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My Lineart Series (Dragon Ball BT & Naruto BT)


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WARNING: They are big (and get bigger down the list), and if you click them you will get full-sized images when zoomed in but when zoomed out they SHOULD (not sure if it will) stretch down to the screen's height

NOTE: Super Buu thru Bibidi were linearted in GIMP --- Each one afterwards, starting with Perfect Cell, is linearted in Paint Tool SAI




[spoiler=Super Buu]super_buu_lineart_by_peetzaahhh2010-d5po super_buu_colored_by_peetzaahhh2010-d5po[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Kid Goku]kid_goku_lineart_by_peetzaahhh2010-d5pxe kid_goku_colored_by_peetzaahhh2010-d5pxe[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Super Buu (Gotenks & Piccolo Absorbed)]super_buu___gotenks_and_piccolo_absorbed super_buu___gotenks_and_piccolo_absorbed[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Teen Gohan SSJ]teen_gohan_super_saiyan_lineart_by_peetz teen_gohan_super_saiyan_colored_by_peetz[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Kid Buu]kid_buu_lineart_by_peetzaahhh2010-d7q7m9 kid_buu_colored_by_peetzaahhh2010-d7q7me[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Babidi]babidi_lineart_by_peetzaahhh2010-d7qsrb5 babidi_colored_by_peetzaahhh2010-d7qsro4[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Bibidi]bibidi_lineart_by_peetzaahhh2010-d7r577w bibidi_colored_by_peetzaahhh2010-d7r578h


[spoiler=Perfect Cell]

perfect_cell_lineart_by_peetzaahhh2010-d perfect_cell_colored_by_peetzaahhh2010-d[/spoiler]

[spoiler=SSJ Adult Gohan (Battle of Gods)]ssj_adult_gohan__battle_of_gods__lineart ssj_adult_gohan__battle_of_gods__colored[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Super Saiyan God Goku]super_saiyan_god_goku_lineart_by_peetzaa super_saiyan_god_goku_colored_by_peetzaa[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Super Buu - Gohan Absorbed]super_buu___gohan_absorbed_lineart_by_pe super_buu___gohan_absorbed_colored_by_pe[/spoiler]




[spoiler=Itachi (Crow Genjutsu)]itachi_uchiha__crow_genjutsu__lineart_by itachi_uchiha__crow_genjutsu__colored_by [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Deva Path Pain (Yahiko)]pain_deva_path__yahiko__lineart_by_peetz pain_deva_path__yahiko__colored_by_peetz [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Part I Naruto]naruto__part_i__lineart_by_peetzaahhh201naruto__part_i__colored_by_peetzaahhh201 [/spoiler]







[spoiler=Edit Log]8/11/14 - added Naruto BT and Itachi Lineart

8/13/14 - Deva Path added

8/16/14 - Super Buu Gohan Absorbed added

8/18/14 - Part I Naruto added

10/12/14 - Kakuza added[/spoiler]


CnC plz

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Okay the quality increase between when you used GIMP and when you upgraded to SAI is enormous. Like, seriously good work man.

Would you be able to upload a video of you doing one of these? I'd be really interested. (either like a tut or a speed drawing thing would be dope)

And roughly how long does it take to do one of these? And how do you shade so well? So many questions haha

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