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New to the forum, but not top dueling.


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I'm not trying to troll anyone when I say I'm a Turbo Duelist. I have a motorcycle, well had should I say with a duel disk attached. But for the most part I'm a pretty pro duelist. I live in Newark DE but I like to call it Crash Town mainly because most cars I see around here have major dents in them. Oh yeah and I also make animations!!!

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Welcome to the YCM forum.

Enjoy your stay, make sure you read all of the announcements in each section (because there is important things in there that need to be read) and have fun.


Given you claim to be a pro duelist, have you ever considered testing your skills against some of YCM's best on DN or other places? There are some members here who'd like to spar with you if that's what you'd like.



Anyway, if you have questions, ask one of the mods or a senior member.

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