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YGOPro Discussion {and such}


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So whats your take on YGOPro? Do you like it or do you prefer something else like DN or maybe something esle?


Id like to know other peoples opinions on this subject as I'm a big Fan of YGOPro, I Love Yugioh, but don't have

the money for my own cards now, and I only know one other person who'd play with me and they don't

have cards either. And its just the easiest way to play with any card i want and study up on rule, OCG,

strategy and all sorts of other things.


A Suggestion?


If you also like YGOPro and maybe are afraid of

random duels, then why not make this a place

to meet people to duel and such, maybe find a play to

discuss tournaments :3








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I'd probably ask to move it to TCG, but go ahead and speak. Mods can just move it if the sections wrong, and it's fine.

That said, PercyPro (YGOPro as you mean it) is probably the worst usable medium for YGO. The players are actually worse than DevPro, somehow.

DevPro is mediocre and usually buggier, but at least the players are marginally better.

DN is better overall, just a little less convenient once bugs are ironed out.

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DevPro is mediocre and usually buggier, but at least the players are marginally better.

lol well i must suck then cause the I suck so bad at it xD plus everyone uses and archtype mostly, but im sure everyone does though

(mostly shadolls)


But I guess Ill leave this till a mod moves or deletes it.


Edit: I think this belongs here because all other TCG stuff is just about cards.

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Tbh, I'm not sure why everyone prefers DN. YGOPro activates all the effects and damage calculations for you, unless I'm missing something from DN.

It simulates real life better, it requires you to know WHY the game works how it does, and it has a better playerbase due to the rating system msotly sifting the scrubs out as you go up.

Also you can proxy.
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Me either, I watch a guy on youtube who declares that DN is terrible and people dont know S*** because they activate wrong effects and dont 

know the rules.


He also says that hes actually learned things that effect his favorite cards that he was doing wrong on DN.




It simulates real life better, it requires you to know WHY the game works how it does, and it has a better playerbase due to the rating system msotly sifting the scrubs out as you go up.

wow....this totally went over my head...that seem totally right. But i guess YGOPro is just more for beginners that then can 

later on move up to DN

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Like I said before, I like YGOPro because of its faster, more to the point nature. No ruling discussions or angry noobs are a blessing, and the time limit (while a bit rigid) prevents stalling. The updates might be a little bit slower, yeah, but they are generally more stable than the Devpro ones. If you're rated high enough in the Checkmate server (I'm around 50 or 60 at the moment) you get to face mostly meta decks, and if you don't care about that you can always go unranked or try the other servers (yeah, you'll see some terrible players now and then, but those are everywhere).


I might give Devpro another chance though, since they seem to host regular tournaments.

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I like the fact that (most) people are nice on YGO. I only got yelled at once but it was there fault anyways hehe.

I like the fact that I can learn my card effects instead of using it wrong and getting trashed because "I cant read".


I also like the fact they have anime cards so you can kinda mix it up with some cards from the show, and you can turn bans on

and off which can help or hurt you.


personally I've never done rank always unranked because its all about having fun and not getting all serious and worked up over a card game.

and i have also never used Devpro, I tried once but was to scared to join a game.

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It simulates real life better, it requires you to know WHY the game works how it does, and it has a better playerbase due to the rating system msotly sifting the scrubs out as you go up.

Also you can proxy.

Good point, but until you know your shit, having everything work itself out in front of you might be a better learning experience. Especially when you do get flamed for your inexperience on places like DN.

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Good point, but until you know your s***, having everything work itself out in front of you might be a better learning experience. Especially when you do get flamed for your inexperience on places like DN.


Yeah I've went in there to many times (shy, and scared i might add) and I did two things wrong and I got yelled at.

Sometimes people take a fun game to seriously for me. 

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