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(M15) The Chain Veil


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It actually doesn't since the card says "once this turn". Because of permanent memory, you can only activate it once on planeswalker's ability if you have already used a loyalty ability. 




Sure, let's break planeswalkers, though.

I kept reading that on Mythic Spoiler, but how does it work?

It it is supposed to work with you use Nissa's ability to untap four forests and use Ral Zarek to untap Chain. Blah, blah, infinite turns.


I'll just leave this here: https://twitter.com/mtgRikipedia/status/484208247210274816

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And I'll leave this here


So yes, for the low low cost of 13 mana across 3 colors you can take infinite turns with Nissa and ral



And I'll upgrade your source



And, as an fyi, I think like 90% of the people working on MTG have a twitter, so if you also have one, you should follow them.

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