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Fire Fist Glads

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I would switch Dark Hole and Book of Moon's places. Book is far more disruptive and versatile and also helps your Glads attack over stuff. With Murmillo and Gyzarus, Dark Hole isn't really necessary and is just overkill. You should also be siding Retiari for Graveyard heavy decks.

3 Waboku is probably too much and I would take one out for perhaps a Black Horn of Heaven to get rid of problematic bosses and beatsticks.

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i use to run the same deck. i found that 2 of the lvl 8 glad was too much(sorry drawing a blank on name) bring to 1.

3 chariots is too much with the recycling power go to 2 with that add 2 test tigers. i find them to actually have a use. everything else looks solid.

You run 2 Augustus so you can make Felgrand since you usually don't overlay Nero or Heraklinos.

I agree with 2 Chariot since you usually recycle the same one but I personally run 3 so I can see it as much as possible.
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