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Anime School [OOC- PG-13+/S/AA]

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So, one of the few things that unite most people on this site, besides our status as humans, is a mutual appreciation for anime and manga.

In fact, I had a very interesting idea while browsing a similar site- an RP in which everyone's character is heavily anime-inspired, in your stereotypical anime high school. There's a catch, however- there's no defined protagonist. Everyone here will have elements of protagonist-ism, and people can create support cast for other people (ie: a rival for a shonen protagonist, a haremette for a harem protagonist, a love interest, support allies for a Magical Girl . . .).

There isn't a pre-defined one, as such. Depending on the variety of characters I receive, use of various plots that could happen could open or close- for example, I'm not going to launch my most insane combat arc if all I have is normals and comedic relief. When I get enough characters to decide how the plot will be organized, important information for recaps will go here.The only guarantee is that everyone is starting in the same class.[/spoiler]

1. All IC posts require at least 4 lines of text, or roughly 100 words.
2. Posting in script format gets you gone.
3. No use of character expies without tailoring them to this RP.
4. Follow the application format used below.
5. Up to 3 characters per person- I may restrict you to less if I notice problems.
6. All arguments relating to canon will be posed to me, and I ask politely for patience.
7. Your characters cannot have a high-risk relationship with one another- you cannot RP your own rival, love interest, or best friend (it creates unnecessary complications).
8. You cannot use a preexisting anime character- naturally, since I willingly admit I haven't watched every anime and read every manga ever made, any help spotting characters would be amazing.
9. Extremely importantly, NO GODMODDING.

Age (you'll be a 1st-year student, so acceptable range is between 12 and 17):
Appearance (if you post an image, make sure it's in an animesque art style):
Seat Number (between 1 and 30):
Notes (this is where you indicate your type of character, especially if it's not readily apparent {eg, Kaiba would be tagged-- Rival=Yugi; Rich Boy; Longcoat; Mon Tamer}):

[spoiler=Suspect Elements:]
These are things that, while not necessarily against the rules, are a little suspicious and require justification.

Absurdly Specific Weaknesses- If your character breaks the OP Threshold and needs a weakness to limit them, it needs to be something common enough that I can implement it with villains every so often. Naturally, something as specific as a piece of a blown-up planet millions of light-years away stretches my suspension of disbelief just a little bit.

Extremely Tragic Backstory- Again, this is a suspension-of-disbelief thing. If your parents and grandparents are dead, your one living rleative is extremely abusive, and you've been bullied just about your entire life (you think I'm kidding, this is just a taste of how stupidly overdone backstories can be), you'd probably be in a mental institution, not a relatively normal high school.

Upper/Lower Forms- This refers to a "Super Mode", "True Form", "Mk II", et cetera. While not necessarily bad, these are naturally given a bit more leeway with the OP Threshold, and most people walk all over it when given the chance. Here are some sample limitations on your "Upper Form":
>--1. Pay For Entry:: This refers to a need to give something up when entering your Upper Form- for example, friends and partners thinking you are an enemy.
>--2. Not By Myself:: This is a situation where someone else is needed to help you get into your Upper Form- for example, your love interest removing a power limiter.
>--3. He Interrupted the Motto!:: This is where transformation is a long, ritualistic process that can be interrupted by an ouside force- for an example, look at "Solemn Warning".
>--4. My Shadow Half:: The Upper Form is evil and/or pointlessly destructive, so there's no guarantee that you won't screw yourself over more by entering it.
>--5. Problem of Overkill:: The Upper Form is so damned powerful that it causes extreme collateral damage even whilst holding back.
>--6. Time's Up:: An explicit time limit on the Upper Form- for example, the four-minute limit to the Power of Flight.
>--7. . . . And Faint:: Exiting the Upper Form results in a large time gap before the next use of the Upper Form- for example, entering a mini-coma.
>--8. Bucket of Water:: Exiting the Upper Form is absurdly easy- for example, getting wet reverts you to Lower Form.
>--9. With Firepower Comes Water Weakness:: The Upper Form has an idiotic weakness attached to it- for example, the Upper Form nearly dying on contact with water.
->>NOTE:: Magical Girls require an Upper/Lower form switch by default, but they are usually balanced in relation to both each other and the villains. Most also have "He Interrupted the Motto!" by default.

Telepathy- Again, not expressly a bad thing, but it is very difficult to RP without being either overpowered or damned-near useless. In other words, not conducive to anything resembling a fun RP.

[spoiler=Interesting Notes:]
Given the format (and my rather large rulebook), this doesn't look exactly conducive to fun at first glance . . . until you realize some of the interesting possibilities.

Actually Balanced Harem- By listing it in your Notes, you can be a Harem Protagonist- and I only allow one at a time. Why is this? Because everyone but that person is now permitted to make one of their characters a Haremette (Sample Format: Haremette--Negi Springfield) for that Harem Protagonist. This means that there will be a legitimate balance between personality types- not everyone likes writing for a tsundere, it's boring to write a slavishly devoted character, and one RP can only stand so many yandere. In addition, because the Harem Protagonist's controller will not be controlling any of the Haremettes, he/she will be making judgements based on their own favorite tropes, and there won't be a pre-planned resolution.

Spontaneous Love Interest- By listing it in your Notes, you can start the RP with a specific love interest in mind . . . or you could potentially let relationships develop between characters over time. This means that characters who didn't have any real knowledge of one another at the beginning can develop love, hate, and friendship like real people.

Negate Protagonist Syndrome- Because there is no fixed protagonist, the (im)morality of certain actions will not go unnoticed, and jerkish cahracters can be redeemed by acting like decent people often enough. A pair of rivals will have legitimate competition, without utter plot bullcrap getting in the way. Everyone is permitted to make their own judgements regarding everything, so we can have poorly-playacted protagonists getting the just comeuppance they deserve for their WTF moments.

Tamer Xover- Now, while I do not permit ripoff characters, I will concede that creating new Mons for a Mon Tamer character is ridiculous. So, unless convinced this isn't a good idea, you may give a Mon Tamer Pokemon, Digimon, or Yu-Gi-Oh! monsters. These won't be permitted to be legend-level Mons (for example, a Pokemon Trainer won't be walking around with frigging Rayquaza at the start), but the raw variety these provide will make for several interesting situations, especially considering I allow one Tamer of each (stats have been relativized). So, Mon Tamers, you're allowed two from your universe of choice. Go bananas, but not plantains. (I will manage the XP of Pokemon and othe videogame-based caharacters).

Development Threshold- While character development is a staple in RPs, there will be a considerable bit more incentive for it here. The one combat character surrounded by Comedy and School Angst characters (or vice versa) will be out of his/her element, and will need to adjust accordingly. Here, normals can learn the crazy techniques of combat characters, can be taught to drive mecha or cast spells, and may point out obvious weaknesses of villains through genre savvy. Likewise, combat characters can learn to be more normal, and can set aside their combat instincts to have fun every once in a while so they don't lose their damned marbles. While I don't expect (or want) this development to happen quickly, it is still a very good way to resolve the genre clashes.

Limelight- How can I promise every character will have protagonist potential, when there is such a wide potential for characters? Easy- I can manufacture situations where major leads are shunted to the side, and I can also give characters without much Special Snowflake potential situations where their talents are actually handy. While I don't want to have to do this often, I will if I see a character getting ignored too often.

Screw the Crusaders- Many, many RPs on this and other sites stick exclusively to one type of romantic relationship. Not me. I can, may, and will allow any and all affiliations, because that's how real life is, damn it. You may set this in your Notes, or you may just see where you want a character to go as the series goes on. Considering that this site has certain restrictions, explicit content is not allowed- you can suggest it, however. I am partial to providing lead-up, then leaving the words **SCENE MISSING** in the middle of your post to let people make their own judgements regarding what actually happened. Please note that I do not want to have to keep track of a messy dodecahedron, so these relationships should at no point consume the plot, and I expect you to handle your own issues in this regard.

Stirring the Stew- Note that the only real theme to this is that it takes place in modern times, in a high school. In other words, I don't care if you create ghosts, angels, demons, robotic time-travelers, aliens, or hybrids- just make sure they don't cross the OP Threshold and I'm ready to go. While I expect a human majority (for no other reason than that that is what we, as humans, know best), I will in no way enforce one. Go bananas, get creative.

[spoiler= Sample Tags:]
These go in your Notes. This is just what I can think of, so please feel free to create your own- provided they don't overlap with mine!

Mon Tamer-- This refers to someone who commands a small team of creatures- from Pokemon Trainers, to Digi-Destined, to Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists.

Shonen Protagonist-- An impulsive, combat-oriented character.

Rival-- One character who dislikes a specific character and wants to pound them into the ground. (Formatting: Rival--"Sample Character")

Harem Protagonist-- One character with various other characters falling for them for no legitimate reason.

Haremette-- A character with a thing for the Harem Protagonist (Formatting: Haremette--"Sample Character")

Magical Girl Leader-- The head of a group of Magical Girls. The default if you have the only such character.

Magical Girl Sub-- A second (or third, fourth, etc.) Magical Girl that ultimately follows the Leader's leadership.

Dark Magical Girl-- A 'loner' character, usually highly intelligent, that functions as a unique sort-of-rival to the Magical Girl Leader.

Love Interest-- Has a thing for another character. (Love Interest--"Sample Character")

Comic Relief-- Tells jokes, acts oddly, and is generally funny.

Angst Anchor-- A highly angsty, hostile, silent-type character. Only player character type permitted to commit suicide. (Yes, this can go there).

Spellcaster-- A magic-user of any persuasion, excepting the pre-defined Magical Girl.

Half-Human-- Character with one non-human parent.

Culture Blocked-- Any character with zero understanding of standard operating procedure, be they a foreigner, a demon raised in the woods, or a time-traveller.

Cloudcuckoolander-- A character who is seemingly off in their own little world. May show surprising insight.

Rich Boy/Girl-- A character with an obscene amount of money who is not averse to throwing it around. May show surprising depths.

Still In Rags-- A severely poor character, who is kept from certain activities by their lack of capital. May show surprising depths.

Longcoat-- An aloof, cold, and rather jerkish character. May actually wear a long coat.

Mech Pilot- Someone driving a high-level mechanical suit, ranging in size from Iron Man armor to three stories tall. (While skyscraper-sized mecha look cool, they'd break the story with sheer mass- so no Gundams or EVA units.)

Upgraded/Downgraded- Refers to cyborg implants, genetic modification, or anything else that alters what a character is.

Bishõnen/Bishõjou- Damn, this character is pretty.

Tsundere- A character who flip-flops between being nice and being a jerk, usually around their love interest.

Yandere- A character violently obsessive about their love interest, occasionally to the point of murder.

Word Problem- Often says things that can be misconstrued, or simply has poor word choice in general.

Self-Aware- A character who is aware of the fourth wall.

Large Ham- A character prone to random yelling, exaggerated gestures, and overall overstating their presence.

[spoiler= Accepted Apps:]
#1- -Aqua- - Hanasaki E. Ritsu
#2- TEM 23 - Daisuke Charles
#4- ChainsofHell - Joudas
#5- Aix Phantomhive - Aika Yamamoto

#7- Duel Emperor - Ikari Karasu

#9- TEM 23 - Hugo

#10- 0DST - Morrigan Dougherty
#12- TEM 23 - Marie
#13- 0DST - Yoshi Mori
#14- Maid Toyo - Toyoko Hasegawa
#15- Jolta - Sigma
#19- Aix Phantomhive - Akira Yamamoto

#20- R. Surraco - Vienna Forrest
#25- Trap Kirito - Igarashi Hitoshi

As a reminder as to the classroom layout:
Window///////////////////////////Teacher's Desk/////////////////////////////////Door

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I don't you well enough to love you but I well enough to think that this is a potential ball of so many bad ideas that it'll be a freaking blast and be amazing. 


I'll take seat 6 and I'll punch something out soon-ish today maybe. 

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Are we going full out Japanese here and even having honorifics?

[spoiler=WAHAHAHAHAHA, the main character is gay!]


"Goddammit Aika, stop being such a cliche, clingy, fanservice imouto character! YOU KNOW I'M GAY!"


Personal Information3PlD1Dt.png
Apparent Name: Akira Yamamoto (山本 明, lit. Yamamoto Akira)
Real Name: Mythalos variandel Endymion Kaizer-Reignheart III, Fourth of His Name (wat?), Thirteenth Prince of Fairykind and Mortal Men, Protector of the Infinite Realms
Age: 17 (Actually 1838237 due to timeline loops, but he hasn't aged)
Gender: Male (no funny business here)
Notes: Homosexual, Slice of Life Protagonist, Spellcaster, Former Longcoat
[spoiler=Personality]Akira is your standard main character, bored, personality-less, lazy, doesn't pay attention to class, etc., etc., insert more cliche here... Amirite?

Actually, Akira, or Mythalos variandel Endymion Kaizer-Reignheart III as is his real name, is an incredibly cynical and sarcastic person inside, critical of everything as he is highly intelligent and analytical, and constantly on the look-out for cliches. He spends his days reading classical literature and watching good anime, thus has developed a superior taste to you all. He is an elite anime critic who rejects mainstream shit like Attack on Titan and Sword Art Online, instead spending his days seeking quality anime like Legend of the Galactic Heroes or Tatami Galaxy. Enough of his tastes in anime, however, he also thoroughly enjoys Catcher in the Rye and the House of the Spirits, as well as Shakespeare. Suffice to say, he's kind of a loner and has no friends (except for his ever-loyal familiar).

Things will change however. Deciding to transfer to a new school and start anew, he decided to try and be a social creature. That means being nice to his fellow sentient creatures in order to win over some friends, and maybe a lover as well. He decided to try to play the part of a typical slice of life/harem protagonist, though he's considerably more calm and collected inside and doesn't get flustered easily.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Backstory]Born as a Higher Being, he was a guardian of the Akashic Records and the balance between the infinite world lines of the multiverse. It was his job to prevent universe destroying phenomenon from occurring by directly intervening in them, thus he has lived over 1000000 years time looping with his cat familiar in order to properly redress dimensional problems. Deciding he tired of it all, as he would rather spend his days reading classical literature and watching anime or even making actual friends, he quit his job, forsaking most of his magical, causality manipulating power, and randomly landing on our world to be a normal high school boy.

He and his cat familiar are posing as twins.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Powers]Although he had godlike powers before, now he simply has minor, very weak telekinesis in addition to his supreme martial arts skills honed over one million years of practice in the field.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=The Cat Familiar]


Personal Information3PlD1Dt.png
Apparent Name: Aika Yamamoto (山本 愛佳, lit. Yamamoto Aika)
Real Name: Asmodeus, the Adorbliest
Age: 17 (Actually 1839237, 1000 years older than her master)
Gender: Female
Seat Number: 5
Notes: Cloudcuckoolander, Culture Blocked, Spellcaster, Demon
[spoiler=Appearance]A short girl with cat ears.
[spoiler=Personality]A happy, childish and playful girl who gets along well enough with others. Despite her attempts to be bubbly and cheerful, she is quiet by nature and prefers to sit back and watch everyone having fun, only sometimes joining in. That said, despite being a demon, she is quite kind, and always willing to do things for her friends so that they can have fun. During her million years of service as a guardian of the worldlines, she always would pity those in less wonderful worlds and act behind her master's back, thus often delaying their missions. Not a very obedient partner, she will often go against Akira's orders just to spite him, and she greatly enjoys teasing him, though this is all moreover an act of familiarity and love.

She didn't take much note of her surroundings while Akira and her travelled the multiverse, due to always being on a mission and doing something to save prevent interdimensional calamity, thus now that she has plenty of time to relax she is highly curious of everything. Her feline nature shows through in her human guise, she ends all her sentences with "nya" and her laugh is something like "Nyahahaha". She enjoys sleeping, drinking milk and her favourite food is fish.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Backstory]An archdevil that gained interdimensional warping powers, Akira took her down as his very first mission, taking her in as his partner.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Powers]Once a powerful archdevil, now that she has abandoned the life of a guardian of the Akashic Records, she surrendered most her abilities, and she only has the ability to transform into a giant purple cat, though still possesses tremendous physical strength in both her forms.[/spoiler]


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In order of relative importance:

Akira Yamamoto accepted. This is going to be even more interesting than I thought initially.

Aix, I'm acknowledging Chains's prior claim to Seat 5, so Aika is running into issues already. EDIT: Nevermind this part.

Claims List is as follows:
#1- -Aqua- - Hanasaki E. Ritsu
#2- TEM 23 - Daisuke Charles
#3- Wildflame
#4- ChainsofHell - Joudas
#5- Aix Phantomhive - Aika Yamamoto
#6- Kouha Raine
#7- Duel Emperor - Ikari Karasu
#9- TEM 23 - Hugo
#10- 0DST - Morrigan Dougherty
#12- TEM 23 - Marie
#13- 0DST - Yoshi Mori
#14- Maid Toyo - Toyoko Hasegawa
#15- Jolta - Sigma
#19- Aix Phantomhive - Akira Yamamoto
#20- R. Surraco - Vienna Forrest
#24- The Hollow
#25- Trap Kirito - Igarashi Hitoshi
#28- Admiral_Stalfos19 - Allyssa Slates

To answer your question, honorifics are optional, but recommended for characters who self-identify as Japanese.

I'm dying of laughter in expectation of what will happen when Akira meets planned-character Julius. Possibly something illegal.

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Took me a while to think of a potential character, but I'm working on one now. In the meantime, please reserve seat #28.


Personal Information3PlD1Dt.png
Name: Allyssa Slates
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Seat Number: 28
Notes: Upper Form: ...And Faint, Mon Tamer, Magical Girl Leader, Love Interest - Igarashi Hitochi


Allyssa currently stands at 5' 8"; taller than the average girl her age, but not by much. Her current BWH ratio is 36-38-34; this in turn gives her an oval shape to her body, which is normally undesirable, but unavoidable considering that she's currently 6 months pregnant. Allyssa's shirt has 4 buttons at the front, but 2 of them remain undone for various reasons, and she almost never tucks it in to her skirt on the account that "it just doesn't look right". Speaking of which, Allyssa's skirt is blue in color, and reaches down to her knees. Sadly it doesn't have any pockets; the only pocket availabe to Allyssa is the one on the left breast of her shirt.[/spoiler]3PlD1Dt.png
[spoiler=Personality]In all honesty, Allyssa is tired of having to fight for her life all the time, and she just wants to be able to settle down and have a peaceful life. Although why she chose a school life of all the possible alternate lifestyles is beyond anyone but Allyssa herself; personally, she never did pay much attention to her grades during her time as a magical girl, and that's a mistake that she intends to fix this year. Worrying about her grades of all things is currently putting Allyssa under a lot stress in regards to what the future holds for her, and with what her pregnancy and concerns about whether or not she'll be a good mother, she fears that it may be too much for her to take. Hence why she's considering looking into getting herself someone to date; hopefully it'll at least lift one weight of many off her shoulders.


Unfortunately, Allyssa's chances of getting one are slim due to her shyness around boys, specifically ones that she's been eyeing up for quite some time. Whether she'll get over it at all is anyone's guess, but she can only hope that it doesn't affect her grades in the slightest. To try and take her mind off things, Allyssa will turn to a sketchbook that she randomly carries around and start drawing something, whether it be a bird or a butterfly or one of the boys that she'd been eyeing up or... pretty much anything that comes to mind. These drawings mean quite a lot to Allyssa, so should anything happen to them, then she'll never forgive the last person to touch them.[/spoiler]3PlD1Dt.png[spoiler=Powers]Interestingly, aside from the whole "magical girl costume change" thing, Allyssa theoretically has the power to summon anything she damn well wants. Thing is, her summoned life-form will take a spectral form, and she has to draw her life-forms that she wants to summon out of her sketchbook in whence she drew them from. However, even though the summoning mechanic is limited to what she has drawn beforehand, Allyssa can communicate with her summoned life-forms telepathically, and she has full control of the summoned life-forms. She can only summon them in her second or third forms.[/spoiler]3PlD1Dt.png

Miscellaneous Information


Allyssa speaks in a British accent. Both her parents are full-blooded Englishmen, as are the rest of her family.

Allyssa is a pisces-vegetarian; i.e. she'll eat fish, but no other form of meat. Her favorite food is strawberry cheesecake, and she's a glutton for sweets.

Allyssa's natural BWH ratio is 36-24-34. Obviously her pregnancy is to blame for this being out of whack, but she doesn't seem to mind wearing a bikini despite this.

Theme Song: Emergency, by Paramore

Ideal Voice Actress: Stephanie Sheh (En)/Nana Mizuki (Jp)


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"Half-Human" refers to just that.
The term for what you have described would technically be "Upgraded/Downgraded", as the case may be.

Remember the classroom layout, everyone:

Window///////////////////////////Teacher's Desk/////////////////////////////////Door

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Post your app first and there isn't much they'd be able to do even if they did have a problem.

Okay, so I have a bit of an announcement: I'll be camping over the weekend, so you won't be seeing any posts from me until Sunday night at the earliest. I'll try to solve as many problems tonight as I can, but I make no promises on fixing everything- I can't fix everything, actually, because I'm working with a broken copy-paste feature, so Aix's app won't hit the Board for a while. Take note that it is accepted, however.

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I'll try my luck too :D
Name: Christ Henderson (because there gotta be a non-japanese guy XD)
Age: He doesn't know.
Gender: Male (I guess?)
Seat Number: 30
Notes: Cloudcuckoolander, Eldritch, Deal Maker










Being the cloudcuckoolander he is, he lives in his own little world, where things and facts don't always seem to fit with what most people see. However, beyond that, he seems to have somewhat of a dark personality, sometimes saying unsetteling things for no or little reason or performing actions and not caring, or maybe not understanding, the vileness of his acts. As a Deal Maker, like most of his kind, he often tries to make his "customers" happy and instead of the demons, trying to fool others with these pacts, he wants to fulfill the wishes of his customers as correct as he possibly can. Once again, though, he has little or no intrest in the problems or paradoxes he causes with his abilities. As every of his Eldritch-Type, he cannot be permanenty erased from existence, an ability which results into strange looks and partitially in his strange personality, as Henderson doesn't understand the concept of death even a single bit, to the point where his own race was disgusted with him and his ignorance for life and survival. If, and only if he understands something correctly, Christ shows a great intellect, but it's only a matter of time until he doesn't get obvious connections and needs help from other people to be able to solve a problem the way it's supposed to be solved.





In his race, it's very strange to be different. And boy, was he different. Stronger, but also more vile than the standart of his kind, Henderson soon found himself causing trouble, which then led to him being thrown out of the race and living the rest of his, possibly infinite, life alone, or at least distant from other members of his race. Not that he cared much. Instead, Crist, how he came to call himself after watching way to much Bible-Tv and being surprised that there was a human that cared about as much about death as he did (even though he should know better... but he is a cloudcuckoolander after all), had fun waching people doing stuff, especially when they sold their soul to him before and now where either beefed up or rich or hell knows what. Though the ages before, Henderson more than enjoyed watching Gods rise and fall (at given times through his han- well, paws) and lauging or crying... well, more often laughing about unfortunate stuff happening.





Christ Henderson is a high-level logic warper, however, he bound himself to using most of his power to create contracts with other people. Also, he made himself immune to logic, which is why he doesn't stay dead, for example.






And yes, his "race" is indeed the Incubator-Race used in Puella Magi, but other than the apperance, he doesn't have that much similarities with them, especially as his contracts aren't used to creat magical girls, but are more of a deal-with-the-devil-thing. The main reason why I choose to use the picture of an Incubator is, obviously, because I can't draw for ****.

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Christ the Incubator

Not my place to say, but... do you really think a highschool would have a... cat thing as a student?


I'd just like to point out that logic/reality warpers are quite detrimental to RPs, they are basically hackers and break the game, and/or are vastly overpowered. The only way for them to really participate in the RP would be as a spectator, a non-player almost, which I suppose Incubators basically are. Nevertheless, the presence of such a character make plots vastly more difficult for the RP as they can basically shortcut right to the solution. You'd have to play a very removed or a very linear role to prevent screwing things up.

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