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Korean Premiere DUEA Cards

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Great Old God Chthugha
FIRE/Pyro/Synchro/Level 4/2200 ATK/200 DEF
1 Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuners
When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can return all Rank 4 Xyz monsters on the field to their owners’ Extra Decks. If you Fusion Summon using this card as Fusion Material: Draw 1 card. An Xyz Monster Xyz Summoned using this card Xyz Material gains the following effect.
● When this card is Xyz Summoned: Draw 1 card.

P·M Capture
DARK/Zombie/Pendulum/Level 4/1800 ATK/(Unknown) DEF

Blue Scale 5 <-> Red Scale 5

Pendulum Effect: When you Pendulum Summon one or more Zombie-Type Monsters: This turn, those monsters cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects.
Monster Effect: When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle: You can target 1 Pendulum Monster in either player's Graveyard: Add that monster to your hand.




Spiritual Whisper

WIND/Winged Beast/Level 4/200 ATK/2000 DEF
Once per turn, this card cannot be destroyed by battle. When this card is Pendulum Summoned: Add one Ritual Monster or Ritual Spell card from your Deck to your hand.


Xyz-Ray Pierce
FIRE/Dragon/Level 4/1700 ATK/200 DEF
You can only use each effect of “Xyz-Ray Pierce” once per turn. During your Main Phase: You can banish 1 Dragon-Type monster and 1 Wyrm-Type monster from your Graveyard; Special Summon 1 “Xyz-Ray Pierce” from your hand or your Deck. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: Inflict 500 damage to the opponent.




Trapahezohedron of Taboo
You can only activate 1 “Trapazohedron of Taboo” per turn. Activate 1 of the following effects.
● If you control Fusion and Synchro Monsters, and no Xyz Monsters: Special Summon an “Outer God” monster from your Extra Deck, and if you do, attach this card to it as an Xyz Material.
● If you control Synchro and Xyz Monsters, and no Fusion Monsters: Special Summon an “Elder God” monster from your Extra Deck.
● If you control Xyz and Fusion Monsters, and no Synchro Monsters: Special Summon a “Great Old God” monster from your Extra Deck.


A bit iffy on these translations, but discuss.

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A couple of interesting effects:

- Adding cards from your opponent's grave to your hand.

- Special Summoning a monster from the Deck with conditions that are feasible to fulfill, unlike Metalzoa/Metal Red-Eyes. Could effects that activate in the Deck become a thing eventually? Although said mechanic is not new (see Serpentine Princess), we never got any card that could consistently take advantage of it. Personally I hope they don't because then there will be free pluses everywhere. Which other cards can stop effects that activate in the Deck besides Divine Wrath, Dolkka and LaDD?


Now that the "add a card from your opponent's grave to your hand" effect exists, I'm feeling like considering it on cards I make in the future.


And Trapahezohedron is amusing; I didn't expect korean giving support to its own Extra Deck gods.

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Yeah, that's the TCG name for the Genryuu-Type introduced with the Yang Zing (Cosmic Dragons/Dragonstars) in The Duelist Advent/Alliance.

Note that Xyz-Ray is NOT a Wyrm-Type itself. It's only a regular Dragon.

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