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Yang Zing Support


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All of these look very nice and well-balanced. However, Hyjiti's revival effect needs to be limited to either your grave or your opponent's, because a pseudo-Dark Hole with a 3500 body that turns into a Monster Reborn when it dies is pretty broken, IMHO. That said, the rest are very good, and I look forward to seeing more. =)

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I make some cards op myself sometimes.  One thing that bugs me, is there are sooo many extra deck options.  Maybe it's because I'm more old school.  But, could you add some monsters to increase the deck itself?  Thanks.


I just find the Extra Deck hard enough to work with already as it is with the current options, while many old decks are dying off from their inability to compete.  Ok, I'm just ranting at this point.  Keep up the good work.  :)

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Well there are already a bunch of deck monsters in the OCG for this archetype so I felt i didn't really need to add many. The archetype is synchro heavy and in the OCG only has 2 synchros so i felt it needed more lol, but yeah i'll be expanding on this archetype more in the future :)

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