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Swan Set

rafi Lopez

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I found a lot of cool images that inspired me to make a mini-set...I also have some obvious OCG errors that need a different person's interpretation 



This card is not affected by card effects. This card can attack your opponent directly. Every time this card attacks your opponent directly, it gains 1 Level.



If this is the only face-up monster on your side of the field when it is summoned, you can Special Summon "Aria the Swan" from your hand or Deck. This card gains 1000 ATK points for every "Aria the Swan" on your side of the field.



If this is the only face-up card you control when it is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon one Level 4 or lower "Swan" monster from your hand or deck.



If a face-up "Swan" monster on your side of the field would be destroyed by battle, you can destroy this card instead.



When this card is targeted by an opponent's monster's effect, negate the effect and add one level to this monster.



When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon "Sublime the Swan" from your hand or deck.



1 Tuner + 1 non-Tuner monster
If "Aria the Swan" was used as Synchro material, once per turn your opponent must discard the top card from his/her Deck. If "Aira the Swan" was used as Synchro material, once per turn you can halve the ATK points of this card to attack your opponent directly.
If "Aria the Swan" was used as Synchro material, once per turn you can draw an extra card. If "Aira the Swan" was used as Synchro material, once per turn your opponent must discard a spell or trap card from his/her hand.

All "Swan" monsters gain 200 ATK and DEF points for every additional Level they gain.



Activate this card when a monster "Swan" would be destroyed in battle. Negate the attack and destroy the attacking monster. The monster gains the ATK points of the destroyed monster and gains 1 Level.



If this is a turn where a "Swan" monster gained a Level, inflict 300 points of direct damage to your opponent. Once per turn, you can remove a Level from a "Swan" monster so that the monster can attack your opponent directly.

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I can help you with the OCG if you want (i could send them with a private message to prevent overspamming). PM me ;)


Next time, please provide comments that are relevant to the cards' effects, etc. Thanks.




Read the CC rules; comments like this do not help the thread creator in any way.



Anyway, as a whole, Crier Owl is essential for getting the Swans out and preparing a Level 5 to 8 Synchro. However, said Owl is the only Tuner among the Archetype so making the two Synchros that exist here will prove difficult; considering both are strict 2 material ones.


Speaking of those two, Aria is immune to every effect; can attack directly and gain a Level when it does. Aira essentially powers up if Aria is there [and can be SS if no other monsters exist]. Sublime essentially screws with 101/any monster that dares to target it and grants itself another Level (this would be interesting for some Xyz plays, should you choose to make any here). Emilbus is just a floater that SS the aforementioned Sublime when it goes.


Defense Duck is a scapegoat monster for this set; sacrifice it so your smaller monsters can survive.


Arglira's first effect [that requires Aria] will backfire against certain Decks due to them thriving on said cards in the Graveyard. Second one with Aira, while interesting, essentially weakens itself to do 1300 damage at the start.


You should redo Aligra's first effect, since drawing an extra card each turn leads to all sorts of nasty combinations (especially with a requirement such as that). Adding an ignition requirement (If it destroys something, you can do [action] and draw a card). A word of advice: any form of draw effect without a sufficient drawback is considered unhealthy for the game. Second one is deadly in its own right, given it forces your opponent to get rid of S/T cards (though it does relieve them of a possible backrow card that would've been used against you)


Swan Power is pretty much a power boost for them when they boost Levels, similar to that of Fortune Ladies.


Resilience essentially acts as Sakuretsu Armor (or some other monster destruction card) and has the targeted monster power up some more and gain another Level. When the monster is destroyed, attack is essentially negated.


Empress needs to have her ATK cut, since 3600 ATK on a Level 8 without a proper Summoning condition is considered too powerful. You have some options: (1) Give this card a proper SS requirement (do not have her be Normal Summoned easily) and raise it to Level 10 or something OR (2) You drop her points to 2900-3000. In this case, she just burns the opponent whenever a Swan gains a Level, and by lowering it, they can strike directly. (Keep in mind that you could just lower this card to Level 7 and strike with 3600 damage). You must add a restriction on this effect (once per turn is fine) and if you do that, halve the damage inflicted by such attacks, in addition to the earlier fix.

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