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Not sure what to do but to try here too

Lunar Origins

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As a lot of you know from the last status that I made, my home was destroyed, along with almost everything I own - computer, bed, clothes, everything.  Personally, I don't have anything left, bar my cell phone and my wallet - I was at work at the time of the fire, so I didn't have anything of value with me.  It was at the house.


This may sound like whining - I get it, people whine all the time, but... I'm scared.  I'm staying with my mom right now, and my dad's also trying to find a place to stay for the time being.  Cash is incredibly tight right now, and he's trying to scrape together everything he can to find a new home.


If you can help, in any way, please do.  I don't know what to do, or where to go, but you guys have always been there for me, so I came right here.

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Now's not the time to immediately say you're whining. I'm not sure how much this community can pull you up on your feet again, with monetary or emotional support (heck I can't do nothing with my broke status), but from most of us, we support you all the way that you'll have bigger and better things, because it's always best to think about that. :)

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