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College Life


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So I've been working on my bachelors for about eight months now. Majoring in Psych. Pretty diverse campus which resulted in a bit of culture shock for me. So what is the topic? College life and the overall atmosphere of the campus the college students go to. To be quite honest this college that I'm right now is slowly making me hate certain groups of black people. Disrespect for authority. Constant cheating. Drama that might as well be high school crap all over again.


Progress in College:

1. Accelerated learner and ahead of my class

2. Learned basics of MTG. Came up with a legal token spam thingy that makes it easy to get 40-60 5/5 Red Dragon tokens turn 6 by myself.

3. I can name most of the ponies.

4. I learned and homebrewed my own class in D&D.

5. I learned the difference between blacks and I would say the racist term if I could.


So what is your campus like? Does it have anything special that would make anyone else want to join that college too? How is the overall student based society and their structure?

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I've lived in a single my whole undergraduate career, going on 4 years this fall. People are generally cool when you can go away into your room and not deal with them from time to time. Second year started making the den feel like a cabin, in a way, it was really fun. Past year, wasn't as close to so many people, but got a lot closer to everyone in my dorm. They all play Melee so it was pretty easy to get everyone together and have something to do.

School I go to is known for both high academic standards and also partying. Good combo. I don't go out to parties though, and the people I run into on the street that are drunk, I tend to rather just want to push into traffic. ANYWAY, I'll maybe try going out to something if invited since I've already had my first alcaholic drink.

Huge art scene, sports, etc. Town is basically all focused on the campus, so there's always something going on.

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I just go home after classes; even though I live about 25 miles away. Paying for my semester-long bus pass is infinitely cheaper than paying for the dorm (considering that the students down here aren't exactly the best sometimes and I don't like sharing a room with others much; except with parents). I'm going to be 3rd year as of this fall, so...


As a whole, my college is okay but they have a lot of controversies going on with them as of late (some of the members on Board of Regents resigned over new measures, former university president quit her job after a failed $200K concert blunder and some other stuff). Student-wise, it's 45% male, 55% female from what they said at orientation in 2012; probably changed now with the influx of freshmen and graduating seniors.


I mean, it's okay but certain transfer classes will not be accepted because they apparently aren't challenging enough for their standards. They also have a habit of saying that certain classes will be accepted, but later on you find out they aren't. Then again, you can blame them for not having enough classes (or the proper ones when they're needed the most). Then again, because said college is in the state of Hawaiʻi; some of the instructors are relatively picky about spelling words properly if you need to use Hawaiian words; such as name of the school, the state and some other stuff (must include the macron/kahakō, ʻokina [thing that looks like an apostrophe splitting the I's in Hawaiʻi]).


I don't really pay attention to events that go on over there, so can't really say what they got over here.

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