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Let Raine Appreciate You Thread


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You mean you'll finally care for me? Oh, happy day!


Desu you are the stars in my sky. Oh course, I care for you. Let me forever cradle you in my arms when I feel mildly erotic for letting me act out my messed up fetishes. 

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This seems like a very odd relationship.


YOU SEEM LIKE AN ODD RELATIONSHIP! ...and you will be cherished for it because you are beautiful. You little muffin pumpkin goo goo face! Who's a good boy? You are! Yes, you are! Choochy Coo! Aww, aren't you just f***ing adorable! 

do i get appreciated? c:


I don't have to. The World appreciates you. The President of (Insert Country of Origin Here) as sent his personal, heartfelt, and homoerotic regards for your efforts. See, you are a goddamn hero! The world has been saved by your efforts! We need to get you a damned talk show!

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At the end of days when the world was nothing more than shadows and rock, you were there to show me light. You glittering sun that shines the way for a tomorrow that is sexier and far more interesting than the one before it regardless of the cost of entry and erratic behavior that accompanies it... however I tend to ignore that. 

oh dammit now i have to make a story for this thread


"Oh Raine, I need a Deeeep Dish Pizza," said Holly seductively into the phone. "Ma'am, this is Dominos," replied the speaker. "****," yelled Holly as she put back on her robe and moved to her computer. After swiftly logging into YCM, she noticed a peculiar thread posted by Raine. "My darling, at last, you will appreciate me," she hoped as she quickly typed up a reply. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into weeks, weeks into years, years into decades, decades into centuries, centuries into millennium, mellennium into eons. Then, Raine posted something snarky. And Holly appreciated it and was happy. Raine gave a hug to his monitor so you could feel the sincerity.  

Hey, if your playing one of the Just Dance games, which one?


Just Dance? No no no, I am a professional ballroom dancer. How could you forget? We were secret agents together. We were on the farm where they taught us to end lives! We saved the world over and over again without thanks. Because, we are agents of the dark, doomed to be left from the pages of history but saving them nonetheless. Remember your past! REMEMBER YOUR TRAINING! 

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"Oh Raine, I need a Deeeep Dish Pizza," said Holly seductively into the phone. "Ma'am, this is Dominos," replied the speaker. "****," yelled Holly as she put back on her robe and moved to her computer. After swiftly logging into YCM, she noticed a peculiar thread posted by Raine. "My darling, at last, you will appreciate me," she hoped as she quickly typed up a reply. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into weeks, weeks into years, years into decades, decades into centuries, centuries into millennium, mellennium into eons. Then, Raine posted something snarky. And Holly appreciated it and was happy. Raine gave a hug to his monitor so you could feel the sincerity.  


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I'm never ever going to type anything elaborate. Look at this f***ing guy! How could you not love, all of this! What demon would ever hurt a hair on your pretty little head. The f***!? HOw can someone be thins! IT's not legal! World! Are you watching world!? LOOK AT WHAT YOU MADE! Everything you ever did led up to making this! Be proud, world!

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