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[Finished]Pimp my card Contest! (Contest has ENDED)


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I'm now allowed to do contests, and you know what that means....


Yeah, well, it means you're going to have to be a bit creative.


Goal: Design a monster card, based on the one displayed below, that includes the card's name in it's effects.

It must be an Effect monster (no fusion/XYZ/syncro/ritual).

[Spoiler=The card in the spotlight]327px-Bunilla-PHSW-EN-C-1E.png[/Spoiler]



-Deadline is 27/07/14

-Cards after the deadline or that break one of the rules or design requests are eliminated.

-Written cards are allowed, but obtain an automatic 5/10 or less in Card Design

-Your submission must be done in a separate post, containing nothing but the submission. The format must be Card Name/ Posted Image or Full Written Card (name is repeated)/Card Text (written card effects are repeated). Double posts are allowed to accommodate for this.




-20 Original effect/mechanic

-15 Balanced effects and statistics (5 stats, 5 effect, 5 relationship to other TCG cards)

-10 Card design.

-5 Respect of Official Card Grammar

-1 Bonus point for an Easter Egg


Entry fee:

-10 points, no more, no less.


Number of entries:




-First place: 150 points

-Second place: 30 points

-Third place: 15 points 

-Fourth, fifth, sixth place: 5 points


Note: El-Shaddoll Kanonduston is the second judge 

Note: This will be the first in a series of contest. If this one is successful, the following will be larger, with an unlimited pool.

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I'll help you judge this, and send some points for the pot.

The help is appreciated.


By based on that card, what do you want us to make? a card that support it? a card that looks like a super form of it? or a card that has some trivial related to it?


Look at Skull Servant, then look at King of the Skull Servants. I want an Effect Monster card (orange) that follows the same vein. Be creative.

From what I gather we're supposed to make a Bunilla monster card but give it an effect that includes it's name in the effect. Is that right?

It could be something unrelated to Bunilla, but its effects must include 'bunilla' in them, yes. A bunilla murdering wolf, for example, that gains attack equal to the number of bunillas in the grave.

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Bunilla Swarm



Bunilla Swarm

(1)This card's name is always treated as "Bunilla". (2)When this card is Summoned: You can send any number of "Bunilla" from your Deck to your Graveyard and if you do this card gains 1000 ATK for each one. (3)Once per turn: You can discard 1 card; Special Summon 1 "Bunilla" from your Graveyard. (4)If this card is used for a Xyz Summon with another "Bunilla"; you can Summon that monster with one less material. (5) An Xyz Monster that was Summoned using this card as an Xyz Material gains this effect.
● When it is Xyz Summoned: Attach 1 "Bunilla" to it from your Graveyard.
This card's (3), (4) and (5) effect's cannot be used the turn it is Summoned.


thats my entry hope this is the right way to post as you said above if not please post example and i will fix it also picture credit is me i made the pic(too hard to find a good one. feel free to use it anyone but please give credit would be appreciated)  also i hope its not too broken but guess i will have to wait and see
 Edit: and i cant double post just merges them sorry
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thats my entry hope this is the right way to post as you said above if not please post example and i will fix it also picture credit is me i made the pic(too hard to find a good one. feel free to use it anyone but please give credit would be appreciated)  also i hope its not too broken but guess i will have to wait and see
 Edit: and i cant double post just merges them sorry


Don't worry, it follows the rules.

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Lore:When this card is Summoned, Special Summon 1 "Bunilla" card from your Deck or Graveyard. For each "Bunilla" card Summoned to your side of the field, place 1 Carrot Counter on this card (Max. 3). For each Carrot Counter on this card, Once per turn, you can Special Summon a monster whose level is equal to the number of counters on this card. You can remove 1 Carrot Counter from this card to switch the Attack and Defense of each monster on the field until your End Phase.


and here is my entry for this. hope it does well, and i hope i made a relatively good card.

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This card's name is treated as "Bunilla" while face-up on the field or in the Graveyard. Once per turn, you can place 1 Carrot Counter on this card. You can remove 1 Carrot Counter from this card: this card gains 500 ATK until the End Phase. You can remove 3 Carrot Counters from this card, Special Summon one Level 4 or lower "Bunilla" monster from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.

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Bunilla Swarm
Originality: 19/20
The effect to send all copies to the Grave is new. You'll be sending only 2, however, since Bunilla Swarm would count towards your Bunilla card limit. The use of only 1 less material for XYZ summoning is original at too.
Balance: 2/3/2 7/15
The stats are unusually high in ATK for a level 1 monster (2000/2150), but not overpowered. The effects would have been extremely broken without their on-summon restriction, but I still dislike the 6-effect pileup in a level 1 card. Summoning any Rank 1 monster for the cost of a discard is pretty powerful, although the on-summon restriction, once again, severely limits its speed and usefulness considering that it has no protection other than its DEF points. This card doesn't interact with any other card except Bunillas, and none of the current Rank 1 XYZ monsters it helps summon are relavant to the Bunilla Swarm mechanics. 
Card Design: 7/10
You could have changed 'swarm' to something more relevant to rabbits, and the rabbits on the picture could have been spaced onto the field in the background instead of piled into a grid, but I applaud you effort for original artwork. 
Card Grammar: 4/5
Respected throughout with minimal errors (commas, spacing).
Total: 37/50
Bunilla Steed
Red Emissary of Darkness
Originality: 12/20
None of the effects are unique, but the counter-restricted-summoning is not very common either.
Balance: 3/1/5 9/15
The stats are very good for a level 1 monster. It has less DEF than Bunilla, and when it has its ATK/DEF switched, it makes a tiny bit too powerful beatstick. Its effects and interaction with other cards are hard to tell. The first effect earns it a point, since it allows you to recursively make a Rank 1 XYZ or a 1950/2050 ATK beatstick field, but the summon-per-counters does not specify where the summoning comes from. You hand? Pretty useless. The Grave? Very powerful. Straight from the Deck? Plaguespreader Turbo FTW. Extremely broken.... you don't say, so I can't award points for that. Because I'm not as strict as you might think, I measured the interaction with other cards as independent of the summoning effect.
Card Design: 10/10
Beautiful art, perfectly relevant to to the card's name.
Card Grammar: 2/5
Very well worded, but you forgot essential terms that define the effects.
Total: 33/50
Originality: 15/20
A Bunilla monster that is a lvl 4 DARK and has higher ATK than DEF is one way to break the mold. Summoning and name-change are not very original, but allowing the player to choose between a beatstick, summoning Bunilla or saving up for another Bunnicula is great design.
Balance: 4/4/2 10/15
The base stats are not stellar, but the boost to 2050 is well balanced by being initiated by an effect and only lasting until the End Phase. The variety of options it provides the player is what we need in YGO, since you can choose between attacking or saving up for a Bunilla/Bunniculla. The opportunity to summon another Bunniculla is just too slow to be useful, since it needs to survive two turns face-up on the opponent's turn without protection and only 1550 ATK. DARK is slightly better than EARTH, but not really what you'll need in a Beast deck. This card rarely interacts with other cards, and doesn't actually use 'Bunilla' except as name. It could eventually create a Rank 4 XYZ, but nothing more. 
Card Design: 8/10
It looks like amateur art, and it actually show a 'Bunniculla', down to the cute little wings and holloween pumpkin. You could have made it hold a carrot though, instead of a pumpkin, and a Dracula-themed monster would normally have visible fangs or at least teeth.
Card Grammar: 5/5
Total: 38/50
It seems we have a winner. Maybe Kanonduston will mix things up.
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Here you are, then. I don't do rubrics and scores because I feel they are cop-outs for legitimate reviews, personally. So you'll have to read to see how you did.


[spoiler='Bunilla Swarm']Well firstly, the card is horrible support for Bunilla because it is always treated as Bunilla, including during deck construction, so these are your 3 Bunillas. Meaning you're getting a mere 2000 ATK boost. The one less material for a Xyz Summon clause is also unrealistic and a bad idea in general.


If I could I'd say this card shouldn't place, but seeing as we do have only 3 entrants, I have to put this in third.



[spoiler='Bunilla Steed']

The OCG on this card is pretty rubbish, but I'll continue this review as if it were correctly done. If I'm understanding the card correctly, it's ridiculously broken. From the sounds of it (which may be incorrect because again, bad OCG) you can Special Summon as many times as you like up to the number of counters it has, monsters whose levels are equal to the number of counters it has. Regardless that it is capped at 3, meaning 3 Special Summons of Level 3 monsters, that is not realistic or balanced design. The ATK and DEF swap would have been sufficient in my opinion. 


Second place for this one, though I'd have liked to not give it a place.




This is the one card here I actually liked. The literary reference is lovely, and the naming condition was done correctly in a way that it can still be run alongside Bunilla. The Counters were done well, letting it either be a 2050 beater each turn or stock up to, what I assume was grab another Bunnicula. But minor issue there is, Bunnicula is not treated as Bunilla in the deck, so the Level 4 or lower bit is kind of redundant, as it can only grab an ordinary Level 1 Bunilla. All in all though, this card doesbetter than the others to support the Bunilla card in terms of play and flavor.


So, first place, and honestly the only card that should have earned a place.


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looks like we do have a sufficient First place, but who is Second and Third here? i will admit my OCG was pretty bad, and i needed to specify some things. like the whole SS counter thing. For each Carrot Counter on this card, Once per turn, you can Special Summon a monster whose level is equal to the number of counters on this cardmeant to put down "Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 monster whose level is equal to the number of counters on this card from your Graveyard." Not trying to make a last minute edit, but trying to rectify a mistake on the card making

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Well, it looks like we have judged.


First place: Rrrtttyyyuuuiii


Second place: Outlaw1994


Third place: Red Emissary of Darkness


I took into account Kanonduston's opinion, and I think that an overall bad design is still more worthy than a broken card.

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