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Pikmin 3

Flame Dragon

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I'm sure we have a thread on this, but I'm pretty sure its ancient. 



Anyway, after owning the game for almost a year, I've finally started it. Been really fun so far. However, my brilliant idea of doing a no death run does cause me to get frustrated at times.


As for where I am, I'm on Day 17 with 26 fruit found and am about to go save Louie. As for my numbers, Red: 210, Rock: 205, Yellow: 202, Flying: 128.



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It was either this or Super Mario Bros U for me.


But I figured I'd played a lot of 2D marios in recent memory and it was likely going to be cheaper at retail than Pikman 3.


Also, I've never really played a Pikman game before, so this could be really interesting ^^


I played a demo once a long while back of one of the past Pikman titles.


Totally had no idea what I was doing xD

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I have a bit of a backlog + need-to-finish-log myself. About to start day 30 with around 270-280 of each Pikmin type. Still no deaths, though I'm kind of REALLY mad that deaths aren't tracked for when you beat the game. And yes, I did alread beat the game (did it on day 26) but I want to collect all the fruit so I replayed day 26 with that in mind. I'm at 54 right now, so my best guess is I'll be done around day 36, which was about the same for my first run of Pikmin 2. ATM though I'm REALLY sad that the game doesn't let you have mutiple saves. Its kind of really dumb. 

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And 100% (not counting data records).


My numbers.

Days: 33

Pikmin: R-285, Y-288, B-285, G-288, P-281

Deaths: 0


Total play time was about 40 hours because of all the reties. Game was fun. Sad that its troublesome to try a second play through, but I'm happy with where I ended up.

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