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Wight Blight Delight!


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I've been playing around with this for a bit on DN, and it's actually pretty consistent. I'm debating on whether I should keep Malevolent Catastrophe, change a Mathematician to another Kuribandit, etc. It's really easy to get over stuff like Qliphoths with the King, and with Shaddolls and Tellarknights, it's usually at a huge disadvantage (but victories come by attacking the weak with King[s]). But, there's probably a lot of changes I can make, so what do you guys think? Side deck help would be appreciated, too, although I just kind of scrapped that together.

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Personally, I didn't really like Kuribandit when I ran it. Your Normal Summon is really important in this deck, if only because Normal Summoning a 3000+ monster is a pretty big deal right now.

Why Necro Gardna? Why Skill Prisoner over Breakthrough Skill? Where is call of the haunted?

Have three sets of Wightmare targets been doing well for you? I've been trying two, to middling effect.

How often have you actually been able to get a Tiragon play?

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