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Doubling Up the Synchro

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An idea I had when I saw this art, in the vein of a card I posted earlier, but this one's for Synchros. Constructive criticism encouraged. Image credit goes to PeteMohrbacher on DeviantART (no, this one is not part of the series I mentioned in my last post, though I will be posting it in its entirety within the next 24 hours).  





1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this card is Syncho Summoned; Special Summon 1 Crow Token on the field (ATK: 500, DEF: 1200). You can declare any Level between 1 and 3; the Crow Token becomes that Level. If you make it a Level 2; Send 1 card on your side of the field to the Graveyard. If you make it a Level 3; Skip your next Draw Phase. If you Synchro Summon a monster using a Crow Token, it gains the following effect:
This card can attack twice during the same turn.
Thanks for reading.
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1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this card is Syncho Summoned; Special Summon 1 Crow Token on the field (ATK: 500, DEF: 1200). You can declare any Level between 1 and 3; the Crow Token becomes that Level. If you make it a Level 2; Send 1 card on your side of the field to the Graveyard. If you make it a Level 3; Skip your next Draw Phase. If you Synchro Summon a monster using a Crow Token, it gains the following effect:
This card can attack twice during the same turn.




I especially love the fact that Crow Caller and it's Crow (Token) could be used for another Synchro Summon together (adds up well to the artwork!). The drawbacks of the Token are fine (maybe even slightly too much, skipping a Draw Phase is a big thing) in favor of being able to Summon a Level 7 Synchro monster with that additional effect  :rolleyes: Very creative idea! Kudos!

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When this card is Syncho Summoned: Special Summon 1 Crow Token on the field (Level ?/ATTRIBUTE/?-Type)ATK: 500/DEF: 1200), then declare a Level 1,2 or 3, the Crow Tokenbecomes that Level. Then apply the following effect based on its Level.
Level 2: Send 1 card on your side of the field to the Graveyard.
Level 3: Skip your next Draw Phase.
If you Synchro Summon a monster using a Crow Token, it gains the following effect:
This card can attack twice during the same turn.

That's a little neater and pretty creative idea :D

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