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[Pokemon] Gengar EX, M-Gengar EX revealed

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Mega Gengar seems underwhelming, since it ONLY has the option to copy attacks. Though, it is DCE compatible, so that's nice.


Gengar, however, seems interesting in a Poison Centric deck with Dragalge, Toxicroak, and Virbank. Being able to U-Turn while dealing 70 (90 with Virbank) and preventing retreat seems pretty good. Though, it'll only be good if Virizion turns bad...

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Mega Gengar sucks a big one. Gengar EX has some mild potential as mentioned before. Would probably be better partnered with Garbodor than with Dragalge. While they can retreat out, it gets rid of the main killer of the deck (Virizion) and slows the opponent down majorly. You don't really need any effects of your own in the deck.

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