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Neo-Dimension Explosion


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If both players control a face-up monster that was Special Summoned from the Extra Deck; Banish all face-up cards on the field that were Special Summoned from the Extra Deck. Neither player can Special Summon monsters from their Extra Deck until your next End Phase after this card's activation.

Let's make a more up to date version of Dimension Explosion, with puns in the card name and all!
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Cool concept, but seems like a situational card and not particularly useful. Due to the last clause, this card can only be properly used in Decks that don't rely on their Extra, otherwise it's not really worth it. Decks that don't rely on their Extra don't tend to be able to pull out an Extra Deck monster easily on demand in order to meet this card's requirement, so there'll be plenty of times where you've drawn this card but can't use it. Last but not least is the problem when facing Decks that don't care much for their Extra Deck monsters or don't Extra Deck summon often, the power of this card diminishes greatly.


Possible fixes would be to make the last clause last only until your next Battle Phase, so that you can still Extra Deck summon during your MP2. Prevents you from taking too much advantage of their sudden loss of monsters by going in for the kill while at the same time making this card more splashable.


Combos with Angel of Zera which is interesting, I guess.

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