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[Serious] Thoughts on Dog King

Dog  King

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ive been here since late2008 where i inhabitted the any other cards section while it was still active and i loved making cards im pretty sure i made over 150
Later on i inhabitted the clubs and org section when it was super active and getting your club stickied was hard but i was able to get my shittyush club cakked hollywood stickied and only because the mod of th secion liked a band calked hollywood ir something
I had a lot of differeht clubs and was also pretty active in a lot of them
Later i started playing yugioh more and then i moved to the tcg section where i was a complete noob at first but i learned over the years
I even remember doung my firsy online duel on yvd and using gbs which i copied if some shitty yugioh magazine
Over the time i got banhammered about 5 times for 3 days except for one time when yin banned me for 1 month becauce of some gfx stuff i accidentaly used, yeh i was in the graphic design section for a bit but i was shit but graphic design does interest me now a lot andits something i could see myself do in thenfuture
But then like 2 years ago i tink i got banhammered along with welche because red w mage was makin looots of alts and in was in an msn chat with him or something idk

But yeh i met lots if cook people overnthe time and made many friends and enemys, i have made orbbeen part if a lot of succesful threads too

So i wanna see your thoughts on me if you remember me, and if your usernzme has changed over the time telk me what it was before and if knew you

Btw bad grammer cuz im using tablet and

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What ever did get you in to YGO?  Were you ever proud of any moments during your time playing during sanctioned tournaments - any specific plays that you remember?

Idk i bought cards irl and i remember getting blackwing shura in a tin and i thought the archetype was cool and im pretty sure thats when i started posting my bad blackwing decks from where i started getting better etc

Yeh i got top 8 with nordics in the first yugioh card maker championship series, it wasnt really big tournament but it was the best i had done, i was never really good at competitive dueling i mostly liked to use all kinds of decks and create my oen and think of new combos and cards to use.
I tried clan wars on different forums but it does get boring soon do i stopped, and everyone was better than me lol

how old are you like 2? write properly you divvy

Yeh, problem?
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