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Coolspy74 against the court

~British Soul~

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Earlier today, Coolspy was arrested for and charged with first degree sexual conduct along with misrepresenting a government official and disrupting the peace.

He was later charged with murder after police officials found the body of the judge who was meant to have gone to the case against another member who was let off by one of the site's moderators.


"Coolspy will be sentenced to 50 years in prison if he fails to prove that he isn't guilty of any of these acts."

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The date was July 21st at 7:29. I was in my room, and my parents invited Coolspy over because I was (and still am) a dick to him. Just because I live such a lifestyle doesn't mean that rape isn't rape. Coolspy was rough, forced everything off of me and used my lava lamp as a dildo. It broke and so did my spirit.

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