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Hello there!

Jar of Greed

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Yo. I'm Jar of Greed, known as Jar, JoG, etc. I've been using your card making website for some time now, but I've never explored these forums. So the other day, when I was making a card, I saw this place and decided to register to check it out. I'm very familiar with this place in relation to structure, as Dueling Network Forums utilizes the same software. Seems like a neat place, I will definitely check it out some more. I haven't seen a Chat Box for this forum, so I'm a bit sad about that, haha. Anyways, I'm a Chat Moderator on DNF's and you can check me out here if you like: http://forum.duelingnetwork.com/index.php?/user/53887-jar-of-greed/

Thank you for reading if you made it this far. Cya around~


- JoG

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It seems you're familiar with our policies and how stuff is run.


Anyway, welcome to YCM.

This is pretty much standard, but make sure you read the rules/announcements, don't flame/troll other members, do not post in spambot threads/statuses and so forth.


If you need help, see one of the moderators or a senior member.

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