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[CFV] Farewell, Pride!


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1 Spark Kid Dragoon
4 Malevolent Djinn
2 Brawler, High Kick Dragon
4 Brawler, Dokouson
2 Eradicator, Blue Gem Carbuncle
4 Brawler, Green Gem Carbuncle

4 Threatening Brawler, Koumei
3 Rising Phoenix
3 Tonfa Wielding Brawler, Ark
2 Eradicator Wyvern Guard, Guld
2 Hardship Brawler, Toshu

3 Brawler, Big Bang Slash Buster
3 Brawler, Skyhowl Dragon
3 Brawler, Youjin
2 Brawler, Big Bang Slash Dragon

4 Brawler, Big Bang Knuckle Buster
4 Brawler, Big Bang Knuckle Dragon

6/6 stands the one of the best chances of finding another Knuckle, especially when used in conjunction with Koumei and Rising Phoenix. The rest of the deck is just purely offensive so you can force your opponent to have to take your attacks with huge power while demolishing their board state.
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  • 2 weeks later...
-1 Ark +1 Koumei

Need more filtering to help me correct hands and find my Knuckles easier. Koumei also helps a lot more early, which is what the deck needs more than anything.

7/5 changed to 6/6

Felt like I need more draw power, but it may be a mistake as I don't think any amount of draws will help the deck's consistency issues.
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