Rekindling in one turn) it's a auto win, which is never good. 


To fix them, start with the effect. Tone them down, discarding a card or paying a set amount of LP would make them much more balanced (Still very OP'd concidering they're so easy to summon) Something like:


1 EARTH-Dragon Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters


If this card would be destroyed by a card effect: Pay 1000 Lifepoints; Negate the activation of that card and destroy it. If you take damage from your opponents card effect: Draw a card for each 500 damage you took


Or something like that. Even with this fix, they would still be overpowered but a step in the right direction.  

You know Beelze, the DARK one of these, is actually a real card and is in no way broken?


Anyways, Beelze is not a generic card, which makes me not like the idea of there being a different version of the card for every single Attribute. They aren't really broken, but now Beelze is technically generic. Plus, they all feel very lazily made, since they're all exact clones of Beelze with the damage-related effect tinkered with for the other ones. I would say something about how I have a bad feeling about the FIRE and EARTH ones' effects, but the damage-related effect for each dragon has Decoy Dragon Syndrome; your opponent won't intentionally trigger these effects without good reason.


And then there's Sata, who is incredibly difficult to Summon. You would have to Synchro Summon six times (losing at least twelve monsters in the process), and then getting Dragon's Mirror to fuse them all together (alternatively, there's cards like Gale Dogra and Mega Zaborg). Because you would need six different Tuners to Fusion Summon this with the Diabolic Dragons, you'd probably just use six different Synchros for this instead. The end result is pretty much a FGD that is immune to all types of destruction, and shields you from any sort of damage. It's nice, but the amount of non-destruction removal now in the game that justifies Beelze's existence makes the card not worth the effort (especially when you could Summon FGD a lot more easily than this).

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You know Beelze, the DARK one of these, is actually a real card and is in no way broken?


Anyways, Beelze is not a generic card, which makes me not like the idea of there being a different version of the card for every single Attribute. They aren't really broken, but now Beelze is technically generic. Plus, they all feel very lazily made, since they're all exact clones of Beelze with the damage-related effect tinkered with for the other ones. I would say something about how I have a bad feeling about the FIRE and EARTH ones' effects, but the damage-related effect for each dragon has Decoy Dragon Syndrome; your opponent won't intentionally trigger these effects without good reason.


And then there's Sata, who is incredibly difficult to Summon. You would have to Synchro Summon six times (losing at least twelve monsters in the process), and then getting Dragon's Mirror to fuse them all together (alternatively, there's cards like Gale Dogra and Mega Zaborg). Because you would need six different Tuners to Fusion Summon this with the Diabolic Dragons, you'd probably just use six different Synchros for this instead. The end result is pretty much a FGD that is immune to all types of destruction, and shields you from any sort of damage. It's nice, but the amount of non-destruction removal now in the game that justifies Beelze's existence makes the card not worth the effort (especially when you could Summon FGD a lot more easily than this).


I did not know this, the game has changed in two years... I take back my comment about these being broken and I'm going to build a OTK deck with this card! 

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As already noted, Beelze is an existing card and is by no means, broken. Additionally, rest of the Synchros are essentially Attribute clones of it; save for what they do afterwards.

  • Levia: Makes opponent take the same amount of damage you did.
  • Lucife: Essentially "negates the damage"
  • Ibli: Destroy stuff for every 500 damage taken.
  • Amia: Free draw from damage. Reminds me of some card Yusei used that do similar things, probably Shock Draw or something.
  • Belph: Weakens monsters based on damage.

Unless your opponent has a countermeasure for them (i.e. reverse heal [Reficule/Simochi] for Lucife, Artifacts or whatever doesn't mind getting bombed for Ibli, etc), they aren't going to be stupid enough to trigger their effects.


Sata's already difficult to summon as is; given that no good Deck will run monsters that can fulfill ALL of their requirements. Maybe in some weird revival Deck or if your opponent is dumb enough to mill your Extra Deck, but as mentioned, you'd have to make a very specific strategy to pull it off. Heck, Five-Headed Dragon is easier to pull off and has more power to boot; albeit lack of effect protection (it still has some battle protection though).


I also shouldn't be reminding you all that DIVINE cards are forbidden within the Realistic Cards section. Please read the rules for this section, as it's been explicitly mentioned.

Moved to Any Other Cards.

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