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[CFV] Aqua Force


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This is my Aqua Force deck list. Please do not say this is terrible because I already know it is. I am not an expert so I do not know what to use. Suggestions are welcome!


4x Battleship Intelligence

4x Pyroxene Communications Sea Otter Soldier

4x Dolphin Soldier of the High Speed Raids

4x Medical Officer of the Rainbow Elixir

1x Aqua Breath Dracokid


4x Tear Knight, Theo

4x Stream Trooper

4x Accelerated Command

3x Battle Siren, Dorothea


4x Storm Rider, Basil

4x Titan of the Infinite Trench

2x Coral Assault


3x Navalgazer Dragon

3x Storm Rider, Diamantes

2x Hydro Hurricane Dragon


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