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a goodbye ask me questions


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due to personal reasons, i'll be taking my leave from ycm for a while. i might be back, i may not be, it really depends on my mental state and when i deem myself stable enough to return.


with that in mind, i actually posted my good bye a few days ago, but on discovering YogDiscovery, I decided to see if a thread had been posted on it and make one if not. now that i've done that, i'm gonna stay a little while and see how that goes.


in that time, i'm gonna do this. feel free to ask me questions, serious or silly :'o


though if you ask a silly one, it would be nice to get a serious one too :<

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Nothing too serious to ask, but hope you enjoy summer in your departure and keep well C:

random silly question: would you ever consider getting an exotic pet?


aw thank you rai. :>


well, it depends on what you consider exotic really. Black and I would both love to keep a bat if it was possible. :'O

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Favourite colour (excluding Black, of course!)?

Srs: Are you leaving on a good or bad note?


It changes depending my mood, right now it's light blue. :'D


Um... It's neutral really. It's mostly frustration with myself that gets triggered the longer I'm on the site at a given time, so it's not like I blame anyone here. Just in my best interests to actually take a break. :'o

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Aaaaare you leeeeaaaving meeee...?


you have my skyyyyypeee :'O


You're leaving? but we haven't become best buddies yet. :(


Ummm. What do you think of Fire Emblem? (It's been on my mind a lot) I don't think I've ever seen your opinion.


i'm leaving mr. cow :<


I love the ones I can play! I hate having to redo chapters, so I'll kinda only play the ones that have a casual mode so no perma deaths. I played Shadow Dragon a bit, but after playing Awakening and the japanese New Mystery of the Emblem, I've really seen how it's kinda meh. xD


That said, I'm fucking hyped for Lucina and Robin in Smash. Lucina looked like a more Melee Marth, which has me excited as hell, and Robin finally gave us a Tome user which I am so glad for. <3

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I like blue too, but only with black, because it looks like a bruise.


Don't make domestic violence jokes while you're gone or I might beat you.


I miss you '(:


I think I did the crying emote wrong. Oh well. B)


...what did i just read


dae pls


I didn't get to know you much, but I'll miss you! D:


Yay! Casual fan is still a fan. :D And yes, the hype of that is just so strong.

I wanna keep going on this track, soooo. Who's your favorite Fire Emblem character?


Aw, thanks. x3


Depends on the game. Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the New Emblem was probably Navarre. He's such a good unit and I'm a big fan of him, though Caeda and Marth come as a really close second. x3


Awakening, was probaaably Gangrel or Nowi. It was a little hard for me to pick really. xD

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You're welcome. :)

Oooooh, interesting variety there.

Okay, how about this. Favorite mythological creature?

Am I asking to many questions?.......




honestly, it probably comes to a Pegasus or a Phoenix for me, but dragons are always good too. x3


and nah, don't worry about that. :'o


Who from YCM are you going to keep in contact with, aside from Black of course?


that is a loaded question. 


the list is honestly really small. most people don't talk to me very much, so any contact would be limited anyway because i'm uncomfortable around people.


that said, black wants me in the YCM call sometime, which scares me. x-x

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Also, Black's super adorbed, but don't forget you're adorbed too, js




you're a really nice guy, and while you have your derpy moments, we all do so it's nothing to stress over. :>


also lolno

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