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2x Fleur Synchron

2x Quickdraw Synchron

3x Biofalcon

3x Genex Neutron

3x Jinzo

3x Quillbolt Hedgehog

3x Synchron Explorer

2x Bright Star Dragon

1x Dandylion

1x Sorciere de Fleur



1x Machina Armored Unit

2x Double Summon

1x Fiend's Sanctuary 

1x Machine Duplication

2x Mystical Space Typhoon

3x Tuning



1x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Mirror Force

3x Tuner's Barrier


Extra Deck:

3x Chevalier De Fleur


Well it's no uber meta deck, but if you're going to play a casual match then it's fun to play. The Extra Deck still needs a lot of work, so I was hoping to get some help with that. So, yeah... CnC appreciated 



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Look up Pilica,Descendant of Gusto and a E-Tele.Both become a one card fleur with quickdraw and that can really boost up your competitiveness.If u find even more easy ways to ss pilica from the grave(call of the haunted is perfect as Bringerofcake stated above me) and work on the extra deck some more etc...you can get a really nice deck.

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