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Sphinxy, Barbarotic & Sinful [Even more kinkier than before]


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2 Andro Sphinx

3 Beast King Barbaros

3 Cardcar D

3 Malefic Cyber End Dragon

2 Sphinx Teleia


3 Forbidden Lance

3 Mound of the Bound Creator

3 Pot of Duality


1 Bottomless Trap Hole

2 Breakthrough Sill

1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

2 Dimensional Prison

2 Pyramid of Light

3 Reckless Greed

3 Skill Drain

1 Solemn Warning

1 Torrential Tribute

2 Wiretap


15 extra deck that I cba to list


Any suggestions?

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Suggestions? Because it's actually hard to decide on what to remove.



Barbaros Ur? Dunno, could work.


I have enough beaters in here, and the half damage doesn't seem that inviting anyways, even if Skill Drain is on the field.

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I did this once.


It didn't work very well, but that was probably because I hat Cat of Ill Omen, Necrovalley, and 3 or Andro/Teleia clogging my deck up. Yours looks much better. 


Forbidden Dress, maybe Trap Stun? Personally I like Dress and play it in Malefics (I am aware of its rulings btw).

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