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[M15] Perilous Vault


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You can protect your own stuff with O stone and it comes in to play earlier, although this is better with all the gods running rampant in standard.


In Standard yes.


In Modern, Tron would much rather play than this O-Stone. Protecting your own stuff isn't something that happens often. and 1 additional mana isn't a big problem either.

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I really doubt tron will pick this over O-stone. O-stone is still more flexible and unless boggles or indestructible becomes a t1 deck in modern o-stone still seems like the better choice. 


Edit: I don't know why I said boggles, I cant into keywords.

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In the mirror, Perilous Vault is better for Tron. Stops them from sticking fate counters on their own stuff to avoid your nukes, and neuters their Wurmcoil Engines. Finks and the like are prevalent enough for this to see some play.

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This doesn't have as much application in modern as you might think. It is really only better in the mirror match. The matchups where is would be useful in are Jund and Melira Pod, which Tron already has great matchups against because of OStone and Pyroclasm. This is also significantly slower than OStone, which could hinder Tron. It has one of the best lategames because of its way to play around late hate in Game 2/3 when people are more likely to board them in. This is going to be reliant on those lands too much that just make it weaker. And if you played against GR Torn, you would know that racing is the best way to beat them if you can't grind out easily. Sure, I think it will see play, but don't say it is good because it Exiles instead of Destroys. There are reasons to play it, and the cards that rely on the graveyard either don't matter in match ups or are already busted by much faster/better cards.

Finks doesn't do much against Torn anyways when they run Grove of the Burnwillows. Pod is already just weak, so neutering them and you makes the game worse when trying to race.

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