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[MtG] (Hopefully low) Budget Red Rush for Standard IRL

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[spoiler=Original build]

Creatures: 24

4 Minotaur Skullcleaver

4 Firedrinker Satyr

4 Nyxborn Rollicker

4 Akroan Crusader

4 Satyr Hoplite

4 Foundry Street Denizen


Instants: 10

3 Magma Jet

3 Spark Jolt

4 Titan's Strength


Enchantments: 8

4 Dragon Mantle

4 Epiphany Storm


Lands: 18

18 Mountain



Creatures: 24

4 Ash Zealot

4 Borderland Marauder

4 Firedrinker Satyr

4 Akroan Crusader

4 Foundry Street Denizen

4 Rakdos Cackler


Instants: 11

4 Lightning Strike

3 Magma Jet

4 Titan's Strength


Enchantments: 8

4 Madcap Skills

4 Dragon Mantle


Lands: 17

17 Mountain

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-4 Minotaur skullcleaver


sligh is about having a 1-2 mana curve, 3 mana creatures are too much with only 18 lands


-4 nyxborn rollicker


not an efficient card for RDW, you want your opponent dead or facing leathal damage on t4, not giving a creature +1+1


-4 satyr hopalite


Heroic is not a strong mechanic for this deck, neither is a 1/1 for 1


-4 epiphany storm


You dont need looting, this only slows you down


+4 Rakdos cackler


a turn 1 2/2 beater is damn strong and these things are dirt cheap


+4 ash zealot


These things are cheap and powerful and carry a lot of weight in a RDW


+4 Lightning strike


This is the premier removal and burn spell for red in standard, you must have it


+4 madcap skills


turn your 2/2 cackler into a 5/2 cackler and start really applying the pressure, swinging for 5 on turn 2 is no joke

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Nah, this deck is not as good as the Red Sligh deck that has been going around. Take a look at this primer:




Best way to play aggressive Mono Red is in this post.


Will this deck rotate out in September?

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