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Super Sentai Mega-Jews メガ君主とそのユダヤ人型ロボット

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Fortress can be searched by tool, so only 1 should be needed. Besides, you can't spam it since you only gain the effect once per turn.

Needs more Odd-Eyes/Trampolnyx.

Add Limiter Removal for OTKs with Shell (huh, 5600 that can attack twice. Where have I seen that before).

Enemy Controller for more tribute options.

Kuraz - makes space in Pendulum Zones and lets you draw cards. Not really needed but its a thought.

Mystical Space Typhoon - Backrow and popping your own Pendulums if it comes down to it.

Add some R4 as an option when you happen to have 2 monsters and your Pendulum Zones are empty.

Pot of Duality for turn 1 plays and for consistency.

Wiretap or Trap Stun

Vanity's Emptiness any good here?

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Emptiness is good at what it does,MST bait in multiples and Field Control, I love it and these guys can easily sneak around it.

I am not much into bumping or destroying my Qlips so I might just tech Pen Dragon,though I can most of the time get to Tool quite easily.

might add back 2 Killers and Axe MegaBorg,b/c I hate sending my Pens to grave

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  • 3 weeks later...

Emptiness is good at what it does,MST bait in multiples and Field Control, I love it and these guys can easily sneak around it.

I am not much into bumping or destroying my Qlips so I might just tech Pen Dragon,though I can most of the time get to Tool quite easily.

might add back 2 Killers and Axe MegaBorg,b/c I hate sending my Pens to grave

You only run Killer at one. more than one is cloggy, most of the time useless.

He is so easily searchable, you don't need it at more than 1.

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