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Awakening the Ancient Chaos


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3 The Fabled Cerburrel

3 The Fabled Chawa

3 Tour Guide from the Underworld

2 Black Dragon Collapserpent

2 Fabled Grimro

2 Fabled Kushano

2 Mathematician

2 The Fabled Ganashia

2 White Dragon Collapserpent

1 Edge Imp Scissor

1 Fabled Krus

3 Soul Charge

3 Upstart Goblin

2 Forbidden Lance

3 Legacy of Yata-Garasu

3 Reckless Greed

3 Trap Stun


Might neg lances for Wiretap and neg 1 stun for another Math.


Math is actually better than TGU for getting Kushano a lot of times. Just need to have either Cerburrel or Ganashia in hand when it does it, and I get either the R3 or a Synchro for free.


Deck doesn't drop its hand quite as well as it used to, but it does more with what it does drop now, because there are so many more combo pieces and 2-3 extra combo starters.


Also, in addition to Mathematician and Edge Imp loving each other, Edge Imp also has a thing going with the Babychaos Dragons, because he keeps them from being dead.


So basically they're Armageddon Knight/Plaguespreader/Malicious, but new and more generic overall.


Rest of the deck is same ol, same ol, though I do find myself needing an R3 more than ever, and I also wish I had room for a Level 9 synchro. Tossed 20 in on a whim because I didn't know if I should do it, Fortune Tune, or just double up on Alucard. Probably should double on Alucard, but testing can't hurt.

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Needs guarded trea- *shot*

Also missing Quas- *shot*

Is 3 soul charge clogging at all?

Has yet to.


It's really nice to be able to soul charge back material for Ragin, too. Make Librarian then immediately res it back after and draw 3.

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