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Plasma Don't Give a s***


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I thought I'd try out Destiny HEROs. I need someone to playtest with, though.




So we'll see. Should probably drop Dian for another good LIGHT Rank 4.


Also should probably not run so many Miracle Fusions.


Think I have room for a DAD?

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I might play test it with you, if you want.

I have some suggestions just by looking at it, but based on space, It'll be hard to implement them.

Main Deck
- Upstart Goblin
37 card deck. Why not? Also, I never really cared about Soul Charge to be honest.
- Does Plasma do anything in here? Could replace with DAD.
- 2 MF should be enough.
- I'm not a fan of Form Change, and CotH seems redundant, but I never played this deck, so I wouldn't know how it would work out.

Extra Deck
- Vapor should be taken out. Isn't that good to me.
- It's just me, but I prefer 2 Dark Law.
- Dian isn't needed.
- Could possibly add in Paladynamo, Omega, Excalibur, Blade Armor, etc.
- Shining feels situational.

Side Deck
- Why is Midrash in there?

Other than that, doesn't look bad.

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