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Kiosken's Weakly Contest!:) *FINISH*


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ok i am creating a weakly contest!

and you can PM me if you got some subjects(dragons, spellcaster..) that can be next weak:)


Creat min. 1 card and max. 10..

must be new cards!

you got to next monday


1st. 3 reps

2st. 2 reps

3st. 1 rep


Must the best cards win!:)


Im finish judging;)



1st. Shadowseer

2st. Hunterb

3st. Anomu13

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[align=center]here is the rulings on the cards.


Wormhole Summon - It is very similar to Special Summoning, but only for Intergalactic monsters and their ruling is:


you MUST WAIT 1 TURN for a monster AND WAIT 1 additional turn for each tribute it would require to Normal Summon it.


The Wormhole - It is similar to the out of play zone. Monsters stay there while you wait to Wormhole Summon them. I will make support cards to play with the Wormhole soon.[/align]

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