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Forest of the Nopon [Fruitfly Control]


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3x Kuribandit

2x Naturia Antjaw

1x Naturia Bamboo Shoot

3x Naturia Cherries

3x Naturia Cliff

3x Naturia Fruitfly

2x Naturia Marron

2x Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss

2x Tour Guide from the Underworld



1x Book of Moon

2x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Pot of Dichotemy

2x Soul Charge



1x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Breakthrough Skill

2x Call of the Haunted

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

3x Naturia Sacred Tree

2x The Huge Revolution is Over

1x Torrential Tribute



Extra Deck:


1x Ally of Justice Catastor

1x Goyo Guardian

1x HTS Psyhemuth

2x Naturia Barkion

2x Naturia Beast

1x Daigusto Emeral

1x Donte, Traveller of the Burning Abyss

1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight

1x Lavalval Chain

1x Mech-Equipped Angineer

1x Meliae of the Trees

1x Number 101: Silent Honors ARK

1x Number 49: Fortune Tune


With Naturia Sacred Tree out, I've wanted to revisit Fruitfly Control.  Out of the tests, Cherries has proven to be a very powerful fodder for getting Fruitfly out, and getting out all your Fruitflies is now a very possible 2nd turn possibility because of Tree.




-I exchanged Rosewhip and Insects for the Burning Abyss engine for Kuribandits and mills.  It's proven to be really effective.

-Maindecked 2 Huge Revolution is Over because this Deck has a crippling weakness against Field Nukes, which seems to be all over the place.

-Added in Pot of Dichotomy because my Graveyard will always have monsters of three different types (at least).

-Removed the Supply Squads and Advice because they are winmoar.

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I love Fruitfly Control... I just have absolutely no idea what to do with it. 




The lone Bamboo Shoot seems as if it wouldn't work. In my experience the Bamboo Shoot is a social creature and would prefer friends on the field such as a Safe Zone to play in, refusing to work well on its own... but maybe your Bamboo is different, I don't know.


I would want to get to Soul Charge as soon as possible considering how game-changing it can be with Fly and all your Summons from the Deck. I'd test out -1 COTH +1 Charge and see if it clogs.


I feel like your deck would benefit from Fiendish Chain over Breakthrough. I personally prefer Fiendish generally anyway. 



Also, what's that 2-of Spell in the side next to Prohibition?

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Spell-Shattering arrow for Qliphort side.


Bamboo normally wouldn't fit into a Deck like this, but he's searchable thanks to Tree's effect.  It's a solid lock on S/T for when I get the Fruitflies going.  As for the BTS vs. Fiendish Chain, BTS will always be better this format since it hits Artifacts, which can kill the control aspect.

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