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superspiderman26 is ready to duel


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Tormy was referring to the 2006 formats, when people still played Beatdown decks or some old strategy involving Dark Magician and Blue-Eyes.


But anyway, welcome to YCM.

Make sure you read the rules/announcements before posting, don't flame/troll other members, don't spam and other things.


If you decide to post your actual Deck in TCG, do not throw a fit if it gets heavily picked apart. Keep in mind that the game has evolved significantly from eight years ago. Same goes for posting in the regular TCG section; it's advised you have a basic idea of what goes on in the metagame and/or upcoming sets before posting. This also applies to your custom cards; do not throw a fit if your cards get criticized; the point of it is to help you improve and not make overly broken cards.


There is an online program called Dueling Network. If you want a match on there, just ask for a match in statuses.


With that said, enjoy your stay and ask one of the mods/a senior member if you need help.

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