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Some of my photography endeavors


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This is a bit harder for people to critique, but I want to share some of my pictures I've taken.


I use a basic Nikon d3200, and the only extra lens I have is a manual focus 50mm f1.8 (auto focus on most cameras, something to do with the sensor).  However, I find it's not the equipment you use, but rather how you use it.  And it's come out quite nicely.


These first photos are really interesting because of how I made a scene to shoot haha.  These were taken using the bottom of a gaming chair as the background and the black "fabric" seen are black nylon/polyester pants, and they worked wonderfully. I used an LED lamp and my phone flash to make the lighting.


[spoiler="LARGE PICTURES"]











These last 4 are pictures I took of fraternal twins from my school.  They're meant to be senior casuals, and I felt like they were more than worthy of posting.


[spoiler="Large, again"]












I hope you enjoy.  Critique as much as you can, please



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It's hard to critique the yo-yo ones, as they seem more like technical shots, but the lighting's well done considering your equipment.

Of the portrait shots, the first has the strongest composition. At places, the bokeh seems either distracting or too strong. Toning down the aperture to f2.8 might help that, although the effect's not bad. You definitely seem like a natural photographer, since the subjects come across well.

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