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Updating this with info as it streams in.

Khans of Tarkir

- Cards: Zurgo Helmsmasher
- Arts: In-Trailer, Picture, Tiger-People, The Abzan Houses, The Jeskai Way, The Sultai Brood, The Mardu Horde, Surrak Dragonclaw
- "This is a LARGE-SMALL-LARGE set with a unique draft structure and time travel element."
- "Tarkir is a plane of five warring clans! Each worships one aspect of the (now extinct) dragons..."
- "The Abzan value endurance."; WBG Wedge; Dragon scale symbol; The Abzan Khan is Anafenza
- "The Jeskai admire the cunning of the dragons"; URW Wedge; Dragon eye symbol; The Jeskai Khan is Narset
- "The Sultai respect the the ruthlessness of dragons"; BGU Wedge; Dragon fang symbol; The Sultai Khan is Sidisi
- "The Mardu value the speed of the dragon"; RWB Wedge; Dragon wing symbol; The Mardu Khan is Zurgo Helmsmasher
- "The Temur praise the savagery of the dragon"; GUR Wedge; Dragon claw symbol; The Temur Khan is Surrak Dragonclaw
- Wedge set confirmed. Wedges is only in this set, not the whole block.
- Returning mechanic is Morph
- Forty possible prerelease cards at the Khans prerelease: Eight rares per colour

FTV: Annihilation

- Release Date: August 22nd, 2014
- Arts: Cataclysm, Living Death, Rolling Earthquake, Wrath of God

Duel Decks: Speed Vs Cunning

- Release Date: September 5th, 2014
- Zurgo Helmsmasher vs Arcanis the Omnipotent

Commander 2014

- Release Date: November 7th, 2014
- 5 Monocolor Decks
- Teferi, Temporal Archmage, Ghoulcaller Gisa
- "Teferi, Temporal Archmage can be your commander"


- Reprinting the first four Duel Decks

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Wedges is only in this set is VERY interesting. TBH I'm shocked its wedges at all since MAro said a while back that they space out their gold sets.

I believe the premise is that the block is reverse chronological, so the clan theme (and hence the wedge theme) is only most prevalent in the first set. Dragons in the third set, pre-extinction. Probably explains what they mean by time travel, and also would be what they originally planned for Scars block.

MaRo sure tricked people with the spacing. Too soon for a wedge block, but totally fine for one wedge set.
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