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I found this site on Google and I think custom cards here are quite interesting, so I finally registered :lol: I may not post a custom card so often, but I actually love competition, so you may see me around TCG tournament zone and maybe card contest zone once I know how to earn and pay the points that people there use to entering the contests. I usually play on Ygopro and I have several decks to play with, but my favorite one is Fire King! B)

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Welcome to YCM.

Enjoy your stay, read the rules/any announcements and have fun.


If you post cards in CC, make sure you abide by Advanced Clause, post cards in their appropriate section and so on.

TCG-wise, just make sure you understand the metagame to some extent. You can post your Deck and get it reviewed, but don't get upset if members say it needs a lot of work.


Specifics aside, if you need help around, ask one of the senior members or a mod.

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