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Can you name all 151 Pokémon in 10 minutes?

Fusion X. Denver

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I got 127. Though I choose to believe I got 129, because I remembered 2 of them, but had no idea how to properly spell them.



Couldn't spell Exeggecute and Exeggecutor.


I forgot:

-Diglett line

-Mankey line

-Poliwag line

-Doduo line

-Grimer line

-Ponyta line


-Mr. Mime


-Horsea line

-Goldeen line


And by some miracle, forgot Ditto. 


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Considering that Gen 1 is far from being my favorite and my memory is a pile of tin cans, I'm pretty satisfied.


Gotta say, I was typing out Grimer as the timer ended, and I still had Seel and Dewgong in my head ready to type. I'm a slow typer. >>'

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