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Watch Dogs/GTA 5


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Both have mediocre characters and piss-poor stories with worlds that can impress for periods of time before you realize there's not actually a lot to do and you get bored. That's been my experience with them.

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There's a lot of driving. Fast travel would have been cool.


You mean the cab service?


Just watch as the next GTA takes place in the future where teleporters work like the portals from Twilight Princess.

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You're thinking of Sleeping Dogs Thar.  Which is better than either of these.


OT:  Both have stories as technicalities.  They're murder simulators.  


GTAV got universal acclaim because right now being able to "do whatever you want" is very popular.  Freedom usually amounts to just shooting people though.


Watch Dogs was overhyped and in the end is just another GTA. 

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How long do you think til Nintendo's gonna make an open-world Mario game? As in without the concept of "levels" and just being able to access certain areas without going through a portal or something?


I'd buy the sh*t outta that.

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I'd prefer a Mariovania game. We have Zelda for open world-ness. And that will likely have fast travel. ^^


But it is always fun to reconsider different games for other genres.


Kid Icarus Uprising, Zelda II, Metroid Prime, technically all fall under that category. And they're all great games.

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How long do you think til Nintendo's gonna make an open-world Mario game? As in without the concept of "levels" and just being able to access certain areas without going through a portal or something?


I'd buy the sh*t outta that.

Eh, levels add structure.  I honestly don't feel like a seamless world would suit Mario.


A hub world would be fantastic though. 


As for Metroidvania, there's always, you know, Metroid. 

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