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synonym for vamps




Vampire Shadow x3

Vampire Duke x3

Skull Conductor x1

Mezuki x3

Vampire Sorcerer x3

Pyramid Turtle x3

Goblin Zombie x2

Plaguespreader x2


Book of Life x2

Dark Hole

Soul Charge

Soul Exchange

Forbidden Lance


Vampire Kingdomx3


Vampire Takeover x2



Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

Dimensional Prison



Call of the Haunted


Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon


Crimson Blader

African American Rose Dragon

Goyo Guardian


Crimson Knight Vampire Bram x3

Shark Fortress

Number 50: Corn

Number 101: Ark

Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer


Abyss Dweller


Other stuff:

Endless Decay

Zombie Master


Lavalval Chain

Instant Fusion+Reaper on the Nightmare[/spoiler]


Since no one likes rank 9 fish, started a new deck. I'll say again, I'm pretty bad at deckbuilding, and Yugioh in general. Had a first go at this without looking at any other decklists and stuff, then referered to them to see what kinda important cards I was missing, so it's definitely not a straight copy. I haven't seen any Synchro of Super Poly builds, but I think it could work. Side deck isn't serious.
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Most cases, I'd prefer Dragons Mirror to Super Poly.

Soul Charge is a card that benefits from being played at higher numbers.

Destruction by battle isn't highly a thing anymore and 3 Pyramid Turtles seems to be a bit much.

Zombie Masters, maybe?

Kingdom doesn't seem to need to be at 3, since it can be searched by Sorc iirc.

Lance and Breakthrough should be at 2 me thinks.

Skull Conductor just seems bad.


So, in short.


+ Dragons Mirror

+1 Soul Charge

-2-3 Pyramid Turtles

+2-3 Zombie Masters

-1 Kingdom

+1 Lance

+1 Breakthrough



And as for the E Deck, drop a Bram for a Tiras or Volca.


It could use a Gaia Charger as well I think, but...


Hope this helps.

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Didn't think of Dragon's Mirror. Banishing though is what makes me hesitant. I'll play around with it. Everything else you said makes sense.


Although for the extra deck, the Vampires can only form Dark rank 5s, so Tiras and Volcasaurus are out. Probably dropping a Bram for Thunder Charger though, good idea.


Thanks for the feedback.

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No problem, and I had forgotten the DARK restriction.


If banishing is an issue, maybe try Burial from the Different Dimension.


It can put Plague Spreaders back where they came from, Mezukis, and anything else banished.


I would say Dark Armed Dragon could also combo with it, but DAD is always an iffy thing imo. (And I mean if you care to add DAD)


Also, at this moment I would be running Solemn Warning over Compulse, but that could just be me.

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