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Sanctuary Agents

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3 Valhalla but only 1 Hecatrice seems... odd in ratios in my opinion (I mean, you run doubles of Sanctuary searcher, so why only 1 of Hecatrice?) Is Agent Uranus worth considering in an Agent build? What exactly is his use really (I never got around to testing his usability) 

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I don't understand having 3 Valhallas and 3 Sanctuaries in the deck. The mostly do the same thing which is bring out Uranus for free. The deck doesn't really need Sanctuary's unlocking of other agents skills. Even Jupiter just becomes a win more card. 


But here are my suggestions


- 1 Kristya


Two Krystia clogs because its great opening game but late game she just sits in hand and waits for Hyperion to keep attempting to clear the way


- 2 Jupiter


I know this makes 101 nigh impossible to make but from an offensive point what monster does 101 deal with that Michael doesn't.

- 3 Valhalla and 1 Hecatrice


If you're using the field spell you don't need the other dead vanilla spell cards taking up the options in your deck. If you have one on the field you literally have to wait till your opponent makes the to kill it for the others to be useful. Also this frees up you deck space for more useful cards that wouldn't be dead draws. Though if you insist on keeping them in the deck you should really have 2 Hecatrice. 

- Miraculous Decent

Its a meh card that's actually comes with its own tell. Once you banish something like a Hyperion or a Kristya you're telling your opponent that somehow its coming back to the field. 


- Dark Hole

Personally I've never been behind the 8-ball enough to find the use of Dark hole. Like you said the deck has so many bosses its usually your opponent that needs a dark hole against you


-1 sanctuary and 1 punishment


A card that clogs and a card that relies on a card that clogs. This just frees up your deck space for more useful cards.

+ 2-3 Herald of Orange Lights


Don't know why he's not in the deck to begin with. The best answer for dead draw Uranus, Krystia, and shine balls. He's a borderline staple...and he's another tuner

+ 3 Moraltachs and Sanctum


Artifacts in general are level 5 fairies that you can ss AND do extra stuff with. Earth loves them. Uranus is their soul mate. And it more deck thinning if you summon via sanctum. 


+ X Reckless and Upstarts


I honestly don't see the point of Torrential and BTH, All die in the face of Hyperion and none stand in the face of Kristya. Since the goal is to spam your bosses as soon and as brutal as possible you need extra draw power to get them in your head sooner. 




-1 Leo OR Star-Eater


They both demand to many resources so its good to just have one for the raw power aspect and the spare slot can go 


-1 Felgrand


Something that I noticed is that though it is very easy to summon Felgrand I don't want to give up the bosses I would need make him. So for me, he went mostly unused. 


-1 Black Rose


You should be in the position where you need to nuke the field. The majority of the pressure should be coming from you.

+ 1 Moonlight Rose Dragon


She laughs in the face of Heroes, Shadolls, and any boss monster that has a hi level. She perfect for controlling the game state much more than her field nuking counter part. 


+ Herald of Pure Light


He puts Honest, Orange Light, Hyperion...etc back in your hand....There shouldn't be anything else needed to say. 


+ 1 Level Six Synchro (Goyo is clearly the first choice lol)


Six is a great number because it opens up to a more controlled graveyard for kristya in this build that could be Zeradias> Venus> then Uranus> Uranus effect> Synch 6> then drop Kristya. 



Almost forgot about this awesome OTK maker. This deck can make her easily and she is awesome for the job.

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So a couple of quick responses:

1) Thanks for the comprehensive feedback. This is probably the longest single post on a deck of mine for ages.

2) I didn't mention it before because I initially didn't think it was relevant, but this is actually IRL/TCG, and as such requires me to work on a budget. Through good fortune and prudent purchases, the only thing I don't have up there is a Valhalla and Hecatrice. However, even in your list, I'm only missing the artifact engine and Goyo (MRD obviously notwithstanding), so I can make a lot of those changes.


So here's what I'll do for the moment:

- Krystia

- 1 Hecatrice and 2 Valhalla

- Descent (I never drew into it anyway)

- Dark Hole


+3 Herald of Orange

+3 Upstart


-Star Eater





+Vulcan (replacing with Goyo once LC5Ds comes out or when Goyo is a little cheaper)

+Herald of Pure Light


Once I see how Arty Facts feel, I'll make additional changes.

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