Zauls Posted July 4, 2014 Report Share Posted July 4, 2014 So, since the other Lightsworn topic here is a year old and discusses how Lightsworns are only used as an engine, I think an update is seriously overdue. Lightsworns are now a very powerful deck on their own thanks to their new support and the July 2014 banlist also helped out a bit by bringing Goyo back and putting RotA to 2. I'm gonna cover all the competitively viable variants of Lightsworns with this guide. So, since its a Lightsworn Deck, let's start with the Lightsworns. Lightsworn Monsters [Spoiler Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner] Lumina has been one of the key cards in Lightsworn decks since the deck was first released in Light of Destruction. It takes advantage of the milling really well since it gets back the Lightsworns that you milled. Getting back other copies of Lumina in the Graveyard is really powerful because you end up with 3-4 Lightsworns on the field at the end of the turn, meaning you're going to be milling a lot and milling is how the deck achieves its goal. It also helps with any Synchro or Xyz plays you need to make. Lumina's powerful effect got it limited to 1 in past formats, but since its at 3 now, that's the amount you need to play. Play 3 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn] Raiden is one of the new Lightsworn monsters and he really helped bring the deck back to life. He's a Level 4 Tuner, meaning you can make Synchro plays with Lumina or Wulf really easily. He's the only good Lightsworn that can mill before the End Phase, meaning you can take advantage of the cards you mill in the same turn. He's a potentially 1900 beatstick meaning he can beat over a lot of things. He's essentially a better Card Trooper for the deck since he is a name for Judgment Dragon as well. Also, since RotA is coming back to 2, he is more searchable than ever. Play 3 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress] Lyla is another original Lightsworn that has helped the deck become as good as it is/once was quite considerably. 1700 ATK isn't anything to laugh at. It can beat over unboosted Bears, Traptrix Myrmeleo and both Hands. The real reason it is used though is to clear backrow in order for your more powerful plays to come through. The amount of times I've won because they had to Bottomless or Warning my Lyla only to make room for 2 or 3 Judgment Dragon to hit the board and nuke for game is unreal. Milling 3 at the End Phase is a good amount, too. Lyla is the ultimate in bait. However, with HATs and Mythic Rulers being two of the most powerful decks, Lyla has lost some of its previous usefulness in common matchups. Lyla doesn't want to blow up a Moralltach or a Sanctum, nor does it not want any backrow to pop. Also, Raiden has made it easier to bait out backrow because of the increased access to Black Rose Dragon. Play 1-2 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden] Minerva is another new Lightsworn from the new Structure Deck. She gave the deck a Level 3 Tuner, which is good for making 7s with the Level 4 Lightsworns of Goyo Guardian with Lumina. The main use for Minerva though is the extra mill it gives when discarded or milled. If you discard it with Lumina or mill it with Raiden, that's another mill that you can take advantage of immediately since its not in the End Phase. It also triggers when milled by Lightsworns' End Phase mill effects, which is obviously very useful. Minerva just adds that little bit of extra speed and turbo-milling power that can be really useful in some situations. The searching effect will very rarely happen, if at all, and is generally not even needed, but that's not why you play Minerva. I personally play 2 now because is makes Goyo Guardian easy to access, whereas when Goyo was banned, I would only play 1. Play 1-2 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Wulf, Lightsworn Beast] Wulf was excellent in Lightsworn's first variant after Judgment of the Light and stayed great for a while. After Lightsworns took a huge hit, Wulf fell out of favour due to the consistency issues the deck had. Lumina at 1 hurt Wulf's viability because Lumina was the main way to use a dead Wulf in hand. Wulf became especially redundant when Lightsworns were being used as just an engine in decks like Chaos Dragons, because he had little synergy with the rest of the deck. These days though, Lightsworns have the consistency and the capacity to make Wulf a useful card again. Milling it off Raiden in the Main Phase and making a Synchro or Rank 4 play is really good. Lumina at 3 helps Wulf a lot, too, since you can just discard it if you draw it. I would recommend playing 1 if you want consistency and 2 if you want more power. Play 1-2 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior] Here we have Mr Turbo-mill-with-Lumina himself. That's literally all Garoth is used for. The potential draws are extremely useful as well. I find 1 to be the right number because 2 would be overkill. 1 Garoth with a Lumina or two is definitely enough to set you up for the rest of the game. You can also search it of the now-Semi-Limited RotA if you need him. Play 1 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter] Ryko isn't as good as it once was. When destruction by battle was more common and the game was slower in general, Ryko was great one-for-one removal that got you out of tight spots. The game has progressed though and Ryko is easier to play round, very predictable and too slow. I still find 1 useful for the extra name and it can help get rid of problem cards like Macro Cosmos and Dimensional Fissure. Play 1 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Ehren, Lightsworn Monk] Ehren is just really useful for a lot of the common matchups in the metagame today, such as Geargia, HAT and Mermail. The ability to put Armor, Hands and Abysslinde back to the deck is really useful. She is also an extra name and is searchable of RotA for Solar Recharge fodder. Play 1 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Jain, Lightsworn Paladin] Jain is simply an easily searchable beatstick that helps the deck run over Geargiarmor and Thunder King. The extra name is also nice. I rarely summon him, but he's been the fourth name quite a lot of the time. Play 1 [/Spoiler] I won't go into the rest of them because these are the only ones that should be played at all. So, far, the deck looks like this 3x Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner 3x Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn 1-2x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress 1-2x Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden 1-2x Wulf, Lightsworn Beast 1x Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior 1x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter 1x Ehren, Lightsworn Monk 1x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin So, that's 13-16 slots of milling power and many a different Lightsworn. But a deck that just mills and does not much else is going to lose every game, so what's the point of it all then? Well, all these Lightsworns are in here to achieve the goal of meeting the requirements to summon powerful boss monsters, most notably Judgment Dragon. [Spoiler Judgment Dragon] So here we are, the reason Lightsworns are their own deck in the first place, the infamous Judgment Dragon. The idea of the deck is to get 2-3 Judgment Dragon live, summon the first one and nuke, then summon the others and OTK. With the turbo milling power of Lightsworns, this can be achieved in 1-3 turns. I've had games where I've gone second and won on my first turn because I got lucky with my mills and ended up with 3 JD in hand and 4 names in the almost straight away. This is the win condition of the deck and the main boss monster, so 3 should always be played. Play 3 [/Spoiler] Now onto the various support cards for Lightsworn, and they are powerful ones indeed. Support Cards [Spoiler Solar Recharge] Solar Recharge is the main reason the Lightsworn engine was so good in decks like Chaos Dragons. The really consistent draw power and instant milling makes the deck so much faster and more consistent. In a dedicated Lightsworn deck, it will almost never be dead. It is also one of the best ways of getting rid of Wulfs that you dead drew and of triggering Minerva's effect. Since its almost never going to be dead, you can easily play 3 and to be honest you just have to. Play 3 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Charge of the Light Brigade] Here we have the card that searches any Lightsworn you want, while giving you 3 mills for free too. This card made the deck so consistent and powerful that it managed to get itself limited and will probably be limited for the rest of the game's existence. You mill 3 first before deciding, so your mills can actually help you decide what you want to search, which is just ridiculous. Need I say more about this card? Play 1 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Reinforcement of the Army] I did think that having this card @2 now would help the deck a lot more than it actually did. The deck plays a lot of monsters as it is, and RotA is usually the monster you don't need. I always ended up keeping it in hand because I would've preferred to mill the card I would be searching. Also, apart from Raiden, its targets are mediocre. 1 is still useful for the added consistency, but 2 is overkill. Play 1 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Monster Reincarnation] You might have been wondering "what happens if I mill all my JD, I lose right?" Wrong, and here is one of the answers to how you can win even if you keep milling your JDs. That's really all Monster Reincarnation is used for, since you want most of your Lightsworns in the Graveyard anyway. The usefulness of this card depends on the variant and some variants may choose not to play it at all because they don't need JD to win or they play other ways of solving the problem. Play 0-2 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Foolish Burial] Foolish is really useful in this deck because choosing what you want to mill can be really powerful. It can ensure you get the 4th name for JD or a good target for Lumina. Wulf is one of the best uses for this card though since it summons itself straight to the field to use as just a beatstick or for Synchro/Xyz plays. Unfortunately for this deck, the card is limited, so only 1 can be played. Better than none, though. Play 1 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Needlebug Nest] Some more experienced players will probably think I'm stupid for even mentioning this card as viable support for the deck, but players are starting to see merit in a card that straight up mills 5 cards. Those 5 cards can be the difference between JD and no JD, which is the difference between winning and not winning. It is also chainable to MST (mostly useful in game 1 since people will side out their backrow hate). If you're going to play it, play 3 since it will be dead if milled, so you're going to want ensure you can get at least 1 in your hand to use. Play 0 or 3 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Kuribandit] Kuribandit was another recent blessing to the deck. The ability to mill 5 as well as add one of the Spell/Traps you may have milled is fantastic for this deck. You could hit a Solar Recharge so that you can go off drawing and milling and winning next turn. Milling 5 with one card is the reason both this and Needlebug Nest are good support cards for this deck. I find 2 to be the right number because it can be dead late game and it isn't a great mill. It also sets you back a turn and takes up your Normal Summon. Still, you can't say no to a mill 5 that will likely replace itself. Play 2 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Card Trooper] Card Trooper has slightly fallen out of favour in a lot of decks because of Kuribandit. Lightsworns also have Raiden now, which some may argue has replaced Card Trooper. However, Trooper still has some things going for it that give it a place in the deck. For starters, it stays on the field, unlike Kuribandit. Also, it is guaranteed to go up to 1900, unlike Raiden. That makes it able to crash into things like Thunder King and Yamato more reliably. It also mills straight away rather than during the End Phase, unlike Kuribandit, so its faster and doesn't set you back quite as much. It doesn't have as much synergy as the others though, so I find that if you're going to play it, don't go for more than 1. Play 0-1 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Honest] What is there to say about Honest? Its broken. Mostly because it beats every other similar card (Bujingi Crane, Kalut etc) and it comes out of nowhere and surprises your opponent and suddenly puts you in a winning position. No wonder its limited. Play 1 [/Spoiler] So far we have a very pure Lightsworn deck, looking like this: Monsters: 3x Judgment Dragon 3x Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner 3x Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn 1-2x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress 1-2x Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden 1-2x Wulf, Lightsworn Beast 1x Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior 1x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter 1x Ehren, Lightsworn Monk 1x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin 2x Kuribandit 0-1x Card Trooper 1x Honest Spells: 3x Solar Recharge 1x Reinforcement of the Army 0-2x Monster Reincarnation 1x Charge of the Light Brigade 1x Foolish Burial Traps: 0 or 3x Needlebug Nest Those who can count have probably realized we haven't made it to 40 cards yet. If we play the high amount of everything we are playing, the deck will be 34 cards. So what do you fill out the rest of the deck with? Well Lightsworns don't like to play most of the staple Traps since they don't want to mill them, so they can be ruled out. Fortunately, there are some very good standalone cards that fit into Lightsworns really well. There are also cards you can add to make different variants of Lightsworns that will fill out the rest of the deck. Standalone Support [Spoiler Gorz the Emissary of Darkness] So, you're not playing Traps. That could leave you open to OTKs right? That's where Gorz comes in. Gorz is a 2700 beatstick that can help you out in a tight spot. It also helps with Kuribandit's downside of leaving you at the mercy of your opponent. Being DARK helps in some variants (I will get to that in a bit). Gorz will always be live and is an OTK stopper. Some builds might be too fast or not have the space for Gorz, but it is still an option. Play 0-1 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Tragoedia] Tragoedia is the same idea as Gorz. It helps prevent you from getting OTKd while still being a monster that isn't terrible if milled. Again, being DARK helps in some variants. Trag also has the advantage of good synergy and can open up some really interesting Synchro or Xyz plays with the deck. You might not have the room for it, but the option is still there. Play 0-2 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Necro Gardna] I initially thought that Necro Gardna was an outdated card that didn't help Lightsworns accomplish their goal and was just a dead draw. However after lots and lots of testing, I've found it to be incredibly useful and it does actually help the deck's goal. For starters, it saves your Raiden for a turn, which is really useful. Then, the most important thing about this card; the existence of Crimson Blader, a card that will basically make you scoop otherwise. If you've got a Necro Gardna prepared for the Blader, your opponent will struggle to stop your explosive plays next turn. Also, Lightsworns take advantage of making their explosive plays AFTER the opponent, and Necro Gardna means they will likely not be able to get game after their explosion, so you have the chance to counter before you lose. I've found 2 works great, but you don't need to play it if you don't think its necessary. Play 0-2 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Soul Charge] So, you have a deck that ditches an absolute tonne of monsters so the Graveyard. Why not play a card that summons them all back and creates ridiculously powerful fields that are almost impossible to get over? Enter Soul Charge. Soul Charge can be used as the final play if all your other power plays were countered and it helps you recover from those kinds of situations. It can be said that Soul Charge in Lightsworns might not be great because it slows them down a turn, makes bad hands worse and good hands better and can be seen as overkill. IMO any more than 1 Soul Charge would do that, but 1 is a good amount to make some really good plays in a pinch. Play 0-1 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Breakthrough Skill] Since you can't play most Traps in this deck, you have to find ones you can get away with playing. Breakthrough Skill is a great card this format because of the dominance of HATs. It negates Artifacts that activate during your turn. Plus, it can do that from the Graveyard, so its still a good card to mill, despite being a Trap. Some variants won't have room and it could get in the way of milling your Lightsworns, but pure variants can easily fill out their deck with a couple of them. If you're not Main-Decking them, Siding them is pretty much essential. Play 0-2 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Black Dragon Collapserpent] Lightsworns suffer from not being able to put more than 1 or two monsters on the board before they go for their JD plays. Collapserpent helps to solve that issue. It is a straight Special Summon from the hand by banishing a LIGHT monster from your Graveyard. Being a Level 4 helps with Synchro and Xyz plays. Being a DARK Dragon helps with both variants of Lightsworns that I will get to later on in the guide. 1800 is a good amount of ATK. Collapserpent gives another dimension to the deck and makes it slightly less reliant on JD to make power plays. However it can cause brick hands and some may see it as unnecessary. Play 0-2 [/Spoiler] Now you can fill out the rest of your pure Lightsworn deck with those cards and get a complete deck. Here is an example of a complete Main Deck for Puresworns. Tinker with it as you will, to suit your personal preferences. Monsters: 25 3x Judgment Dragon 3x Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner 3x Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn 2x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress 2x Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden 1x Wulf, Lightsworn Beast 1x Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior 1x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter 1x Ehren, Lightsworn Monk 1x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin 2x Kuribandit 1x Card Trooper 1x Honest 1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness 2x Tragoedia Spells: 10 3x Solar Recharge 2x Reinforcement of the Army 2x Monster Reincarnation 1x Charge of the Light Brigade 1x Foolish Burial 1x Soul Charge Traps: 5 3x Needlebug Nest 2x Breakthrough Skill Now, Pure Lightsworns are all well and good, but the way the deck works opens them up to variants that may actually prove to be a better way to go. Dragonsworns/Lightsworn Rulers This variant takes advantage of a card that can search Judgment Dragon, Eclipse Wyvern. It also takes advantage of the Dragon Rulers and their ability to work from the Graveyard. [Spoiler Eclipse Wyvern] Eclipse Wyvern is a great card for the deck. It banishes JD from the deck when it is sent to the Graveyard by any means (ie being milled) and adds it to the hand when Wyvern is banished itself. This makes the deck much faster and more consistent as you can get to your main boss monster more easily. If you're making a Dragon variant, 3 is absolutely necessary. Play 3 [/Spoiler] Now we need something to actually banish the Eclipse Wyvern so you can get JD to the hand. This is where the Dragon Rulers come in. [Spoiler Dragon Rulers] These guys just make the Dragonsworn deck work and give Lightsworns a whole new dimension. They help banish Eclipse Wyverns so you get your JD to hand. They also give access to powerful Xyzs and Synchros like Number 11: Big Eye, Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack, Leo, Keeper of Sacred Trees and Star Eater. Blaster and Tidal are the most powerful so they should definitely be played. Tempest is optional if you want the third Dragon Ruler, but I think its unnecessary. Redox should never be played as it doesn't help with OTKing and 4 Rulers are not necessary. Play 1 Blaster, 1 Tidal, 0-1 Tempest [/Spoiler] Now, there is another less obvious card that can be included here that really helps out the build. That card is Lightray Diabolos. [Spoiler Lightray Diabolos] Diabolos is another target for Eclipse Wyvern if you have all the JDs you need or if you've milled some JDs. It is also another Dragon to banish for the Rulers if you need more fodder. It is also Level 7 so it makes Big Eye and Dracossack with the Rulers. Its effect is useful for clearing backrow or getting rid of things like Geargiarmor or Fire Hand. 2 is probably the most consistent number and any more would cause brick hands and it is really just a compliment to JD anyway. Play 2 [/Spoiler] Here is my own personal Dragonsworn build. Its really powerful and really consistent: Monsters: 28 3x Judgment Dragon 2x Lightray Diabolos 1x Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos 1x Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls 3x Eclipse Wyvern 3x Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner 3x Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn 2x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress 2x Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden 1x Wulf, Lightsworn Beast 1x Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior 1x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter 1x Ehren, Lightsworn Monk 1x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin 2x Kuribandit 1x Honest Spells: 9 3x Solar Recharge 2x Reinforcement of the Army 1x Monster Reincarnation 1x Charge of the Light Brigade 1x Foolish Burial 1x Soul Charge Traps: 3 3x Needlebug Nest Chaos Lightsworn/Twilight There are a lot of DARK monsters that go well in a Lightsworn deck and since Lightsworns are LIGHT, that opens up possibilities to include boss monsters such as Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning and Chaos Sorcerer. [Spoiler Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning] Pretty self-explanatory boss of Twilight. He is powerful and can be used to get rid of things that JD can't such as Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons. Its limited, to 1 will have to do. Play 1 [/Spoiler] [Spoiler Chaos Sorcerer] BLS' little brother. He's just as easy to summon but not quite as powerful. He has the advantage of being able to Synchro for Level 8s with Plaguespreader Zombie after he's used his effect though, which is very nice. He's Semi-Limited, so the most you can play is 2. I can't claim to be a complete expert on this variant, but 1 and 2 both seem like good numbers for Chaos Sorcerer to be played at. Play 1-2 [/Spoiler] Now, onto the DARKs that can be played in this variant. We've already gone through Gorz, Tragoedia and Kuribandit and there's really not much more other than Plaguespreader Zombie. [Spoiler Plaguespreader Zombie] Plaguespreader Zombie is a great Level 2 Tuner that can fit into the deck as a DARK monster. He has great plays with Chaos Sorcerer and works really well when milled or discarded with Lumina. 3 is probably too much since the deck already has some consistency issues, so 2 seems the optimal amount. 3 can be used if you want more Synchro options, but I don't think you'll really need them now Raiden and Minerva exist. Play 2 [/Spoiler] With Regards to the Extra Deck... I've only covered the Main Deck so far, which is obviously nowhere near comprehensive enough. The Extra Deck is mostly self-explanatory and it changes slightly with each build, but the important thing is that we have a new Lightsworn monster introduced here. [Spoiler Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn] Michael is a great addition to the Lightsworn arsenal and he is easy to get out with Lumina into Raiden. Michael gives Lightsworns an answer to cards such as Beelze and Stardust Dragon in the Main Deck and every variant can play it. The recycling effect can also save you in a pinch and it is actually pretty useful as long as you keep enough cards in the Graveyard for JD, Diabolos etc. 1 is normally all you have room for but 2 can be played in a pure build. 2 is good because one copy can recycle the other so you always have a Level 7 Synchro to make. Play 1-2 [/Spoiler] Other than that, your Extra Deck is going to include Rank 3 and 4 Xyzs + Rank 7s if you're playing Dragons. Then it will include Level 6, 7 and 8 Synchros, plus Level 10 and 11 if you're playing Dragons. Here are a couple of Extra Decks for an example: Dragonsworn Extra Deck: 1x Ghostrick Alucard 1x Mechquipped Angineer 1x Leviair the Sea Dragon 1x Lavalval Chain 1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight 1x Number 101: Silent Honor ARK 1x Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack 1x Number 11: Big Eye 1x Goyo Guardian 1x Black Rose Dragon 1x Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn 1x Stardust Dragon 1x Crimson Blader 1x Leo, Keeper of Sacred Trees 1x Star Eater Pure Lightsworn Extra Deck: 1x Ghostrick Alucard 1x Mechquipped Angineer 1x Leviair the Sea Dragon 1x Lavalval Chain 1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight 1x Number 101: Silent Honor ARK 1x Abyss Dweller 1x Starliege Paladynamo 1x Goyo Guardian 1x Black Rose Dragon 2x Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn 1x Stardust Dragon 1x Crimson Blader 1x Scrap Dragon Other options could include more generic Rank 4s and also Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand, but I always thought Felgrand was unnecessary in this deck because you're most likely going to win after dropping multiple JDs. Now onto the Side Deck Since Lightsworn is such a powerful deck on its own, many people will side cards such as Black Horn of Heaven, Macro Cosmos, Dimensional Fissure, Skill Drain and Light-Imprisoning Mirror to stop your deck (among other decks). There are also a few matchups you should we worried about, such as Evilswarm, but your side deck is going to include a lot of anti-side cards. Evilswarm has fallen in popularity a lot because of Hands and the new going first rule, so you shouldn't be too worried about it any more. Here is an example of a typical Lightsworn Side Deck: 3x Skull Meister 3x Mystical Space Typhoon 3x Royal Decree 2x Soul Release 2x Breakthrough Skill 2x Xyz Encore The MSTs and Decrees are anti-siding and are useful against matchups like Geargia and anything that can side the flood negation cards that you need to get rid of. Xyz Encore is for Evilswarm Ophion, who you need to get rid of. Evilswarms are a rare sight in competitive play now, but you need to be prepared for the worst. Breakthrough Skill is for Artifacts or decks that summon counters to JD, like Crimson Blader. Skull Meister is your Debunk. Meister is a monster that can be Soul Charged back, so its not bad if its milled. It also activated from hand whereas Debunk has to be set. The most likely time you're going to be using Meister is after you're JD nuke, so Debunk will be gone. Soul Release is for the mirror match and Dragon Rulers to get rid of their setup. Soul Release is a difficult card to side for as well, so be wary of it if you're playing this deck. So why should I play Lightsworns then? I've told you how to go about with your Lightsworn deck building, so why not talk about why? In my opinion Lightsworns will be one of the best decks going into this next format. Their new support and the banlist have helped them considerably and they are actually consistent now if you build your deck right. They also cannot be stopped by most main-decked cards and are extremely likely to win game 1. The floodgate cards are an issue, but you'll be fine against matchups like Bujin who can't side any of them. If you stop one of their early plays, it is likely that they have other plays and the first play was just to bait out a backrow to make room for the push for game. They out-speed every deck by a country mile, too, and are the only deck capable of winning on turn 2 of the game consistently. I win most games with it before my opponent has even had a chance to get off a power play. If you're worried that you're not great at the game, then Lightsworns are a good choice because they are fairly easy to play and they push for the same common goal every game. They are also cheap if you're short of cash. Dracossack might set you back a bit, but the rest won't be any more than about £40 total, as long as you already have some of the basic Extra Deck and Side-Deck staples. Admittedly, of the builds I talked about here, the only one you're going to want to play at a big tournament is Dragonsworn because its the most consistent and powerful by far. Its the only variant that can actually search JD and the Dragon Rulers are too powerful not to take advantage of. The main problems with Lightsworns are the occasional brick hand and the floodgate cards, but this guide has gone over how to lessen that burden. In a major event, the amount of losses from brick hands will be fairly negligible, but if it happens at an important time (like game 3 of a match when you're on the bubble, say) then, well, it happens. All decks get bad hands anyway. Phew, that took a while... I hope it helps people. Everyone is probably gonna suffer from severe tl;dr syndrome, but eh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted July 4, 2014 Report Share Posted July 4, 2014 Well, rep for effort. Thaks man, this may help me when/if I get to building cheap Chaosworn Dragons deck :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I Hate Snatch Steal Posted July 31, 2014 Report Share Posted July 31, 2014 Stupid n00b question: Has anyone tried to make cyber dragon structure deck hybrid lightsworns? I have a feeling that I'd have heard about it already if yes, but on Monday I saw a Dragon Ruler synchro deck with all the rulers in it when I thought that rulers were dead and buried already via the banned list so maybe not? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zauls Posted July 31, 2014 Author Report Share Posted July 31, 2014 Stupid n00b question: Has anyone tried to make cyber dragon structure deck hybrid lightsworns? I have a feeling that I'd have heard about it already if yes, but on Monday I saw a Dragon Ruler synchro deck with all the rulers in it when I thought that rulers were dead and buried already via the banned list so maybe not? If somebody has tried to make a Lightsworn/CyDra combo, they are doing it wrong. Sure, Core likes to be in the Grave, but the deck can't really make that much use out of Cyber Dragon itself, so there's no point. Dragon Rulers + Mythic Dragons is still a pretty good competitive deck, but its completely different to Dragon Rulers of old. Its basically a Soul Charge.dek that has some other cool plays like Felgrand + Dracossack or Level 8 Synchro options. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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